Offer Closed
As a thank you for being a subscriber, I’m releasing 50 PRE-ORDER slots for my new unified affiliate script – Affiliate Click Pal – at just $10 each this weekend.
Let’s run through a quick list of the features and benefits.
o Saves you a pile of cash by using only ONE ClickBank vendor account (1x$50) for all your sales pages on all your sites
o Up to 500 landing pages per vendor account instead of one
o Handles multiple vendor accounts not just one
o Can handle thousands of saleable items and affiliates
o Generates globally unique (GUID) affiliate links
o Generates secure order links (GUID) for your sales pages
o Digital delivery – sends customers to the download page
o Customisable affiliate variable – no more “affid”
o Affiliate groups – only some groups can promote special items
o Variable commissions via different vendor accounts for same saleable items
o Pass parameters to third party scripts via short code tags – [affpaypal] [affemail] [afffirstname] [afflastname]
o Customers automatically get added as affiliates
o Default page by vendor account for affiliates who use CB hoplink instead of their unique URL
o Support for third party scripts that use the ?e=PayPalEmailAddress method
o Looks really cool… 🙄
These features (and some others) are all included in the first release version of Affiliate Click Pal, and there’s a big pile of other stuff waiting to be added.
How about a few screenshots? You can middle-mouse-click the images to open them up full size in a new browser tab.
Admin Panel #1
Admin Panel #2
Affiliate Panel #1
Anyone that buys Affiliate Click Pal in this pre-order sale will get all the upgrades we have planned up to v2, and we have a LOT of stuff in the pipeline. 😉
Eventually this script will be one of my flagship products and will likely cost a whole lot more than you see here.
This is your chance to get Affiliate Click Pal at the lowest price it will ever be.
The PRE-ORDER sale starts tomorrow at 6.00pm BST (British Summer Time or GMT+1), which is pretty much the same as 1.00pm EST.
Be there or be square.
And please leave a comment after the tone. 😉 We’re all interested…
-Frank Haywood
P.S. After several people have asked me about this, I’ve TEMPORARILY re-opened the nickel sale for Corner Peel Ads. Another day and that’s it.