Month: November 2008

Info Product Killer Update #3

I’ve been waiting for this to happen and I knew it was only a matter of time. My first order has appeared in my Amazon affiliate panel for a Jumperoo, sold yesterday.


Yaaay! Thanks IPK. Thanks Craig.

It isn’t showing as a commission yet, and I’m not too sure what the difference is between an order and earnings, maybe it’s only after the item has been dispatched is it classed as earnings, as I guess whoever’s ordered it could cancel.

Or maybe it’s only calculated as earnings at the end of the month. If anybody knows the answer to that one, please let us all know.

At any rate, I’m extremely pleased.

When the order turns into earnings, it will be for 5% of £74.99 which works out to £3.75 or at todays exchange rate $5.64.

That one commission payment will pay for more than half the domain registration fee ($9.69 via NameCheap). One more commission and the site is in the black for the remainder of the 12 months. I class that as a success although I know some people may say it’s not worth it.

However, to put it into perspective, the site only went live last Sunday and 7 days later it’s more than half paid for itself. In the next 7 days I expect to get more commissions from that site, thereby paying for it to exist.

Over the next 12 months, I expect to get many more commissions from it for doing absolutely nothing at all. Within 3 months (following my linking strategy) I expect it to be in the number 1 slot on Google UK for the term Jumperoo. When it gets there I’ll see a huge jump in earnings from the site.

Now that’s what I call passive income!

I’ve been on page 2 of Google UK since late afternoon on Friday, and checking last night I was at the top of page 2, although today I’m the second one down. That’s okay, I expect it to move around a bit before getting onto page 1.

And I expect it to move up slowly, then in about a month it will disappear for a few days, and then hit number 1 or 2 position. This is a phenomenon of the linking strategy that I’ve seen before.

Certainly within 3 months I know it will get to number 1, and I then expect to make at least a sale a day.

Well. That’s what I’m hoping for anyway. 🙂

This has caused me to make the decision to put up a site a day, and I’ve put aside 2 hours each day to do so. Yes, it sounds like a JOB doesn’t it? But I’m the only benefactor, I’m not making anybody else rich, and I know that “day in – day out” if I keep it up I’ll gradually increase my income in leaps and bounds.

I sat down with my wife for 30 minutes today, showed her how to do the market research and we mapped out the next few products we’re going to target.

Crazy as it sounds, while we were looking, I could see people competing over AdSense ads for some search terms, when the actual competition for free organic traffic is almost non-existent.

And just as crazy, some search terms for my target products are getting huge amounts of search (5,000 – 10,000 searches a month and upwards) and there are no AdSense ads running for them, and there are less than 200,000 competing pages. (Anything less than 500,000 is relatively easy to dominate.)

This entire market really is wide open, and all us lucky boys and girls that know about it now are going to make a killing over the next 12 months, and certainly next Christmas will be massive as we all should have lots and lots of #1 slots with our sites.

If you work at it of course.

Does anybody reading this still need proof that IPK works?

-Frank Haywood
P.S. If you haven’t already grabbed it, you can get IPK by going here and then entering promo code FHW777 to get it at $79 instead of $147.

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

Info Product Killer Update #2

Continuing with the excitement over IPK, here’s my next update.

Around 5 hours ago, I checked to see where my Jumperoo site was on Google, and I found it half way down page 6 for the term “jumperoo”. I thought to myself “yeah, it’s early days” and then I opened up the IPK ‘On Page Search Engine Optimisation’ (OPSEO) critical check list just in case.

I noticed that, as careful as I’d been I’d missed a couple of things in my hurry to get the site up. (And I thought I’d been painstaking…) So I now VERY carefully checked it again, added a sitemap (d’oh! – how did I miss that), and added a bit more copy.

I’m still not totally satisfied I’ve got it all right, and I’ll check it again before I’m completely happy. And purely from an aesthetics point of view, I’d like to change the default banner, although I know it’s unimportant to make your site rank.

I’ve just checked Google again after dinner, and I’m now halfway down page 2.

Okay, I’m convinced. As Craig has said, the OPSEO is critical and can make the difference between a site that pays and a site that doesn’t.

But lets also not forget the back links using the correct anchor text, and I’m working on those too. That’s part of a longer term strategy to rank well for the site.

The way I see it, even though the big sites like Amazon and ToysRUs do well in the rankings, I don’t think they’ll do so well against the specific search terms that these IPK sites are being optimised for. Couple that with a raft of about 150 back links with anchor text that all say jumperoo, and I reckon I’ll get top spot in about 3-4 months, hopefully sooner. And of course my two secondary set of back links for my other search terms will help too.

Throughout the year residual income from the site will make it well worth it, as the Jumperoo seems to be a very popular product (getting 90,500 searches a month for the term jumperoo in the UK according to Google) and has had rave reviews on Amazon. I intend that all the toy sites I build through this coming year will be on page 1 position 1 for next Christmas. Especially as I’ll be carefully interlinking the related ones, and have them all pointing to a central site.

