I think that all Ticket Desk Pro (TDP) issues that were raised have now been answered. If you do have any problems, then please raise a support ticket at:-
All those people who registered their purchase and confirmed their email address will be rewarded in at least two ways.
1) All buyers of my last nickel sale will always receive plenty of warning about my next one, and will also get the link to the sales page at least two hours before anyone else. (The next one is for the Nickel Script itself.)
2) When the official TDP site goes live in 2-3 weeks time, you’ll receive your details by email.
If you didn’t register, then, oh well at least you got this first version at a good price. If you want later versions then as you’re not registered you’ll have to pay full price for them.
I’m sure you understand why I have to do this.
If you haven’t purchased yet, then don’t waste any more time. If you do, then the next time you see TDP advertised, it may be at $97.00.
Here’s the link for you:-
-Frank Haywood.