Month: January 2012

Multiple Streams Themes 001

Offer Closed


Today Friday 13th January at 6.00pm I’m running a final sale for Multiple Streams Themes ONE.

This has come about because in the last two weeks I’ve been asked by several people how the Ads Manager plugin works, and that’s then lead onto the videos I did for the original Multiple Streams Theme.

I’ve then had emails come back saying something along the lines of “Oooh!  That’s NICE!  I want that theme!”

Well okay.  I have to say that looking at it again, this first one is secretly my all time favourite.

It just looks really good.  😉

Anyway, as I said this is the original theme that first introduced the idea of owning a site that you could quickly set up to pull in Multiple Streams of income.  Hence the name.

The interesting thing is (and I’ve never tried to hide this), I *stole* the original idea from Jimmy Brown after he closed his site down and moved onto different things.  I thought it was a great idea (and still is) and I’ve pursued it ever since.

The theme has umpteen widgetised areas (sidebars) and supports WP 3.x custom menus, and included with the theme are the Ads Manager and Redirection plugins.

It comes with 8 small ads and 3 wider ads, and included are the Photoshop PSDs and also no-text PNG versions of them so you can add your own text to the ads with your favourite graphics editor or one of the online graphics services.

It really is a cool looking theme.

Today at 6.00pm GMT (1.00pm EST), I’m running a final 25 copies only sale for MST001 available for just $10.

You can see the theme in action here:-

and see some videos of how to set it all up here:-

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

Multiple Streams Theme 007

Offer Closed


Today Friday 6th January at 6.00pm I’m running a final pre-release sale for Multiple Streams Themes Seven.

If you purchased this earlier last year in a pre-order sale, I sincerely apologise for the delay.  You can now go back to your personal download page and grab it plus pick up a little bonus I promised to those who pre-ordered and then ended up waiting a loooong time for it.

I finally (!) managed to get the original designer of the theme to do the conversion (after 2 attempts by others) and he’s done a great job of it.

He’s actually come up with a better method of adding a slider to the front of the blog under the header, and in fact it’s so nice now that I’ve made plans for where to use it myself on one of my sales sites.

I just have to bundle it all up with PSDs, banners etc and it’s ready to go.

Speaking of which, it comes with a nice selection of pre-designed banners including blank JPEGs / PNGs and PSDs for them, plus umpteen sidebars, an additional page template, plus plugins (Ads Manager, Redirection, Squeeze Page Templates), and a set of theme options too.

The theme options allow you to turn on and off the featured content and top boxes and change footer text. The theme also supports the WP 3.x features of custom menus.  And finally, we’ve included a really nice slider area at the top under the menu where you can place presentational images, extra ads etc.

You can place content including an image into the slider simply by making a new post and then putting it into a category called “featured”.  The theme will then pick up the first part of the text of the post and place it in the slider area – it’s really cool.

If you want to add an image as part of the content of the slider, then you can use the built in WordPress “Featured Image” functionality just by editing the post and clicking “Set Featured Image”.  You can then upload or choose an image from the library just as you would when adding any image to WordPress.

If you use an image with a transparent background then it will cleanly overlay and merge with the bacground of the theme.

It’s amazingly simple to do and the results are stunning.

I’m going to use it as a showcase on one of my own sites, so watch out for that shortly.

Today at 6.00pm GMT (1.00pm EST), I’m running a final 25 copies only sale for MST007 available for just $10.

(I’m also re-opening Affiliate Click Pal this weekend for those people who’ve written to me to say they missed it last week because they were away.  Fair enough.  I’ve made another 10 copies available and that will close when they’re gone.)

In the meantime you can see the MST007 theme in action here:-

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business, software, WordPress Themes