
PRE-ORDER Sale – Affiliate Click Pal

Offer Closed

As a thank you for being a subscriber, I’m releasing 50 PRE-ORDER slots for my new unified affiliate script – Affiliate Click Pal – at just $10 each this weekend.

Let’s run through a quick list of the features and benefits.

o Saves you a pile of cash by using only ONE ClickBank vendor account (1x$50) for all your sales pages on all your sites
o Up to 500 landing pages per vendor account instead of one
o Handles multiple vendor accounts not just one
o Can handle thousands of saleable items and affiliates
o Generates globally unique (GUID) affiliate links
o Generates secure order links (GUID) for your sales pages
o Digital delivery – sends customers to the download page
o Customisable affiliate variable – no more “affid”
o Affiliate groups – only some groups can promote special items
o Variable commissions via different vendor accounts for same saleable items
o Pass parameters to third party scripts via short code tags – [affpaypal] [affemail] [afffirstname] [afflastname]
o Customers automatically get added as affiliates
o Default page by vendor account for affiliates who use CB hoplink instead of their unique URL
o Support for third party scripts that use the ?e=PayPalEmailAddress method
o Looks really cool… 🙄

These features (and some others) are all included in the first release version of Affiliate Click Pal, and there’s a big pile of other stuff waiting to be added.

How about a few screenshots? You can middle-mouse-click the images to open them up full size in a new browser tab.

Admin Panel #1

Admin Panel #2

Affiliate Panel #1

Anyone that buys Affiliate Click Pal in this pre-order sale will get all the upgrades we have planned up to v2, and we have a LOT of stuff in the pipeline. 😉

Eventually this script will be one of my flagship products and will likely cost a whole lot more than you see here.

This is your chance to get Affiliate Click Pal at the lowest price it will ever be.

The PRE-ORDER sale starts tomorrow at 6.00pm BST (British Summer Time or GMT+1), which is pretty much the same as 1.00pm EST.

Be there or be square.

And please leave a comment after the tone. 😉 We’re all interested…

-Frank Haywood

P.S. After several people have asked me about this, I’ve TEMPORARILY re-opened the nickel sale for Corner Peel Ads. Another day and that’s it.

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business, software

Affiliate Scheme Madness and Beta Testers

I know I’m a little crazy sometimes and I do change my mind about things, and if you’ve noticed this about me, this next bit should come as no surprise.

Right after getting the unified affiliate scheme all installed, configured and ready to announce to the world…

I decided I didn’t like it.

I’d used a third party script which is quite good (and certainly does what it says on the tin and I know is used by some marketers I’ve purchased from), but me being me, I started to spot holes in it and areas for improvement. And some other bits which I thought were pointless or could be done in a different way as to make more sense.

So… Dum-de-dum-de-dum…

I made a list of improvements, created a first rough outline of what I wanted and asked one of my developers to go do some work on it. Since then it’s gotten a bit big and feature rich and still isn’t finished yet. It’s not a plugin, it’s a standalone script, but we’ll be making sure it will talk to any related plugins such as Affiliate LINK Pal and the Promo Tools plugin.

In fact I’ve now realised that it will eventually become my flagship product and possibly replace SmartDD at some point. There’s no PayPal support in there at the moment – just ClickBank – but PayPal could be added later.

This new product is going to be called Affiliate CLICK Pal (ACP), and while I’ve already taken out the domain, there’s nothing there yet.

The script itself does something which I think is quite clever with CB accounts.

As a CB vendor yourself, you’ll know that CB only allow one landing page per CB vendor account, which I’ve always thought really sucks.

Especially as they now let you have up to 500 products in your vendor account.

It seems they want to make a bit of money selling you new vendor accounts ($50 first one, $30 additional accounts) for every single site you create. And that they expect you to run each site you want multiple products on with that single landing page I mentioned.

So under normal circumstances, an affiliate may want to promote a product on one of your multi-product sites, but all they can do is direct traffic to your main landing page. And if the prospect then buys something on another of your sites, the affiliate gets nothing as it’s done through another CB vendor account.

As you can imagine, this is quite unattractive to affiliates.

What ACP will do is allow you to run ALL your sites through a single CB account saving you a pile of cash on multiple CB vendor accounts, and enabling your affiliates to get links for any of them that will direct their traffic to the correct landing page. If a prospect then later buys one of your other products on another site, they earn commission for that too.

Doing it that way makes it VERY attractive to affiliates.

And what we’re also hoping to do as a side-bonus is, if you already have multiple CB accounts (and we’re able do this), you’ll be able to merge them all into a single affiliate scheme. In theory it should work, but in the real world it may be impractical. We’ll see.

What I’ll need soon is a couple of beta testers as this will be quite a big product and I don’t think I can test it totally in-house.

Are you interested?

You will need to have a ClickBank vendor account in use on a live site and be willing to use ACP on your live site to manage affiliate link generation.

You’ll also need to set up at least one other site to test out the redirection and some other things.

The reward is a free copy of the script, plus some other bonuses. 😉

If you think you have time to test this out and you have at least one sales site and CB vendor account, and you want to give it a whirl to look for bugs and try to break it, just leave a comment below.

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business, software