New Multiple Streams Theme – MST008

Update 6th July 2011:

The videos for this theme have *finally* been completed and you can see them here:-

Update 22nd June 2011:

MST008 has been updated to v 1.0.1 due to an easy to fix but annoying bug…

Some people may have been having a “headers already sent” problem with this theme. We didn’t see this on our test bed, so maybe the server(s) we’re using are more forgiving than others. It happens when some spaces or blank lines get inserted into a PHP file where they shouldn’t be.

Happily, WordPress know about this issue, and there’s an explanation of it here if you ever come across it yourself.

Just go back to your personal download page and grab the latest version, we’re sorry about any inconvenience.

Update: I’m sorry for the delay, the theme and plugin bundle is now available. There were a number of small issues I had with the theme, now all resolved. Please go back to your personal download page and you can grab it from there. 🙂

Offer Closed


The latest in the Multiple Streams Themes (MST008) is now *almost* complete, and on Friday 26th May at 6.00pm GMT (1.00pm EST) I’ll be running a 48-hour 50-copies-only PRE-ORDER sale at $10.00.

It comes with a nice selection of pre-designed banners including blank JPEGs and PSDs for them, plus umpteen sidebars, a selection of built in page templates, plus plugins (Ads Manager, Redirection, Squeeze Page Templates), and a set of theme options too.

The theme options allow you to turn on and off the header, top boxes and top and bottom ad areas, change footer text and add analytics code if you don’t have the Script Manager plugin.

And of course the theme supports the common WP 3.x features of custom menus, and background. That second one allows you to further lighten the feel of the theme or darken it down if that’s your preference.

And… after several requests we’ve added an extra “ad sidebar” at the top, so instead of the usual 3 ad blocks for sign ups, freebies, etc, there are now FOUR.

And finally, we’ve included a slider area at the top under the menu where you can place presentational images, extra ads etc.

It’s really nice, very businessey, probably the most professional looking theme so far… 😉

More on this tomorrow, but just in case you’re thinking “Hang on! I’ve bought all of them – what happened to MST007?” Well, someone else is working on that one, so they’ve got a bit out of order. When it’s done I’ll release it don’t worry. 😉

For now, MST008 isn’t quite ready as I’ve asked for a couple of under-the-hood changes and I’m expecting to get it in the next few days.

You can get a sneak preview of the theme here:-

The pre-order sale starts tomorrow at 6.00pm BST (British Summer Time, which is GMT+1).

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood


Gary Jenkins

Hi Frank,
I’m very glad to hear about your new Theme I’m still using Multiple Stream Theme 002 and I love it.

I really like the look of this new Theme, but I’ve got two questions.

First can you change the Theme Color? My last two Themes were Green, will I be able to change this new one to Green?

Second, the Slide Area. Can it be re-sized?


Frank Haywood

Hi Gary,

Yes, you can change the background to green in the options – that’s easy to do. You could also change any of the graphics to green too, but you’d have to “get your hands dirty” and fiddle with the graphics yourself. If you’ve got any kind of experience with editing graphics, you shouldn’t find it too hard to do.

The slide area doesn’t have any option to resize it in this first version, but that would be a pretty cool thing to do wouldn’t it? Again, you could probably change it yourself if you look through the code and CSS. I can’t see it being that difficult. I’ll have a word with the designer and see if he can’t add the option to do it, but I can’t promise anything immediately as it might be a little difficult to do.



I have Welly Mulia’s Profits Theme. How does your theme compare to it?

Hi Frank,

This one looks great and will certainly add it to my collection of MS Themes.

As a complete not Techie I am struggling a little with using them to their full potential. Have you been able to finish the how to videos for them as this would make them my theme of choice.


Frank Haywood

Hi Alan,

Ahh, thanks for reminding me. Sometimes I reckon I’d forget my head if it was only screwed on.

I’ve got some quiet time tomorrow, I’ll go see what I can come up with.


Frank Haywood

Hi Alan,

I’ve *finally* completed the Multiple Streams Themes Eight videos. With a little bit of thought (and a couple of exceptions), you can apply these to most of the other themes too.


Internet Marketing Olaf

Hey Frank,

that is some very nice theme, and i will take it direct when it will start to sell,
because now i have near all mst from you but by the last one i have many problems with the working,

but this looks so good that it must work,
i wait for your email

best regards

Frank Haywood

Hi Olaf,

I’m currently using the last one (MST006) on this blog. You’ve got my email address, drop me a line with your problem and I’ll take a look for you.


