game plan

Your Custom WP Theme Is Now Available

Until we sell the two available slots, you can now order a unique custom WordPress theme for which you completely own the copyright.

We’ll supply you with all the Photoshop PSDs, plus the completed WP theme, all to your specifications.

The complete process to design and code your theme takes 2-3 weeks in ideal circumstances, but may take a little longer due to the nature of the task.  This is why there are only TWO slots available.

I REALLY don’t want you to purchase this on a whim.

I would like it if you have a definite game plan and know exactly what you’re going to do with your theme.

As I’ve said in previous emails, it may be you have a mailing list and you’re going to sell your new theme to your subscribers, or maybe you have a client you want the theme creating for.

(I’ve a few minutes ago received a very nice cheque from a local client who wanted his site re-doing and some SEO work done.  We created a WP theme and then used the All-In-One SEO plugin to do all the on page SEO, with an ongoing backlinking campaign to commence tomorrow.)

Or a third alternative is you may intend to give the theme away in return for sign-ups to your mailing list.  If you’re going to do this I would actually recommend you use the 7 Dollar Script and sell it with 100% commission to build a mailing list of buyers.

Whatever you’re going to use it for, PLEASE make sure you have a game plan.


I’ll just say it again, there are only TWO slots.

The price is $500 per slot. When they sell I’ll remove the buy button.

I’m really sorry if you miss it, but if it’s very popular I’ll do it again in a few weeks time when the current buyers have their new themes.

Buy now

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business, list building, WordPress Themes

A WordPress Theme Designed And Coded

A couple of weeks ago, and just before I came down with a slight fever, I started talking about having your own unique premium WordPress theme created.  Here’s the gist of it.

The same designer who created the two very successful Multiple Streams Themes for me will create a WordPress theme for you to your specifications.  No-one else in the world will have a theme like yours.

You will own it outright and you can do anything you like with it.  Give it away, sell it, have it designed for a client, whatever you want to do with it.

It’s yours and yours alone and we’ll have no control at all over what you do with it.  It will be completely copyrighted to you:-

And I also then spoke about the importance of having a game plan.

If you decide that having your own unique theme created is the thing for you, then you also need to make sure you know exactly what your game plan is and how you expect to make your money back on the expenditure.  I like every project to pay for itself within at least 2 weeks of launch:-

Let me put it like this.  If you sold your new theme directly to your mailing list of say a few hundred people and without any other promotion, then I would expect you to easily make at least a thousand dollars if you sold it at $10 a copy.

If you have a larger mailing list, then you’d make a whole lot more money.

This is only true as long as you know what you’re doing.

Now I’ve taken care to say all this because I don’t want you to buy this design service if you’re not going to at least double your money on the deal and do it quickly.

You may not care about this, but I do.

The only exceptions I can think of with this is if you’re going to give it away to promote a site and build your mailing list in preparation to making money, or it’s for some other long term promotional plan you have running, or it’s for a site you have that you want to look a little bit special.

I also want to point out that right now at this point in time, I have no idea if there’s any demand at all for what I’m offering.

I know people like to buy WordPress themes if they’ll help them make money, and I also know that clients like well designed and functional WordPress themes.

But what I don’t know is if anyone will want to dig in their pockets and have a custom theme designed and coded for them and then cash in like I have.  This is certainly not for everybody.


I’ve spoken to the designer, and he’s told me he can take on TWO jobs.  The graphic design and conversion process to a WordPress theme from beginning to end will take 2-3 weeks depending on the complexity and the number of design changes you ask for.

It will go much faster if you already have an idea of what you want from a theme and can show us a site you already like the look of.


In a couple of days time, I’ll put up a buy link on this blog to purchase a theme creation and the first two buyers get the job done for them and I’ll then take the buy link down.

If you want both slots, buy one and then do it again.  😉

One of two things will happen.  Either both slots go immediately, in which case the link will disappear almost as soon as I put it up, or I’ve done such a good job of asking you not to buy if you’re unsure, that no-one will buy.

I’ll say it again, this is NOT for everybody.

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business, Product Ideas, software, WordPress Themes

The Importance of Having a Game Plan

I want to talk today about how important it is to have a game plan.

What do I mean?  Well having a game plan for one aspect of your business might run something like this:-

#1 – You create a new product.
#2 – You release it with 100% instant commissions using the 7 Dollar Script.
#3 – You send an email out to your subscribers letting them know it’s on sale.
#4 – You tell your buyers that you’re offering instant 100% commissions directly into their PayPal account and that here are some tools they can use to promote it – banners and the like – with their aff link built in.  All they have to do is copy and paste the code.
#5 – You contact a few people who are likely Joint Venture partners and tell them it’s 100% commission.  Some promote and get all the cash, and you get another pile of buyers join your mailing list.
#6 – You tell these new buyers about your affiliate scheme etc. and they start promoting for you too.  Some of these people will be succesful marketers and will have their own mailing lists.
#7 – Go to #1.