As well as the toy sites, I’ll also be using the all year round strategy and releasing sites for other products such as HD TVs etc.

So, no money made yet, but with me now sitting on page 2, I must be getting close.

One last thing. I’ve now installed a StatCounter traffic monitor on it so that I can see where traffic is coming from, what it’s doing once it’s on my site, and how quickly it gets funnelled off to Amazon.

If you don’t test, how can you make it better?

-Frank Haywood

P.S. If you haven’t already grabbed it, you can get IPK by going here and then entering promo code FHW777 to get it at $79 instead of $147.

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

How To Organise Your Daily Tasks

I’ve been having a few problems getting myself organised. Which is something that’s pretty important to your internet business.

The simple reason is I’ve been doing too many things at once and then dropping the ball.

The #1 culprit is distractions. I’ve cut out a lot of email and I only check it once a day now, apart from a couple of clean accounts that I’ve set up PopTray to notify me of when email comes in.

But that still left plenty of tasks on the table, many of which were 30 minute jobs, some were longer.

I first tried a handwritten note book, but that got completely disorganised in itself as I was bumping jobs up or down the list.

Then I tried a text document which was better as I could just delete things as they were completed, and it was easy to re-order tasks. However I sometimes missed a self-imposed deadline which didn’t really matter that much, but it was more of a problem when someone was waiting for me to do something.

Then I tried a wall chart and post-it notes. This was a method I’d used years ago when I had a job. It’s okay, but the notes kept falling off when the kids walked past.

But for the last month or so, I’ve been using the free version of

This is a really cool little web based app that lets you organise your tasks, meetings, birthdays, etc. and also allows you to make notes and – a big plus – get reminders by on-screen alerts if you have the page open, or by email if you don’t. Use a clean email address in conjunction with PopTray to get an alert in your system tray.

It’s well worth checking out.

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

Info Product Killer Update

I just thought I’d let you know, my first IPK site has now been indexed by Google. I would guess that in a few more days it will appear on page 1 although it’s not showing anywhere I can see at the moment.

Not wanting to take anything to chance though, I’ve started to build some back links to the site, although I believe it may be unnecessary to get onto page 1. The competition is very low for my search terms, and with the links back I’m creating I should be able to get into position 1 in time.

Let’s wait and see.

As an indicator of what I expect to happen, the guy who told me about IPK launched his first site 1 week in advance of mine. He’s now in position 5 on page 1 and has already seen his first commission payments come in.


Don’t forget, if you haven’t got IPK yet, you can use this discount code:-


with this link:-

Info Product Killer

To get your copy for $79 instead of $147.

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

Send In The Bulldozers

Here’s an idea for you, something I’ve wanted to do myself but haven’t had the time to do it.

First, scour your hard drive and put together a mega package of products, something like the subscriber offer I make to everybody when they sign up to my blog notify list.

Create a regular sales page for the mega-package at $47 or $67. Next, create a nickel sale (I’m assuming you have the Nickel Script) for the same deal, in a sub-directory of the site, and keep a local copy of the entire set up on your PC to use as a template that you can use to quickly upload.

On the download page, put a sign up form and use the words “To register your purchase, enter your name and email address in the boxes below. This is currently the only way I can keep you informed of updates to this package.”

95% of people will signup after their purchase, and this will build your mailing list.

Finally, write to other marketers offering to set the sale up with their name as the directory, and with their PayPal address in the config so that they get 100% of the sale paid directly into their PayPal account.


Explain that nickel sales are dynamite and that you will start it at $0.07 and increase the price by 5 cents with each sale. Give them 2 carefully worded emails that they can send to their lists to warm them up before the sale, and a 3rd email to give them the link.

If they make a typical 300 sales, the final price will be $15.07 and they will make $2,263.50 in about a day.

No average marketer (non-guru) in the IM niche is going to refuse that as long as they haven’t already done too many similar offers to their lists. (I think I may have done too many recently, and I’m trying to rectify that…)

You will have nearly 300 brand new buyers on your mailing list per JV partner.

Have a game plan to offer them some useful freebies, maybe a video or two and a report you’ve created yourself, as well as some useful blog posts to enamour them with you.

Then after you’ve given them some very useful and valuable free info, send them an email to a product you’re promoting to make your money from the deal. Ideally, it would be a product that you’ve created of course, but if you’re in a hurry you can promote someone else’s.

Make sure it’s a good one!

Set all this up as an autoresponder series.

Then all you need do is find people who are willing to promote the deal for you, one at a time. Set up a brand new directory for each marketer, and leave it in place permanently.

You now have a system you can just plug in and run. This method of running a promotion with one JV partner at a time is called a bulldozer launch, and is an immensely powerful way of building a list (your list is your internet business), and making some back end money yourself.

-Frank Haywood

P.S. If anybody wants to do something like this with me for the Nickel Script itself, just raise a support ticket on my help desk at in the “Personal Message” department.

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business