WordPress Affiliate Pages Nickel Sale Now Live

You can find it here:-


The sale will last until Sunday 5th July at 7.00pm GMT – that’s 74 hours from the time of this post

UPDATE #1: I fixed the link to the videos – REFRESH your download page. Sorry.

UPDATE #2: I’ve now added 12 brand new WordPress themes to the download page.

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood


Jason Anderson

Hi Frank, I just purchased (and read) your report. Two thumbs up!! Your report is, as you say, very simple but the information in the report is very valuable.

You did an excellent job in explaining things in very simple terms and that’s exactly what I wanted. I wasn’t looking for a lot of fluff. Thanks for keeping the report short, sweet, and informative.

Great job!!

Take Care,

Jason Anderson


I have a problem with your report. I just can’t seem to finish it! I read one page and then get distracted by all the ideas that come into my head on how to use what you teach!

I am going to have to get a notebook to write down all the ideas! Very informative and yet easy to understand. Great job. Now I have a lot of “work” (fun) ahead of me!


Hi Frank,
Great info in your report!
The gist of everything is in Video 3 – WAP – How It Works