Internet Marketing Olaf

Hey Frank,

nice to hear, but i think i will not use it anymore when i have the nr.8, edita have take couple of time also, and there was still the same problems, i dont now why this not work all other MST was very fine working, but no problem, now i have order the MST8 and it will go better, but thanks for this

great working


Hi Frank, thank goodness for another MST fix, I was starting to get withdrawl symptems!!!
I am really looking forward to this version with all the new elements that have been added.

The MST family of themes are great for using as niche websites incorporating product info, product reviews and associated affiliate products to sell. The themes certainly don’t make your niche site look like a run of the mill WP blog, customising all the graphics can give a total look and feel of the theme.

Again thanks for all the great ideas and products you come up with.


Frank Haywood

Hi Valda,

Thanks for that. Yeah it is pretty easy to tweak them to make them look quite different very quickly. And as I know you’re pretty hot with graphics, you’re probably able to take them to the next level by making even more changes to the appearance. 😉


James Dunn

Darn Frank. Just got in and looks like I missed this one…well, I’ll wait for the full price release I guess. Looks good though – don’t have an immediate use for it, but you just never know.

Hope your Sunday has been peaceful Frank.

James Dunn
Athens, GA USA

Frank Haywood

Hi James,

I’ve had at least two good ideas from you, so I think this should be a freebie. I’ll go create you an order in the next few minutes, check your email.


Dan Gale

Hi Frank,

Well Today Is Memorial Day. I Was Wondering When MST 8 Will Be Released?

Any Updates Would Be Awesome.

As You Can See We Are Very Excited About MST 8 And Want To Install And Begin To Use.

Thanks Again.

Frank Haywood

Hi Dan,

I have a couple of hours work to do later today to package it all up and with any luck I’ll release it tomorrow as expected. 🙂


Thats Awesome… Thanks.. Can’t Wait.

Dan Gale

Well It Looks Like You Don’t Have Any Luck. 🙂 As It Was Not Released 2 Days Ago As Planned.

No Worries.. Just Checking In For A New Update.

Thanks Again

Frank Haywood

Hi Dan,

Yeah there were some bits in it that didn’t work properly so I’ve asked for them to be fixed.

IF it looks like there’ll be any further delay in getting the theme back by Tuesday, I’ll release the current version even though I know bits are broken. Then when the fully working version arrives, you can just overwrite with FTP and get all the functionality.

Things like the slider work perfectly, it’s the standard header and background bits that aren’t doing their thing which isn’t what I expected…


Hi Frank,

Sorry To Be Such A Bother. =)

I was wondering when this will be released?

No Worries Just Checking Up On It.

Can’t Wait To Use It. Hope It’s Coming Together Well.

Thanks In Advance,
Dan Gale

Frank Haywood

Hi Dan,

It looks like all is well, so I’ll bundle it in the morning and send an email out.

I think I’m going to use this on one of my main sites as I really like the slider and it’s dead easy to use. 🙂


Rob P. Cruisin

G’day Frank,

Was happy to see this is due.

I have been waiting patiently for this one to use on my new personal blog.

Slowly but surely I am getting back into the swing of things.

Have a good one.


Hey Frank,
Can I use this with Goggle ad-sense? I don’t see where I can fit that into this blog?

Frank Haywood

Hi Harold,

Sorry, I only just noticed this.

Yes, just either use an Ads Manager or text widget in one of the many sidebars and paste your AdSense code in there.


BTW Frank,
You never sent me a link to buy the new theme 008. I just got an email.

Hi there Frank, just one little question about the MST08. You know the image slider? Will this have the ability to use/have text and HTML with clickable links, as that of the Image Slider Manager plugin that you released in Feb this year?
I can’t wait for this version to be ready as I am dying to tweak the look and feel of the graphics as I plan to use this theme on my Graphic Design website.

Take care.

Frank Haywood

Hi Valda,

Yes it’s the same script working in the background. 🙂


Gary Jenkins

Hi Frank,
I see you sent the new Theme back on the 4th. Has there been any updates?
Or, did you release it, and I just missed it.


