MySpace or My Space?

I’ve just got off the phone from my daily call with my "accountability partner", Diane Corriette who runs the site Inspirational Guidance.

(An "accountability partner" is someone who you go through 5 questions with each day.  The questions are designed to keep you focussed and on track with your daily tasks, and so also your long term goals.)

The call is supposed to last 7 minutes to go through our questions and answers with 3½ minutes each.  But it usually runs over because we chat.

One of the questions is (paraphrased) "what are you going to do today to further your goals?". Diane’s reply was "to clear up my space".

Because we’d both been on a teleseminar call last night about MySpace, it seemed a pretty topical thing to do.  So I then spoke about MySpace for about 15-30 seconds, which is quite a long time in a telephone conversation.

And then Diane said, "no I meant my space here is a bit of a mess, I need to tidy up…"

Anyway, I’m still chuckling about it, but it just goes to show how a conversation can go completely down the wrong route without a bit of clarification.  I wonder if any wars have started because of a simple misunderstanding?

It also shows how you can jump to a conclusion (well I can anyway), when you don’t have all of the facts.

Posted by Frank Haywood