social marketing

iSurvey Plugin

Update: The sale for the iSurvey plugin for WordPress is now live at just $10.00 for the first 48 hours or 48 copies, whichever comes first.

This deal will then rise to $27.00.

Buy now


The iSurvey plugin is designed to help you list build virally, and yes it’s mobile friendly / responsive.  😉

Demo Page

It enables you to quickly put up simple surveys on your blog so that you can find out what your visitors or customers really want. As well as being able to set up the questions, there are also a ton of options in the admin panel to allow you control over the look and feel of your surveys.

o Select colours, images, borders and other design options
o Optionally upload your own background photos and logos
o Text, textarea, radio and checkbox questions
o All major social sharing buttons at survey completion
o Optional auto URL redirect at survey end
o Fully widgetised – design your own to suit the location
o Add surveys to widgets
o Create multiple widget design with a single survey
o Add widgets to pages and posts as well as sidebars (TinyMCE button)
o Display widgets as popups with optional lightbox effect
o Display different widgets by posts and pages
o Display widgets globally and on the home page
o View individual survey results

There are widget options to enable you to add a widget to a widgetised area if you wish, and you can also add the same widget to pages and posts via a button in the TinyMCE editor.

There’s even a built in popup with an optional lightbox effect.

To support the popup functionality, you can either set global options for the home page and also for every page and post, OR there’s a new admin block in pages and posts to allow you to select the survey popup you want to display to your visitor for that page or post only.

You can create your survey using four essential question types.

#1 – A simple text field for asking for information like name, email address, etc.

#2 – A longer textarea field for more complete information such as “What do you think of…?” types of questions.

#3 – Radio button questions for getting the survey taker to select one of a list.

#4 – Checkbox style questions for asking the user to select all that apply.

And at the end of the survey there’s a full complement of social sharing buttons to help make your survey go viral, or you can optionally auto-redirect them to another URL.

Here’s an example of how you could use it, and make it go viral for you.

You promise to give everyone who completes the survey something you think they want such as a downloadable report or a short video showing them how to do something useful.

When they complete the survey you give them the promised item and tell them that when you have enough people complete the survey, then you’ll give everyone who completed it something even better (you decide what). You then say that to help this happen would they mind sharing the survey using one of the share buttons?

And if your offer is attractive enough, it goes viral. More and more people take the survey and share it and on it goes.

Here’s another example.

If you’re already gathering names and email addresses via paid advertising, then you could even set up a series of surveys as landing pages for your campaigns together with your offer. At the end of the survey you could then either leave the sharing active as described in the previous example, or choose to use the redirect feature to send them to a CPA page or to a product or service you’re promoting.

And one final example.

You could send your existing lists through the surveys you’ve created as part of your autoresponder sequence. You would design each survey to promote interest in the visitor for the type of product you’re promoting. In other words, send them to a survey about list building, and at the end give them a short report about list building with your affiliate links in it, and/or place a link on the final page to take them to the key list building product you’re promoting.

The upshot is, by getting people to fill in short fun surveys you can also make them mentally “change gear” and get them to start thinking about the product you’re promoting at the end of the survey, while also getting valuable information about what it is they want from this kind of product.  😉

Cool eh?

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business, social marketing, software, wordpress plugins

Dynamic Contest Creator Plugin

Update: The sale for the Dynamic Contest Creator plugin is live at just $17.00.

It will eventually rise to $27, so now is probably the best time to get it.

Buy now


Demo contest here. Please note this ISN’T a real competition.  😉

Here’s a list of features.

o Optional list building via autoresponder service integration.
o Optional gathering of name and email addresses via plugin.
o Set date/time for contest start, end, and award announcements.
o Set the number of winners.
o Optionally restrict to WP subscribers only.
o One entry per user, IP address controlled.
o Unique referring link for each user to promote.
o Full customisation of all text fields including error messages.
o Optionally upload your logo and product images.
o Built in product image slider.
o Add your own question and answers.
o Four different template layouts.
o Six colour themes.
o Thirty-seven great looking fonts built in.
o Optionally set your own background image.
o Contestant sharing via optional social network integration:

– FaceBook
– Twitter
– Google+
– LinkedIn
– Tumblr
– Pinterest
– StumbleUpon
– Digg

o Contestant sharing by email and referral link.
o Winner selection via button click.
o Email send to winners.
o Fully loaded statistics section.


It’s a HUGE plugin that helps you list build by running competitions where the winners are those who refer the most other entrants to you. I would also recommend that you give every entrant at least something so that everybody wins.

We all like to win stuff, right?

In other words you’re adding a touch of excitement to what would normally be a giveaway list building exercise that normally isn’t there.

You’ve probably seen this kind of thing done on TV where a gameshow will advertise a competition in the ad break. The questions are so easy that hardly anyone ever gets them wrong, and often they’re multiple choice to make it even easier.

