SmartDD V3 – Release Date Back (a bit…)

Okay, the two bugs that I wrote about yesterday have been found and dealt with.  As I thought, they were fairly minor and Paul fixed them quickly.

While he was having another look at the code, I had a request in (hi Myles) asking if a couple of small changes could be made to accommodate some affiliate tracking code on the thank you and download pages, so I asked him to take a look at that and he’s done that too.

But then we got a bit carried away and he’s added in something else that we really weren’t planning on doing for v3 release.

I don’t want to let on what it is, just in case it doesn’t pan out, but the first test worked perfectly.  Things went a bit down hill after that though as we discussed the method involved and we realised it wouldn’t work the exact way we wanted it to.

We decided to put the release date back until Monday (which we know is a bad day to do it), and try to get this new feature in.  I know that some people have been asking for this and that it will blow their stack when they see we’ve put it in, but just in case we can’t do it, I don’t want to discuss it here.

So Monday 20th it is then.

If you have v2, then you’ll get the upgrade to v3 for $17 for just 24 hours, then the upgrade price will go up to $27 after that.

If you bought after 1st March 2008, then you get v3 for free.

Finally, we’ll also be releasing a v3 trial edition for all the free members.  We’ve upped the number of deliverable products in the free version from 3 to 5, which means that for many people this will be all they need to set up and run all their mini-sites with secure delivery.

Although it’s 5 products, they can be used with unlimited saleable items, which we think is still exceptionally useful for free.

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood


Santa Claus

Frank, I have version 0.98.
How much will it cost me to upgrade to the new version.

Santa Claus

Frank Haywood

Hi Santa,

If it’s the paid version (PRO1 or PAID membership) then you’ll find that you should have access to v2. And that means you can get v3 on Monday for 24 hours for $17, or $27 after that.

Other than that, it’s just the usual sign up to the site and grab the one time offer. 😉



Hi Frank, I really like smartdd and was so happy to work with it. But since many weeks I’m always running into the same problem, which your support had fixed twice already, but this only helped for a few days. then suddenly when I want to login the admin area I get the following message:

The encoded file /home/dysakcom/public_html/smartdd/smartdd/user/userlogonform.php requires a license file.
The license file /home/dysakcom/public_html/smartdd/smartdd/smartdd.lic is not valid for this server.

This problem was fixed twice by your support, but after a few days it happens again.
Perhaps one of the readers of this comment experieced this problem too and has an idea what can be done to fix it.
Kind regards
Renate Schedl

I have smartdd version 2, the paid version.

Frank Haywood

Hi Renate,

Please raise support tickets at my help desk if you have any problems.

The answer is you need to access your admin area consistently either on the www version of your domain or on the domain itself depending on what the licence has been generated against.

Or you could just generate a licence for the IP address and use both. However if the IP address changes, you’ll need to generate a new licence.

Raise a support ticket if you’re not sure for a better explanation.