Frank Haywood

Hi Gary,

I now have it back (since yesterday evening) and after a bit of a play with it I’m happy. I just have to pull the package together and upload it, hopefully later today, probably tomorrow morning if I’m realistic about it…


Internet Marketing Olaf

Hello Frank,

i have some question about the theme,
can you tell us when when we can become the theme?
because i am just too set up a new website and it will be good
to use it there, ilook all days in my mailbox for the email whos says we can download it,

nice regards from the warm place of finland by just 32 degrees


Frank Haywood

Hi Olaf,

Hopefully tomorrow at the latest. 😉

32 degrees? I guess that’s fahrenheit? Brrr. We’re reaching about 15C (59F) average at the moment and just waiting for it to go up to 20C (68F) average before we can say the Summer is finally here. Then 8 weeks later it’s all over, hehe.


Internet Marketing Olaf

Hey Frank,

o now it is fahrenheit it is celsius 🙂
but nice to hear this about the theme,
i will wait for the download link

have a nice day

“Update: I’ve sent the theme back to the designer for some additional changes and a couple of fixes. I’m sorry for any delay, hopefully I’ll get it back by Monday 6th / Tuesday 7th”


The 6th / Tuesday 7th … of what? …. July?


Frank Haywood

Hi Ben,

Yeah I’m sorry. Now available. (Hurrah!)

There was a bit more conversation about this in the comments above.


I wasn’t really that happy with releasing what I had so I decided to wait until I had a fully working version the way I expected it to work rather than something half done. The waiting is the big downside to pre-orders, but people do like the idea of getting something at a lower cost if they pre-order. I know I do. 😉


Hi Frank,

Any progress with the videos yet.


Internet Marketing Olaf

Hello Frank,

nice to see that we can download the theme,
i have it just make and it runs fast fine, but now when i put the pther plugins inside, it works not fine anymore, i become a lot of site errors from the site, like this one:

Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /mnt/web8/12/81/51776481/htdocs/uesde/wp-content/themes/mst008/functions-options.php:1424) in /mnt/web8/12/81/51776481/htdocs/uesde/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 897

or this for the slide up plugin:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /mnt/web8/12/81/51776481/htdocs/uesde/wp-content/themes/mst008/functions-options.php:1424) in /mnt/web8/12/81/51776481/htdocs/uesde/wp-content/plugins/pg-slide-up-ads/classes/class.pgSlideUpAds.php on line 108

i have just send a mail to the support, and i hope there can be help for this problem

best regards

Internet Marketing Olaf

Hey Frank,

so i must say very thank you too you,
it was very nice that you have take a look for my problems self, and now it is running very good, no problems any more,

this is service ala 1A, not all marketer will make this kind of service,

i can say only
Thanks for the best service Frank

best regards

Hi Frank,

Let me start of by saying a BIG “THANK YOU” for putting this theme together…I recently purchased MST -006, but without the blank *.psd and i’m looking to purchase MST – 008 for an up project i’m working on…

Where will I be able to find the blank *.psd files, and banner dimensions for the MST -006 theme?


Frank Haywood

Hi Kurt,

You’re very welcome.

The PSDs are in the zip inside the “banners_with_dummy” folder for both MST006 and MST008.

There are also some blank no-text PNGs in the banners_blank folders.



Thanks for the response on the comment blog, but before I came about your site, I had purchased MST006 from a reseller and they didn’t include the banners_with_dummy, nor banners_blank Zip folders…is there a place (URL) I can go to download those folders? It would really aid in my completion of this site I’m working on…

Also, since I’m a new subscriber to your site I missed out on getting on that list of early testers/first notifier for when MST008 was released…where would I go to purchase this new release (MST008)?

Sorry if I’m probably asking the obvious, but I’m the new guy 🙂

Frank Haywood

Hi Kurt,

There are no official re-sellers of any of my themes. So the next question I have to ask is where did you get it from? This is going to be fun isn’t it? 😉

Ah, *unless* you purchased a domain with it pre-installed, or you’re a client of someone who purchased it from me. That would then be okay as I released a free client/flipper licence earlier this year and I think MST006 falls into that. Don’t worry you’re not in trouble. 🙄

I tell you what. I’m a bit busy today, but I’ll drop you a line over the weekend, so look for an email from this domain.


Hi Frank,

This is just a reminder to drop me a line concerning the missing MST006 files (banners_with_dummy, nor banners_blank Zip folders) and the link to purchase MST008.


Frank Haywood

Hi Kurt,

I’m sorry about the delay, I’ve just sent you an email which you’ll probably already know about by the time you see this. 😉


Hi Frank,

No problem – I know that there’s not enough hrs in the day, especially for a man as busy as you 🙂

Thanks again for everything and I hope you have a great weekend….see you online 🙂
