landing pages

Magic Landing Pages Plugin

Update: The sale for the Magic Landing Pages plugin for WordPress is now live at just $17.00 for the first 48 hours or 48 copies, whichever comes first.

This deal will soon rise to $27.00.

Buy now


[youtube id=”BgT7ABX240Y” width=”640″ height=”360″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”&rel=0&showinfo=0″ class=””]

Demo pages from video:-

Demo Sales Page

Demo Optin Page

It also comes with a bonus plugin too – Magic Styles for WordPress.

I know as well as anyone how difficult it can be to create a sales page using one of the current crop of page builders. Especially when you just want to get something up and running quickly and there’s a million and one settings you have to fiddle with to get the job done.

Magic Landing Pages is designed to help you quickly create sales and optin pages when time is at a premium, and gives you a blank canvas on which you can add your content and build your pages.

It also adds some additional functionality into the TinyMCE editor, and these are buttons, boxes, hand drawn bullet styles and opt-in form handling.

















But better than that…

As part of this sale, I’ve also decided to include the Magic Styles Plugin. This is a perfect complement to Magic Landing Pages and will add a whole slew of functionality to your page designs including 12 extra bullet styles, notice box alerts, additional button styles plus testimonial boxes.

If you then also add the free Google Fonts Manager plugin which will give you the ability to change font styles and sizes across the whole of your site, you’ve got a fast and easy to use solution to putting up landing pages which isn’t going to break the bank.

Today and then for the next 48 hours or 48 copies (whichever comes first) you can get the Magic Landing Page plugin + bonus plugin for just $10.

Why not go check out this post on How To Generate A Google Fonts API Key so you’re ready to install the Google Fonts Manager plugin?


-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business