2 percent

Want To Be One Of The 2 Percent?

I’ve just completed the last formal coaching call with the 10 people who took up my offer of personal coaching for $997 in January.

The coaching won’t actually end for them, they have my Skype address for one on ones any time I’m around, and we’ll still do call ins every 4-6 weeks.

And I fully expect to do business with all of them eventually as we’re now good friends.

This is what one of them has just said to me:-

Now that we’ve come to the end of the coaching calls, I just wanted to say thank you very much for all of them, and for being so genuine and honest!

Yesterday’s call I believe was the most crucial, and I take on board what you said about documenting everything – great tip. It feels like I’ve done loads already and in fact I haven’t even started yet! So I can only imagine the headache for those who are successful to have to re-think how they got there.”

And another one…


You are an absolute STAR. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

The 10 guys and gals who got the $997 deal have really got the best of me and I won’t be repeating that deal ever.

They are now amongst the 2 percenters, the people who take action and make money online instead of dreaming about it.

In two posts in February, I said I would take on just 10 more people starting in April.

This new programme will be by email only, Monday to Friday.

Like the other 2 percenters, you’ll get all my business tools and processes for free as they’re released, for as long as you remain on the programme.

You can ask me any question about setting up and running a profitable internet business, and I’ll answer it for you.

The cost for the programme is $300 / month, and under my guidance you may well be earning your full time income from home in 12 months or less. There’s no way I can guarantee that, because you may not take action, but I know that it’s achievable if you apply yourself.

For your money, you’ll get access to me by email Monday – Friday, and I’ll answer your questions within 2 business days.

Join my email coaching programme.

There are 10 slots with 14 people already on the waiting list.

When I announce the programme is open this coming Thursday 24th April, it will be first come first served.

If you are one of the first 10 people to subscribe to a $300 / month payment, you will get a slot. Anyone else will have their money refunded.

As part of this deal, you will also receive all of my business processes as they become available. These business processes alone may well be worth several thousand dollars to you over the coming 12 months.

When the ten places are gone, I may release a further coaching package later in the year.

That later coaching package will be priced at $10,000 / year, again by email only, and probably only answered once a week. I may not include my business tools, or at least only include a smaller selection of them. I will include all my business processes.

This is what Alex Jeffreys of Post Launch Profits has said here on this blog:-

For anyone reading this comment,

I’ve been lucky enough to have had email support from Frank throughout 2007

and the results has added thousands of dollars into my bank.

he has taught me a lot about making money online…

…so if you get the chance to be one of the 10 lucky members GRAB IT WITH BOTH HANDS,

Thanks for your support Frank.

Alex Jeffreys”

If you’re serious about working from home and running your own profitable internet business, then fill in the form below to stand a chance of getting one of the slots.

-Frank Haywood

Want to be one of the 2 percent?

Sign up below to get first notification of when my ecoaching goes live this coming Thursday 24th April.

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

This Is Just Beautiful

Following on from my post on Saturday about someone unsubscribing because they missed an email (which is a deliciously ironic case of cutting his nose off to spite his face), I also received yet another unsubscribe.


Here’s the reason he gave.

“I think charging a fee to read a blog post is outrageous.”

Now there’s a guy who isn’t using his brain, and also being completely hypocritical to boot.

The mailing list he’s on is for my digital delivery product, SmartDD.

Therefore by association, he must be a provider of either software or ebooks, or information of some kind. So he’s a vendor of information, he sells info products.

But, he thinks it’s outrageous that someone else should want to charge for information.

I just checked the size of the blog post I made about my techniques in rising to page 1 in the search engines that I’m now charging for. It’s 18,308 characters and comes to 3,387 words.

I’ve paid $47 for reports that were a third of the size of that, and nowhere near as valuable.

Prediction: He will never make any substantial money online.

Why? In his core, he believes information holds no value. If he has no respect for information, then he’ll never appreciate its true worth.

I hesitate to write this, but… what a loser.

If he doesn’t appreciate it, then that feeling will come across to his customers. He’ll be the guy who believes the lowest price always wins.

Consequently, he’ll never make any money, and never be independent.

But that’s okay.   Only 2% of people ever do apparently.  98% would rather complain, make excuses and do nothing.

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

2% Own All The Worlds Wealth

I remember reading a report just over 12 months ago that said that 2% of the worlds population owned more than 50% of the total world wealth, and that people in the top 5% owned pretty much most of it.

I also read a short report on a study by (I think, not sure) the London School of Economics that said if all the estimated world wealth were to be divided equally, then it would amount to about £10,000 ($20,000) for every man woman and child alive at the time.

The report went on to say that if the money were actually given out in that way, ie level the playing field for everybody, then in 10 years or less, 2% of the worlds population would own the best part of it.

