mailing list

We All Want To Be Liked

(It’s All In The Mailing List Part 2)

I said in my last post we’d continue the day after but there’s been a few things going on since then. I’ve had a couple of power cuts and Paul and I have been busy working on the Site Builder for IPK sites.

Okay, that aside, let’s continue.

Many people say that the size of your mailing list has a direct bearing on your income. On the face of it this is true, but there are a number of other things involved too, and the biggest one is having a good relationship with your list.

I can tell you from experience that if you have a good relationship with your subscribers then you don’t need a huge list. I’ve certainly found this to be the case.

Thank you.

(I feel that I can make that relationship even better – I’ve already instigated a few changes for this year, and you’ll start to feel the benefit of that in the coming weeks and months.)

Apart from the comments made against my last blog post, I’ve also had people contact me separately, and the common threads seem to be…

“I’ve got a small list. How do I make it pay?”

“My list are only interested in freebies and they never buy anything. What can I do?”

The answer to these questions are as I’ve said above. It’s the relationship you have with your list that dictates how they’re going to behave to any mailings you send out. Do they like you or are they disinterested?

You know that in the offline “real” world that you like some people, and some people like you. It’s impossible for everyone to like everyone else as there are some personalities that just clash. Sometimes you meet someone and you just get on, other times it’s the exact opposite.

But did you know you can make most people like you by applying a few rules and changing your own attitude?

Think about this. If you meet someone and they smile a lot and agree with you, and then after a few minutes they smile and say “I like you”, isn’t it difficult not to like that person back?

The psychology behind it is that we all want to be liked. We’re hard wired to like people that like us and sound, look or have the same ideals as us. It’s that feeling of belonging we all want.

If someone smiles at you, then it’s hard not to smile back. If someone tells you they like them, then it’s hard not to like them back.

That’s why if you go around spreading happiness and smiles, that’s what you’ll get back. It’s obvious when you think about it isn’t it?


So how can you apply this to the online world?

You can’t tell everybody you like them – it’s clearly false when you’ve never met them and is likely to engender the opposite reaction. But you can put a smiling photo on your blog and connect with your subscribers that way. 😉


You can give them useful things such as information to help them achieve what they want.

So if you give your subscribers useful information (such as this blog post), and intersperse it with promotions for other products you recommend, and every so often a new paid product of your own that people will realise they’re getting stunning value for, then you’ll gradually build up their trust.

As their trust increases then so will your profits.

It doesn’t matter even if you have a relatively smallish list of a few hundred subscribers, it’s possible to make that list love you let alone like you, and that’s my aim for 2009. 🙂

I’ll be doing things this year that I know will raise your estimation of me. I’ll explain them as we go if you want me to, and if you want to do the same kind of thing with your own list, you’ll find it’s very straight forward to do.

But if you can’t wait and need to know this information now, there’s a short cut you can take to get started right away, and it won’t cost you an arm and a leg.

You can have a small list and still make a decent profit from it.


-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

It’s All In The Mailing List

Every so often, I get asked by someone who’s clearly frustrated how anyone can possibly make a living online. Yet lots of people do it. They know that, but they just can’t see how it’s at all possible for THEM to do it.

I understand the frustration, as at one time I found it difficult to grasp just how other people could it and not me. It wasn’t so very long ago either.

I try to answer their specific questions as best I can, but sometimes the questions are so general it’s too hard to give a good answer.

By the way did you know that 60% of newbies give up in the first 12 months? There’s almost certainly a direct correlation between those who succeed and those who give up before they’ve given it their best.

(That 60% statistic came from a survey Mike Filsaime did just over 2 years ago. I don’t think it’s any real surprise to regular readers of this blog, and I don’t expect that number to have changed significantly. And I don’t think Mike would kill me for revealing that…)

So that means that every 12 months a load of people throw in the towel. Which I guess in a way makes it easier for us that keep going. 🙂

But even more interesting is that most of the people in that survey had a mailing list of less than 1,000 with half of those not having any kind of mailing list at all.

That’s not just interesting, it’s preposterous. How on earth do you stand any chance of running an online business without a mailing list?

Think about it.

I’ll tell you now that your internet business is your mailing list. You probably think you already know that, but I just have to wonder sometimes at the importance that people put on having a mailing list at all, especially as it seems a lot of people don’t have one.

If you’re a newbie reading this, then start thinking about building a mailing list or several, right away. For instance, there’s a good chance you’re reading this because you had an email from me with a link to this site. You almost certainly would not be reading this if you hadn’t signed up to one of my mailing lists.

Now you might be feeling a little glum if you have a small list, or if you don’t have any list at all. But it’s not all doom and gloom – it never is when you look at things in the right way. If you accept the proposition that your mailing list is your business (Which it is. Don’t argue. Keep up.) then you know it’s time to get going.

What if you knew that even with a relatively small list of a few hundred people you could make a full time living online? 🙂

That’s a bit cheering on a cold January day isn’t it? Apologies for that comment if you live somewhere hot, but it’s freezing here in the UK.

If you knew for a fact you could build a mailing list and start making money from it right away, you’d make the effort wouldn’t you?


I’ll tell you tomorrow. 😉

-Frank Haywood

P.S. If you haven’t done so already, come take a look at the forum and say hello.

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

Mailing List – From Zero to Thousands

I said that today I’d show you a video inside my Aweber account, but due to a couple of technical problems and a lack of time to fix them and get this post done, I’ve decided to do a screen shot instead.

Remember in an earlier post I said that 18 months ago I didn’t have much of a clue, and I certainly didn’t have a mailing list. Okay, I had a few people I’d gathered together, but there were so few I don’t count that as having the kind of list you’d call a list.

I then started list building about 15 months ago, maybe a little less. Here’s the screen shot that I’ve just taken inside my Aweber account.

Aweber Screen Shot

You can see from that, that things have changed fairly rapidly for me, but how would you feel if you knew that most of that list has been grown in the latter half of 2007?

Look particularly at the one called fhblog. I only started that one two days ago and there are 15 subscribers on there. Well 13 of them were from my existing lists who I asked to come here, but there are two brand new subscribers on that list.

That’s just from blogging. (I also spotted that some kind soul has “Stumbled” me on StumbleUpon – I thank you sir or madam if you’re reading this!)

I found the same effect when I did my 7 Products in 7 Days, and I wrote to one of my friends about it. I only told my lists about the sites for my Default Ebook Layout and also Keyword Inspector.

And yet…

I picked up brand new subscribers!

I can only surmise that people on my list told their friends about the free products, who then came along and signed up.

So it seems clear to me what the lesson is here.

Just by the act of having done a few things, I’ve moved my business forward. More importantly, the act of doing those things is cumulative. This is certainly what I’ve found in the last few months.

Sometimes, I don’t do anything. But still the business asset in the form of my mailing list continues to grow and harden.

(By harden I mean that every time I send a mailing out, I get a number of unsubscribes. But the people who remain make the core of my list denser. I hope that makes sense.)

But no-one seems to be talking about this effect. Or at least, not anywhere I’ve been looking.

Overall the trend is up and I’ve realised I don’t have to do much towards it, but when I do, I’m extending my net to capture more subscribers, and things get better.

I’ll finish today by repeating what I said yesterday. It’s very important and will be core to my coaching programme.

More prospects = more customers = more money.

> Frank Haywood.

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business