Okay?  I’ll testify that you can run a very successful business that way, that naturally grows over time.

Having a game plan allows you to make and take low-risk decisions.  Low risk because you pretty much know what the outcome will be – long term you’ll make a profit on your efforts and increase the size of your business.

I believe this is where most people fall over.

Most people try a little bit of this and a little bit of that – which is fine – I like to try different things out too – but they don’t concentrate on their core business.  The stuff that really works.

And that might be because they’ve never really found anything that works.

Or not given it enough of a chance to make it work.

I’ve found that you need to set yourself a few rules that you work with.  I call them my #1 Rules, and I have plenty of them for all sorts of different situations.

I’ve found that as long as you concentrate on the #1 rules, any other lesser rules you might set yourself don’t really matter that much or don’t have a big enough impact on your business.

(This is a rule in itself, called the 80-20 rule.  I do almost everything by the 80-20 rule and I think most successful business owners do too without realising it.  I ask myself – “Do I need to do something about this, or just let it go?” – 80 times out of 100 it can just be let go.)

My #1 rule related to having a game plan is:-

“Every project must pay for itself as soon as possible.”

So if I take new staff on, I want to see results in 2 weeks that at least pay for their keep for the month.  There are no free rides, and nobody in my business is an expense.

You could probably adopt this yourself.  Think about it.

You may believe that you can’t afford to take anyone on full time.  But if what they do for you brings in enough income to pay for their keep, and you end up with new products and a new long term income stream, then it was well worth hiring them wasn’t it?

But let’s say that you’re not ready to make that commitment yet and you want to see how things go.

You still need a unique new product.  The emphasis here is new and unique.  I’m not saying you can’t do what someone else has already done, I’m saying that PLR probably isn’t going to cut it if you’re looking for JV partners.  (There’s at least one exception to this and I’ll talk about it another time.)

I’ve had many people approach me to promote products that I’ve quickly realised were PLR, and I take that as an insult because I’m quite capable of using PLR to create products myself thank you.  I don’t like being suckered into promoting products that may be quite widespread as it does my reputation no good whatsoever – that’s my logic and I’m certain most other marketers feel exactly the same.

PLR is great.  But it’s of no use when dealing with JV partners unless you’ve taken the time to make extensive changes to it and it really is your product.  (Most people can’t be bothered and that’s where they get it wrong.)

You need something that you know no-one else has.

And you need to be able to make genuine claims like “I created this myself” or “I paid $xxx to have this created for me.”

(Believe me when I say this will make you feel a whole lot better when you come to promoting it.)

Tomorrow is your chance to have a totally unique WordPress theme created for you from scratch and to your specifications by one of my designers.  They are all extremely talented, and I want to point out that it does take a (relatively) long time to put together a theme because there’s a lot of work involved in doing it.

First there’s the design itself (2-3 days), then converting to a WP theme (4-5 days), and finally the coding tweaks such as extra sidebars and additional page templates (2-3 days).

It’s a big job.  If you were able to do it for someone else, ask yourself how much would be a fair price for you to charge for the service.

If like most people you wanted someone else to do it and could then find the right person with the right level of design and PHP coding skills (it’s very hard), then the designer would probably charge you a couple of thousand dollars at least, apply restrictions on what you can do with the finished product, and likely not supply the PSDs for you to edit.

My designers are brilliant graphically and their level of PHP coding ability is high (you’ve probably already seen their work), but charge a lot less than you might expect.

With a fair bit of legwork (it’s not easy finding good people), I have an opportunity to take on a couple more designers, but as I said above, one of my rules is I need to make sure I have work for them and that they pay for their keep.

As long as I can pay their fees and get your job done as well as my own, then I consider myself to have made a profit from it.

From your perspective, as long as you have a game plan and can immediately make your money back on the work, it’s well worth doing.

If you don’t have a game plan or you don’t have a clue on what to do then this isn’t for you.  Wait until you’re truly ready.

Here’s two game plans that I know work well from personal experience.

#1 – Get a theme made.  Sell it to your mailing list.  Immediately make 3 or 4 times your investment followed by ongoing sales through your affiliate scheme.
#2 – Get a theme made for a client.  Charge your client 3 or 4 times your investment.

And if you don’t have a mailing list or a client, then here’s your chance to get a product made for you and get your business off the ground, just like I talked about above:-

#3 – Get a theme made that will appeal to pro-bloggers and the IM niche.  Sell it for $10 with 100% commission using the 7 Dollar Script, find a few JV partners to kick start it and build a mailing list of buyers.  Promote some other related product to your new list and make your money that way.

And that’s how business is done.  🙂

You make an investment, you follow your game plan and you make back your money and then some.

Watch out for more news tomorrow.

If you want to know more right now about having a game plan and how to approach your business, go watch the presentation on 30 Day Projects.

Update:  A slight temperature and an overwhelming need to sleep scuppered my plans to launch this week.  I’ll get back to you with this shortly.

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business, Product Ideas, WordPress Themes