Stunning isn’t it? Even if it’s not completely accurate, it’s certainly food for thought.

Why would that be though?

My guess is that it’s because only 2% ever actually do anything to achieve that. The rest are too concerned with “entertaining” themselves and occupying their minds with gossip and drivel.

I used to be like that. I said to one of my offline friends just a few months ago how I thought I’d been walking around in a foggy dream all my life. And how things are clearer to me now than they’ve ever been.

I know he didn’t get it.

To be fair, I think he became concerned about my mental health when I said it. But I believe that’s because he’s so used to living the way of life that 98% of people live, that anything else just isn’t “normal”.

I know for a fact that when people ask me what I do for a living, they just don’t understand. It does not compute.

They’ve been programmed so well by their parents and by observing the social proof of all the other sheep in the world doing the same things, that they have little chance of ever becoming wealthy themselves.

Here’s what I believe is the fundamental difference between the 2% and the 98%.

The 2% watch, think, learn, and then they act on what they’ve learned.

The 98% watch and watch and watch.

Have you watched and taken action? Have you taken any steps towards building or even starting your internet business today?

Or do you just prefer to watch?

If you’ve decided to take action, then why not join my email coaching?

My current coaching programme is full, and is the best deal I’ll ever do for anyone. Those 10 people have access to me by Skype to ask for assistance any time they like, and they get a weekly call in where we cover a business topic.

They also get all my business tools and processes for life for free. I have a lot of new software coming out this year and you’ll start to see some of it this coming few weeks.

It was the ultimate deal, and they acted on it. I’ll never repeat it.

But it’s not too late to get the next best deal.

In April, I’ll be taking on just 10 people for an alternative coaching programme. It’s not as good as the first one, but still incredible value.

This new coaching programme will be by email only, Monday to Friday. Again, you’ll get all my business tools and processes for free as they’re released, for as long as you remain on the programme.

You can ask me any question about setting up and running an internet business you like, and I’ll answer it for you.

The cost for the programme will be $300 / month, and under my guidance you may well be earning your full time income from home in 12 months or less. There’s no way I can guarantee that, because you may not take action, but I know that it’s achievable if you apply yourself.

Join my email coaching programme.

There are 10 slots with 9 people already on the waiting list from a post I made three weeks ago.

When I announce the opening, it will be first come first served.

The first 10 people on that list to subscribe to a $300 / month payment will get a slot. Anyone else will have their money refunded.

I may do further coaching by email at a later date, but that will be a $10,000 / year subscription.

If you’re serious about working from home and running your own internet business, then fill in the form below to stand a chance of getting one of the slots.

-Frank Haywood

Want to be one of the 2%?

Sign up below to be notified when my email coaching becomes available.


Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

Your Big Steel Ball

I’ve been thinking about the Big Steel Ball, so I thought I’d share that with you today.

Your business, your success, is like a big steel ball.

I’d like you to take a few moments and imagine your business is a big steel ball, it’s as big as you, and it’s incredibly heavy. It’s so heavy that it won’t roll on the slightly uneven ground underneath it. It’s just completely stuck.

Most people give up and walk away. They’re the 98 percenters who will forever be the employees, the worker bees that our society needs, and they will never do anything “great” with their lives.

The other 2 percent – that’s us right? – well the other 2 percent try to push the ball anyway. Success depends on it.

It won’t move. It just will not budge. But you keep at it regardless.

Pushing, sweating, straining, and suddenly, it gives just a little and rocks back into place. Now you’ve seen it move, you’ve had your first success, so you strain against it again, pushing, pushing, and eventually it rocks again and you push harder and it starts to move.

Gradually, the huge steel ball that’s your business starts to move. Now that it’s moving, it’s easier to keep it going, but it’s still taking a lot of work. But you keep at it relentlessly, because you’ve seen that you can do it.

As the ball picks up speed, it’s now easier to keep it moving, and it starts to go faster and faster. Now it’s moving as fast as you can walk, and all you need to do is give it a slight tap now and then to keep it on track.

Eventually, you have to run to keep up. The steel ball is off on its own. It doesn’t need you any more, because along the way, other people (employees, contractors, friends) have joined in, and they’re pushing your steel ball for you.

It’s still your steel ball, it’s just not your responsibility any more. And you have the freedom to go do whatever you like with your life, knowing the steel ball is being well looked after by other people.

That’s your goal, that’s what you’ll achieve, just by being relentless and not giving in at the first resistance.

Isn’t that worth it?

Isn’t it worth making that first decision to push and then getting someone to show you how to push your steel ball to begin with?

Well, that’s part of what my personal coaching is about.

It’s not for everybody, and I no longer advertise it.  But if you really want it, then there’s your first pot hole.  Can you get me to coach you?

– Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business