
Webinars Made Easier

Everything you wanted to know about webinars, but were afraid to ask…

Part of the changes I’m making in my business for this year are to provide you with useful training content.

I’ll be doing this by a series of free videos covering various topics such as copy writing, building a sales page, mindset, product creation, outsourcing and so on.

I KNOW lots of people want this kind of stuff after doing my course on auto backing up your web sites last September.

(Incidentally, there will be an updated version available soon to everyone that bought with a proper members area and an affiliate scheme. Watch this space and wait for the email – it’s no additional cost to anyone that has already purchased.)

It’s mainly swilling about in my head at the moment, and only exists as a comprehensive set of notes. But videos and documentation are coming.

Most of it will be free, some will be paid for.

And… One of the things that I’ll be doing later this year are webinars.

Webinars are easy. I know some people get a bit scared, but believe me it’s a LOT easier than standing in front of a room full of people who are waiting to hear you speak.  😉

The best bit is that you get to do the whole thing in the comfort of your own home and even have someone giving you a big hug if you need it.

No-one would ever know…

I know people like them simply because of the useful stuff you can learn, and I ALSO know that when you do any *selling* via a webinar, then people buy.

Simply, the conversion rate is much higher. It’s far more normal to achieve rates of 30-40% conversions rather 3-4%.

And I think I understand the psychology of why this is too, but I’ve not seen anyone discuss this anywhere.

Ingrained in the human psyche is the need to pay back for any perceived favours given. It’s a co-operative mutual help thing that’s been proven to help in individual’s successes.

You can read all about this in Robert B. Cialdini’s book, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” which you can pick up for a few dollars on Amazon. Well worth it if you do ANY kind of selling – either products or services.


I’ve been keeping my ear to the ground for anything to do with webinars.

And then along comes this quite nice training at an 80% discount for a few days – it ends quite soon.

A heads up first though. The content is good, but you have to pick your way through some of the more obvious stuff before you get to the goodies.

And the members area isn’t laid out in modules as you’d expect it to be.

Those things aside, you could do a lot worse than to grab yourself a copy of this training while it’s on discount.

I love a bargain and I figure that if I like this then you may like it too.


-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business, list building, training

YouTube, 720P and Private Videos

I opened a new YouTube account recently so that I could show videos on the Warrior Forum as it seems that’s the only way you can do it.

I have to say I’ve found it quite useful.  There have been a few good changes since I registered my first account a few years ago, and one of those is that you can view videos at 720p.  The really interesting thing about this is that if you have the bandwidth, 720p actually loads faster than the default 360p.

Pop it up to full screen at 720p, and the quality is so good it’s getting very close to the quality I recorded it at.  Great stuff.


You can turn off ads!

How many videos have I watched and thought “Flaming Google putting ads everywhere!”  Now I’ve found out it’s not Google at all, it’s the individual user turning them on.

You can even make videos private, although I’ve not tried that yet.

In all this now means I can do a pile of tutorial videos (optionally for staff only if I make them private I guess) and you can watch them at really high quality without sucking any bandwidth from my server.

I wonder if the whole private video thing also lets us share them automatically to individuals via an API?  That would be really cool wouldn’t it?  You wouldn’t need a dedicated server or Amazon S3 to store your videos for your members, you could just use YouTube’s storage and bandwidth instead.

If it’s possible, there’s another product idea eh?  😉


Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business, Product Ideas

SmartDD V3 – Free Sign Ups Video

Following the delay caused by my main PC becoming infected with various bits of nasty stuff, I’ve now uploaded the latest SmartDD V3 video.

This one explains how to use SmartDD with Aweber to both sign up your new prospect to your mailing list and also generate a customer record and an order within SmartDD so that your prospect gets a secure download.

This functionality has been one of the top three asked for features to be put into SmartDD.  It seems there are plenty of SmartDD users who want to give their normally paid-for products away, without allowing global free access.

Well now you can do it.

Although this example uses Aweber (the service I currently use), you should be able to adapt it to any autoresponder service or self-hosted script with a little thought.  If you use another service such as Get Response or Email Aces, and can’t work out how to integrate the form code, then please raise a support ticket and we’ll see if we can’t help you sort it out.

The video can be found here:-

and if you need to you can raise a support ticket here:-

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

SmartDD v3 Videos

The first of the new SmartDD videos are up.

I apologise for the delay in doing this, it was because of some reported bugs that it now looks like we’ve completely cleared (so far).  Those bugs were:-

#1 – A foreach() error on the Inventory page for some server configurations.
#2 – No records on the Customer Search page.
#3 – The free sign up form was broken for some reason – we spotted that one.

So, onto the new videos.  Two so far on using Kunaki and ClickBank with SmartDD, and you can find links to them on the videos page on the site, or you can just go to them directly here:-

More to follow tomorrow.

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business