Project Email continues today with a short video on how to change your email password without having to log into cPanel.
This is very useful if you have clients who you’ve set up webmail for on their own domain. Now they can log in using the password you created and then change it whenever they like. 😉
Also discussed is the ability to autoload the webmail client of your choice. In essence, this means you can tell Roundcube (my recommended webmail client) to load a few seconds after you’ve logged in.
I wouldn’t suggest that you set this to 1 second for clients though as it will effectively stop them from changing their password as it will bypass the “change password” link. Watch the video and this will make sense. 🙂
-Frank Haywood <== Click this for a list of all Project Email posts.
Great series covering how to leverage domain email in cPanel.
One request I have is adding links to your previous posts in this series.
I have been so busy, that I did not see this series land in my inbox until today (Part 5), and I had to
do a bit of digging on your site to find the previous posts to get caught up.
Looking forward to the remaining posts.
Hi Ty,
Thank you. And *that’s* a good idea.
I’ll go through them and tag them all with “project email” or something and then add a tag link to each post. I think that should work. 🙂
(Edit – yes it does and I’ve also added a link to display a full list of the tagged posts.)
And yeah I know how you can just get swamped in stuff from time to time and miss out on things too.
Thanks again!
loving your posts on emails.
Thank you Frank for putting it together.
Hi Robyn,
You’re welcome. 🙂
Hi Frank ,
I missed this one last week and caught up today.
When I was watching your video – even though I have Hostgator – I sont seem to have the same details of the ones mentioned in your video –
For example when i go to my mail – I dont have the change passwords –
Hi Hamant,
I use HostNine and I moved to them about 3 years ago from HostGator as I wanted both a dedicated server and reseller hosting. The dedicated server is where I put all my product oriented business sites, and the reseller account is used for clients and niche sites. The advantage to HostNine’s “Reseller Central” software is that you can specify one of 6 different data centres for each domain, I think three in the US, one in the UK, one in Europe, and one in Singapore. Pretty much every time I add a new domain to my reseller account, I get a completely different IP address and this really helps with SEO when interlinking sites. This also means that every domain gets its own cPanel account and there’s no need for addon domains. HostNine are as good as or probably ever better at support than HostGator, often answering in under 10 minutes which is incredibly impressive.
Okay, that’s my ad for HostNine done – I really do like them though. 😉
You could try asking HostGator to add the missing functionality to your /webmail/ as I believe that what I have is pretty standard cPanel, so they might have removed it. The other thing is, servers are never universally set up the same and asking for something you’re used to seeing is often done quickly. At least that’s what I’ve found with HostNine when I set up a new domain and that particular server didn’t have Softaculous installed on it. They added it in about 15 minutes.