Watch Me As I Show You How To Save Yourself A Lot Of Money

I’ve done something really cool for you. Well, I think it’s cool – you make your own mind up.

About 6-8 weeks ago, I sent out a request for help in response to requests for help that I’d received.

A few people had asked me about how to put together a simple web page and site. So I asked if there was anything that I must include in a course on the subject.

There were a wide range of answers, but the two that stood out were how or where to get the graphics for a web page, and also how to put together a page as easily as possible.

And so that’s what I’ve started to do.

I’ve used the best tool I could find at the lowest price, and I’ve created a video that shows you how to put together a header graphic. This is a real world example as it’s the header graphic for a new product I’m working on at the moment.

I’ll follow it up at a later date with more videos showing how to put together a 3D ebook and software box graphics.

And finally, I’ll put all the graphical elements together with the text into a web page in another video.

If I take it any further than that depends on you. If you appreciate the time I’ve taken to do this, then I’ll be letting you know how you can show that appreciation – it won’t cost you a penny, just a few minutes of your time.

And you’ll also learn something really cool in the process of doing that too!

If you want to find out what new product I’m working on, then you can see for yourself in the video.

To make the header graphic, I didn’t use PhotoShop as it’s so expensive. Instead I used a really low cost tool that I’m flipping about at the moment – I just wish I’d had access to this 18 months ago.

One word of warning about the video. It’s quite large at 30MB, so you really need to be on broadband to view it. My apologies if you’re on dial up, I’ll see if I can’t zip it up for download and viewing offline.

Posted by Frank Haywood


Jason Anderson

Hi Frank,

Supurb job on this video! What a great way to demonstrate how easy graphics can really be. Not to mention what a great way to promote an upcoming product.

Hi Frank
Just watched your video and thought I would drop you a line to say thank you. I have had this software for a couple of weeks and did not know it could do this. Your video is much better than any of the tutorials on the website. This is well appreciated so keep up the good work.
Many Thanks

Frank Haywood

Jason – thanks for that, more mentions of Smart Link Cloaker to come as I build the rest of the site on video. 😉

William – thank you too, I’ll definitely be doing some more!



Jeff Davis

Hi Frank,

How bout one for those of us who already have


Frank Haywood

Jeff – you’re on!

I’ll do another one using Web Graphics Creator to make some 3D software box covers, then I’ll do a couple using Photoshop.

I’ll even throw in an action script or two so you can create a 3D ebook and software box from flat graphics. 😉

Leon Horton

Hi Frank,

I don’t know much about graphics software and I still muddle with PhotoShop and The GIMP. The software you demonstrated looks very easy and I liked what I saw and especially your superb video “HowTo”. I think I would have just moved the word “with” to the next line and shortened the top line rather than fixing the words over the top of the girl’s head.

Over all, GREAT JOB!!

I look forward to more of your videos.

Thanks and Peace,

Frank Haywood

Leon – thanks for that.

Yeah when I did it, that went through my mind.

I wanted to get “Smart Link Cloaker” on a line of its own, and I also wanted to keep the presidents head visible as I think he’s quite a reputable gentleman(!), and the association with him is implied by him being the center of the header.

It’s a subtle psychological thing (which I do a lot of).

So the poor girl’s head suffered as a result…

All the best,


Ted Newman

Hi Frank,

Nice to see you have been keeping busy lately!

I had a promo for the product a while back and I thought the rotating books were as you said, a bit gimmicky so I left it alone.

Now after seeing your video and finding out more about the product I purchased it last night and have made the header for a future project.

Thanks to you taking the extra effort to show how the software works rather that just sending a link, you will have received a commission from me and hopefully a lot of others as well.

Best Wishes

Frank Haywood

Hi Ted,

Why thank you kind sir, that’s much appreciated. 🙂

I really do think it’s a great tool. There are a couple of niggly bugs – they’re easy to work round, and I’m sure they’ll be fixed eventually.

And busy isn’t the word for it. I don’t think it’s a good idea to share what’s going on at the moment, but I will eventually. A bit cryptic I know, but it’ll make sense one day.

I’ve just found another graphics pack which I’m going to use on my web page for my new product, I’ll send an email out about it tomorrow. It’s under $10 and is well worth it, even if I’m not totally impressed with it, there’s enough of it that I do like to make it worth anybody’s while.



Vince Andrews

Hi Frank,

I have been debating on buying this software for awhile, but as always i like to see what things will do. You have managed to impress me with your video and i will be buying the Web Graphics Creator very soon.

I will be looking forward to the other videos that you mention.

Thank you for an impressive few minutes.


Glad I found this video, now I will be able to launch my 1st product quicker as I was having trouble with Gimp. It look so easy..

Hi Frank,

Wow, very impressive video, you literally take the viewer by the hand and don’t leave anything out (very important) and it serves you while it serves your viewers.

I actually bought the graphics program and it wasn’t as intuitive as I’d have liked, but your video got me stoked, so I will likely go ahead and keep it! You made it actually look worth its salt. 🙂

Thanks so much, keep up the great work.
