2 for 1 Redirection Plugins

Today at 6.00pm GMT (1.00pm EST) I’m kicking off a 48 hour sale for two cracking little plugins.

Yes it’s a “twofer” (2 for 1) sale starting at just $10.

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These plugins are so good that in fact I’m using them to automatically manage the start and end of this sale, that’s where my faith is in them.

So what do they do?

Between them they manage the run up to, start, and the end of sales promotions or any special events you might wish to run. And once set up they do it all automatically for you so you don’t have to worry about manually making your event live.

The first plugin is called Countdown Redirect and displays a countdown timer on your blog which you can fully style to suit your site using HTML. You can add a shortcode either to a page or post to display the timer and your message.

When the countdown reaches zero then the plugin automatically refreshes the page and then redirects the visitor to the target page of your special event.

But better than that…

There’s also a separate short code you can add to a sidebar – this one doesn’t trigger a redirect, it’s for info only. But you do get the option to show before and after HTML as well as the timer itself.

That means you can do clever stuff like show the timer, and then when it counts down you can show some other HTML such as a message and link to the page you want people to go to if they’re on the front of your blog.

And you can even use both widgets together. In fact that’s exactly what I’ve set up for this sale today.

The second plugin is called Post UnPublisher and it does what you would expect it to do given the name.

You know how WordPress will allow you to set a date and time for a post or page to be published? But what it won’t do is allow you to set a date and time to *unpublish* them? What a crazy omission by the WP development team.

Now there have been plenty of instances where I’ve had to manually remove or amend pages when the offer I was running there expired – it’s a pain.  And there have also been other circumstances where I’ve wanted to redirect visitors to another page explaining that the offer is closed rather than just see a 404 page.

So I had Post UnPublisher created that will do either of those automatically when the sale or event is over. (It works with pages too.)

You can choose a date and time to unpublish your post or page, and optionally a URL to redirect visitors to. If you don’t specify a URL, then the plugin will just show the standard WordPress 404 page.

Brilliant! (If you don’t mind me saying so.) And exceptionally useful too.

It makes an ideal complement to 60 Second Sales Pages and the Page Template Plugin and gives you an extra level of control.

The 2-for-1 sale starts at 6.00pm GMT (1.00pm EST) and will last until the early hours of Friday morning.

Both plugins are just $10 for the pair and they will only be sold individually after the sale is over.

If you’re on this page when the sale starts then you’ll see the countdown timers hit zero and you’ll get redirected to the sales page. Pretty cool eh?

Just make sure you’re here right before 6.00pm GMT and you’ll see what happens when it kicks off.  😉

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood

1 comment

Joe Denholm

Frank, I am ADDICTED to the plugins you release – I don’t mind telling you that. And these sound like just what I’ve been looking for to get round a problem I didn’t realise I had. I haven;t got everything up and running yet but I know I want to use these plugins when I get my first sale going.

Is there some way I can just pay you so much each month and get everything you release without having to wait though? I’m telling you I want EVERYTHING you release and I love it when you run these sales. I could do with a bit more notice though, hint hint.

Yours are the only emails I read now as I’m fed up of all the BS. You’re the only sane marketer around as far as I can tell and I really like the way you write, theres no hype, no nonsense and you just give us good choices and great stuff. A big thanks for the breath of fresh air you bring. I could read an email from you every day and I can’t wait for you to start some coaching or mentoring or something like that, I’d sign up in a flash.