On Tuesday 16th September, I’ll be making available 10 Private Label Rights (PLR) licences for SmartDD LITE.
The PLR licence will allow you to do what you like with SmartDD LITE other than sell PLR yourself.
Well… How much should I charge? Leave a comment and let me know.
If I don’t get any comments I’ll choose a price depending on what I believe it’s worth. I already have a price in mind that I believe is fair, but I’d like to see what you think.
The sale will be first come first served.
-Frank Haywood
Hi Frank
Since some bottomfeeder is going to come along and buy your plr I would charge the max price you can. The day after you sell the plr it will be $7 on some idiots site.
Good Luck
Dear Frank,
i love your idea on it´s first sight!
On it´s second:
i do NOT understand, why you do NOT make such an offer to your existing SmartDD-Full customers.
all in one the functionallity of LITE is not wild because of using limited sites.
And it is not developed any further!
And one is obliged to use Paypal.
1. I think the LITE version on PLR should be a BONUS for the new version of Full AND only for upgrading customers.
2. New version 3 customers would get it at a reasonable price.
This is marketing the way i prefer.
Not only squeezing one and the same thing for more and more and ……………….
Is this kind of BIZ correct?
Normally you get oldest software on magazine cd´s for free.
PLR is sometimes not the “koscher” argument and even not MRR.
I would discuss about this more private and intimitate. I do NOT want make your customers like you do NOT want to.
Well I might have a few people moaning at the figure I believe PLR of this kind to be valued at!
At the end of the day, you just need to rebrand the product and you’ve almost instantly got a ‘new’ product to go out and sell! But then on the other hand, you could have a few changes made to the software, maybe you have an idea for something that Frank is missing out on in SmartDD itself…or maybe you just want to improve on what Frank DOES have.
Anyway, I recon for this PLR, a minimum of $47 would have to be in place. I think it’s fair enough, and Frank might also agree! – It’ll be interesting to see what others have to say!
Unfortunately I’m not very technical and am petrified to install a script like SmartDD LOL.
However what I have seen and read about SmartDD I thin it is a great bit of kit so much so it’s the only digital delivery system I promote to my list.
I would expect to see a prive for PLR on this at at least $197.00.
Some may think this a rather high price tag, but at least it will try and protect the integrety of the developers and the script itself. If people want to purchase the PLR in order to get a sofware writer to make some changes, my opinion is if they can afford a software developer, they can afford to pay a decent price for the PLR to SmartDD Lite.
Frank I hope whoever does purchase the PLR respects what you and Paul have done to get such a great product developed.
Take care
I got MRR to it already, it would be really nice having PLR to it at a good price. I would love to hack some of the source code, even though I got other digital cart systems with source code and PLR to them already.
I would love PLR at $5 but your not going to do that I’m sure, it is the lite rev but your limiting it to 10 PLR’s so that helps. What you want to really know, is what the highest we would pay for it.
At $47 I may be would take it, but no way I would pay $197 for the lite rev PLR. Anyone getting PLR to it, would not be wise to just rename it as everyone knows SmartDD lite already. That would be bad biz, for anyone wanting to keep selling other stuff.
Interesting approach to find out what the market might bear for pricing, Frank.
My own take on it is that to anyone who is really in a position to do something with this PLR (which won’t be many people, that’s for sure) the price is unlikely to be that much of an issue.
For everyone else (probably 8 of the 10) the price will determine whether they buy. Knowing the price of something, but not its value, is something many of us struggle with.
So I’m not going to answer your original question. I think I’d like to comment on what the *value* of the PLR might be.
In the right pair of hands, with some effort, I think it could be worth $100,000 in revenue over the next 12 months quite easily. With good ideas and serious effort, I seriously believe it could be worth $250,000
What I can’t decide is whether my hands might be one of the right pairs. The temptation is killing me, but your post about focus and working on one project until it’s completed rings so very true in my ears.
I have a number of ideas that could make SmartDD Lite PLR extremely usable, easy and profitable for new customers. But do I have the time and energy?
I guess I’m going to find out on Tuesday whether I think I have!!
Valda, you’ve got a point with that price tag! I was going to say $97 instead of the $47 that I did happen to mention, but it’s because something told me that in my head!
It’s kinda got a thing to do with what Jim said! Unless a minimum price has been set, you will just see someone selling it the next again day maybe not even for $7!
Some more input for you to think about Frank! 😉
I think $47.00 would be a fair price.
If it helps, SmartDD Lite is being sold on Ebay for $5.99 + £1.99pp
Hi Frank, I purchased the SmartDD Pro from you a couple years ago. When I bought it, it came with all & any upgrades Free for Life. Will this new PLR for SmartDD Light be considered as an upgrade?
Money is money I guess. I would not have purchased Smartdd Lite Resale Rights if I had known you were now giving it away free on your site and now doing this. It’s your sandbox play by your own rules. Your now reluctant customer.
Hi Frank
It’s an interseting approach to try and find out what price people are willing to pay for the lite version.
I too have seen SmartDD on eBay for $5.99 + £1.99pp and that is always going to be a problem, when someone undervalues a product for a quick buck.
I reckon $47 would be a fair price and what I would be willing to pay, but would like to see some sort of restriction to prevent the underselling etc.
All the best
Amin proposes looking at it from a revenue perspective then gives some rather large six figure numbers for a year’s worth of sales. Do we know that Frank made that kind of money on the original?
Hey Frank,
This sounds like an awesome idea! I have been profitably using SmartDD for over a year now, and I’d LOVE a license for the PLR Rights to even a “lite” version (although it would be even sweeter to have the PLR rights to the current FULL version 2.0!How much would THAT cost me?!?)
Given the current market trend, (people are definitely buying less while the economy tumbles) and the current prices of any comparable software available, I’d put a price tag on it of $97 — but then, I’m not exactly sure how “lite” the offering will be, nor do I know what kind of profit margin or “angle” you’re looking for by offering only 10 licenses. Perhaps my price is totally out of whack with your idea — but you asked for suggestions, (and, BTW, I concur with the person who mentioned “bottom feeders, selling at $7 the day you offer them the license – so I would suggest you set up the wording of your licenses accordingly), and there’s mine!