Human behaviour – the amount of people who read something but don’t absorb the information that’s there in black and white and instead choose to apply their own take, often wrong.
What’s that all about? What’s going on there?
I DO know that we all walk around with filters (prejudices) over our eyes and we see the world as we expect to see it based on those filters. But why would anybody read something, forget or distort vital parts of it, make a decision based on that distortion, and then whine it isn’t what they thought it was?
Well no, of course it isn’t.
It’s quite often actually what it is, not what it was wanted to be.
Just the facts, just the truth.
If you already know what I’m talking about and see that behaviour in the people around you, you’ll now be smiling quietly to yourself (or shouting “YES!” at your monitor). If you don’t, then watch the world closely and one day you WILL see exactly what I’m talking about.
-Frank Haywood
I know exactly what you mean!
It has occured to me that people do not only see what they want to see but see what they expect to see. John Wilkes once told me there is no other way but to tell people what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you just told them. He then sighed and said of course you will still get someone come back and say, “but why didn’t you tell me that?”
When it comes to perception here is a true story. The top hat was designed and first worn by John Hetherington, a London men’s tailor, in the 1840s. It was evident from the very beginning that the top hat was no ordinary hat. The first time that Hetherington wore the hat in public, women screamed and fainted, horses panicked and crowds gathered. It caused an uproar which led to his arrest and subsequent fine of fifty pounds, a fortune in those days. A law was also passed forbidding the wearing of the top hat in public on the grounds that it frightened people of a timid disposition.