
PRE-ORDER Sale – Affiliate Click Pal

Offer Closed

As a thank you for being a subscriber, I’m releasing 50 PRE-ORDER slots for my new unified affiliate script – Affiliate Click Pal – at just $10 each this weekend.

Let’s run through a quick list of the features and benefits.

o Saves you a pile of cash by using only ONE ClickBank vendor account (1x$50) for all your sales pages on all your sites
o Up to 500 landing pages per vendor account instead of one
o Handles multiple vendor accounts not just one
o Can handle thousands of saleable items and affiliates
o Generates globally unique (GUID) affiliate links
o Generates secure order links (GUID) for your sales pages
o Digital delivery – sends customers to the download page
o Customisable affiliate variable – no more “affid”
o Affiliate groups – only some groups can promote special items
o Variable commissions via different vendor accounts for same saleable items
o Pass parameters to third party scripts via short code tags – [affpaypal] [affemail] [afffirstname] [afflastname]
o Customers automatically get added as affiliates
o Default page by vendor account for affiliates who use CB hoplink instead of their unique URL
o Support for third party scripts that use the ?e=PayPalEmailAddress method
o Looks really cool… 🙄

These features (and some others) are all included in the first release version of Affiliate Click Pal, and there’s a big pile of other stuff waiting to be added.

How about a few screenshots? You can middle-mouse-click the images to open them up full size in a new browser tab.

Admin Panel #1

Admin Panel #2

Affiliate Panel #1

Anyone that buys Affiliate Click Pal in this pre-order sale will get all the upgrades we have planned up to v2, and we have a LOT of stuff in the pipeline. 😉

Eventually this script will be one of my flagship products and will likely cost a whole lot more than you see here.

This is your chance to get Affiliate Click Pal at the lowest price it will ever be.

The PRE-ORDER sale starts tomorrow at 6.00pm BST (British Summer Time or GMT+1), which is pretty much the same as 1.00pm EST.

Be there or be square.

And please leave a comment after the tone. 😉 We’re all interested…

-Frank Haywood

P.S. After several people have asked me about this, I’ve TEMPORARILY re-opened the nickel sale for Corner Peel Ads. Another day and that’s it.

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business, software

Affiliate Scheme


Thanks for all the kind comments.

I hit a bit of a problem today and I’ve been forced to put this back until the weekend. 🙄

And unfortunately I won’t be around tomorrow and until Friday afternoon, because of a scheduled hospital visit.

Many apologies, I know it will be worth the wait…


I know a lot of people are waiting for details of the affiliate scheme. I get an email or two about it every week and that’s been going on for a while now.

I’m sorry it’s taken so long to get going, but it IS up and running now and I’ve been testing and fiddling with it the last couple of days.

And it’s a GREAT scheme. I know it’s me that’s saying that (and why wouldn’t I?) but I don’t think I’ve ever seen any affiliate scheme that has more potential to generate you as much income as this one, and here’s why.

#1 – Software sells itself.

You may have missed the bit of fuss about this a few weeks ago, but I have to agree with the marketer who raised the point, as it’s true. While many people will now hesitate to buy the latest fad in learning, a useful tool is almost always seen as a good buy and chargebacks are low.

#2 – You’re not just joining an affiliate scheme for one single product.

I see this is one of the biggest problems with many affiliate schemes. The person running the scheme may have several other products and services, but typically when you join an affiliate scheme for one product you’re not able to reap the rewards of the sales of any other products.

So you end up sending buyers to the product owner who then sells his or hers other products to the new buyers without having to give you a cut.

NOT FAIR and NOT with this scheme.

All my products (and if you didn’t know – I have a LOT) are part of the SAME affiliate scheme.

Promote ONE product (even a free one) ONCE, and you earn 50% commission from sales of ANY and ALL of them through the prospects you send.

You’ll even be able to just link to one of my blogs and the prospect will get cookied. If they buy, you get the commission.

I can see that depending on how good you are at traffic, it should be a reasonable expectation to make a full time living just from promoting my products let alone anyone elses.

And I don’t think I’m being over the top with that statement, I think it’s a perfectly viable thing to be able to do.

At this stage I don’t know the numbers yet, but certainly you stand more chance of earning a commission through this scheme than most others because of the benefit you get of multiple chances of a sale

#3 – You can link to any landing page you like.

Including your own write ups or reviews, or even your own sales copy, and still get your prospects cookied.

We have the technology… 😉

Now I can’t say I’ll allow this to continue permanently as it *might* get abused, but certainly in the early days of the scheme I’m going to allow you to create links to any page you like.

If it does show signs of being abused, I’ll stop this aspect but leave any links you already created in place and untouched.

#4 – I’m going to randomly hand out $100 every month to one of my affiliates, and it could be YOU.

I’m having a bit of code written that will randomly select an affiliate each month. If this is popular (and I don’t see why it wouldn’t be) then I’ll increase that amount, and add in some additional variants to increase your chances.

But you have to be in to win it. 😉

This aspect will come online in the next 3-4 weeks.



You know what?

I’d definitely sign up for this scheme if it was me reading about it. 😉

But before I give you the link to the page (tomorrow, Wednesday), I’d like to tell you about a new plugin that I’ll be using as part of this scheme, called the Promo Tools plugin. I’ve just received the final version today and given it a quick testing and it seems to be perfect for our needs.

In case you don’t know what a promo tools page is, it’s usually a page dedicated to supplying an affiliate with a set of promotional tools together with their affiliate link embedded in them.

And that’s exactly what the Promo Tools plugin can help you with.

It will allow you to create pages that you can fill with promo tools you create for your affiliates such as pre-written blog posts, articles, emails, forum signatures and banners.

With this plugin, once you’ve set up the tools, all an affiliate has to do is paste their aff link into the box at the top and every single promo tool on the page gets auto-populated with their affiliate link.

Then they can copy the code for banners etc and paste it directly into their web site.

It makes the whole process a lot easier for them and the easier you can make it, the more attractive it becomes.

Shall we see how easy you find it to use? 😉

More news on this and the affiliate scheme tomorrow (Wednesday).

Have I missed anything?

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business