Update: The sale at $17.00 for the superb Magic Styles plugin is now live.
On the 27th March at 6.00pm GMT (2.00pm EST/EDT) I’m launching a new plugin called Magic Styles that you WILL want to install on all your blogs.I’m VERY pleased with it.
There’s no doubt in my mind that if you continue reading this post about Magic Styles, then you’ll want it. It’s one of those universal “use everywhere” plugins. So if you don’t want to buy it then don’t read any further because there’s no going back once you’ve seen what it can do. 😉
Before someone points it out to me, yes it’s very similar in aspirations to Big Ed (if you have that other plugin of mine) and allows you to easily add a number of different boxes, buttons, bullets and notices to your blog posts and pages.
Where Magic Styles differs from Big Ed is that it’s a “lighter” touch on your blog (and editor), has a different set of abilities, and it’s very nice at what it does. (You can use both Magic Styles and Big Ed together if you wish.)
Yes it will do things that Big Ed can’t do (and vice-versa), and even nicer is that you can use them both together if you want to – it’s fair to say that Magic Styles is complementary to Big Ed.
Built in it has:-
- 13 different button styles
- 9 check marks to go on the buttons (optionally none)
- Editable button text and a URL
- 13 different fixed size testimonial boxes
- Optional photo URL for testimonials
- Left, right and none aligments for testimonial photos
- 5 different “notice” box styles in pastel colours
- 9 check marks to go inside the notice box (optionally none)
- Left, right and center alignments for notice box text
- 12 different check marks for bulleted lists
(The bullets above were enhanced with Magic Styles.)
It’s ideal for brightening up and making more interesting your regular posts and pages.
Here are examples of the different styles it can add to your posts and pages.
There are 13 different button styles and they can be left, center or right aligned. There are 9 icons you can choose from to go onto the buttons, or optionally no icon. You can edit the button text on each one and choose a URL for the button click.
There are a selection of 13 different testimonial boxes. You can add photo images of the people who have given you testimonials and optionally left or right align them. Some of the boxes can be used as Johnson boxes.


Finally, a selection of bullet points. There are 12 different check marks for the bullets – here they all are. Some of these are also used elsewhere in the plugin as you’ve probably gathered by now.
- Alert.
- Arrow.
- Asterisk.
- Bulb.
- Cancel.
- Check.
- Clock.
- Cross.
- Lock.
- New.
- Plus.
- Star.
I hope you agree this is a very cool plugin and one you’ll want to put in your arsenal.
The sale will go live on Wednesday 27th March at 6.00pm GMT (2.00pm EST/EDT) with the first 50 copies on sale at $10 – well worth it.
I fully expect these first 50 to go in the first hour or two, and then the price will rise and rise again as further copies are sold. The sooner you get here the lower the price – customers have told me they like this and like the excitement of getting the best deal so that’s what we’re going to do.
More news tomorrow together with a short video of it in action.
-Frank Haywood