As for the competitions themselves, they’re impossible not to get the question right. 😉

With the Dynamic Contest Creator plugin, if the entrant selects the wrong answer, they’re told right away so they can have another go.

When they finally get the right answer, they’re asked for their name and email address, and I would also suggest that you tell them to start sharing the competition with their friends via the social networks and through email. They get a unique referring link to enable them to do this.

So there’s two key aspects to this plugin, but it’s up to you if you use them both.

#1 – Optional – Give everyone a prize. We all like to win stuff.
#2 – Give the people with the most referrals something extra.

Once you have their name and email address, then you can send them emails to get them to promote the competition, and even enhance it by adding in unadvertised prizes to build the excitement.

And of course, you can send your new list promotional offers for which you are an affiliate.

Everybody wins, and that’s the kind of thing I like, and I hope you do too.

I’ll get some tutorial videos up on Monday and cover each section in turn. Don’t worry though, it’s very much self-explanatory and a few minutes experimentation and you’ll know your way around it.

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business, list building, social marketing, software, wordpress plugins

Magic Locker Plugin

Update: The sale for the very cool Magic Locker plugin is now live at just $12.50 for the first 25 copies.

Buy now


Today, Thursday 14th November at 6.00pm GMT (1.00pm EDT) I’m releasing a plugin called Magic Locker.

The idea with this plugin is you let readers view MOST of your content on a page or post but withhold some of it until they share or like the page on a social network.

This will generate MORE traffic, MORE subscribers and MORE customers.

That’s the basis of it, but let’s look at this in more detail.

Some people won’t like what you’ve done and won’t share your page if they don’t know part of what it is that they’re sharing.

So why not give them some alternatives?

There are some built into Magic Locker that should satisfy everybody.

You can optionally make them wait a number of seconds you define and the content will reveal itself.

Or you can tell them that if they become a WP subscriber then all content on your site will be unlocked. If you have a membership plugin then you could get them to join the membership and with most membership plugins it also makes them WP subscribers too.

And here’s something I’m going to be doing myself. Wait for it…

If you have something to sell, then give people a choice to get it for less IF they’ll share the page.

So put your product up with a buy button for say $27, and tell your visitors they can get $10 off just for sharing the page. Then either put a second buy button or a discount code if your script supports it.

Cool idea eh? Watch me start using it on all my sites.

Giving people a simple either/or choice always works.

Those that don’t want to share it will pay the higher price – them’s your rules – and those that don’t mind will go ahead and share it and get the very nice discount thank you very much!

It’s a win-win either way, and we all like that don’t we?  😉

You can also lock all sorts of content, not just text. Images and videos can be locked too, as well as payment buttons and coupons. I have another idea that I need to test out first, and I’ll share it with you when I’m ready.


The sale starts today 14th November at 6.00pm GMT, and you can do one of two things.

#1 – Be one of the first 25 people to get the plugin at the starting price of $12.50.

#2 – Join the Plugin Great Membership and get AT LEAST two new plugins, themes or scripts every month for one fixed price that won’t hurt your pocket. Many happy customers have already taken and are enjoying this option.

In reality, as I release so many products and also run weekend sales the chances are high that you’ll get 3 new products per month in the membership. As I write this I have five other plugins almost ready for release with several more in various stages of development all of which I’d like to release before the end of the year.

Becoming a member is the perfect way to never miss out on a product release of mine again.

And it’s cheaper too.  😉

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business, social marketing, software, traffic, wordpress plugins

Share Your Purchase Plugin

Offer Closed


We’ve been busy creating a new plugin based on something Amazon does after you’ve made a purchase. I only noticed this about 3 weeks ago when buying a new Kindle Fire HD (I love it).

Amazon are damn clever at getting customers to do things like buy additional items and make reviews, and they employ some really smart marketing people and programmers to come with these ideas.

Right after you’ve completed your order they show you a little box where you can (in their words) “Share your purchase” by either Facebook, Twitter or email.

My wife and I saw it and we both said “THAT is BRILLIANT!” 😉

I shared my purchase on Facebook and got a comment from a friend about it very quickly. Marketing job for Amazon done and it didn’t cost them a penny. This works really well and you’re going to start seeing it on my own download pages very soon.

Just think about it.

Your customer is hot and pleased with their purchase, and now they want to show off at how they’ve got something new and very cool. While they’re feeling like that you give them the perfect channel to do it.

So that’s what we’ve been working on – a WP version of that “Share” box – and we’ve gone a little bit further.

With our new plugin you can optionally add tabs for Facebook, Twitter, G+, Pinterest and email. And it comes with a nice selection of colour schemes too.

It’s still being finalised and then there’s some test to do, but I think I’ll have it out by this time next week if not before.

You can leave a comment or ask questions below. 😉

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business, social marketing, software, wordpress plugins