Keith Goodrum has recently made a post about something that I’ve been intending to write about for a while now, and it’s jogged me to sit down and do it.
Job security.
There’s no such thing and there never has been, but I was taught early on in life that if I “behaved myself” and “worked hard”, I would have a “job for life” a phrase in itself which I’ve always found disturbing and frightening.
This same phrase was also wielded in later years by a company I worked for. It was clear to me and a lot of employees at the time that the management in charge didn’t have a clue and were slowly taking the business down.
I think their “promise” was supposed to be comforting for me to know that I had a job for life, but it always gave me the creeps. I could never voice exactly why though until recently.
Jobs are for losers.
What a horrible thing to say you might think, but it’s true when you stop to really think about it.
With a job, you have no guarantee of income, and you’re building your entire livelihood on the well being of the single entity that’s the business you’re working for. Plus, that business couldn’t give two hoots about your well being when you stop to think about it.
When it’s time for job cuts, out you go on what seems like a whim.
Suddenly your home, everything you own, and well… possibly even more… is suddenly in jeopardy.
You have no income. You can’t pay the bills. And if you’re over a certain age, the chance of you getting a similarly paid job could be slim.
All because you willingly tied yourself to a single source of income.
Now I’ve described it, don’t you think that’s loser behaviour?
And that’s an earlier version of me I’m describing above. I was that loser.
It’s different now though.
Now I have several sources of income with more planned for the future, and if one of them ever went bad as in my description above, then no sweat. There are others running too as part of my internet business.
That’s because I now have income security as opposed to job security.
Don’t you think that’s a much better place to be? Don’t you think that you should be taking steps to achieve that same goal?
Now no-one has control over my well being other than me and mine.
Isn’t it time you went for the same thing?
-Frank Haywood.
Not too many people get it. I can’t agree more. The establishment has been infiltrated by a bunch of rich elite. These elite have a lot of control over what is fed to us. We are taught to get a job and not cause waves. The rich don’t want you to go out on your own This could lead to a small business turning into a big business. They do not want competition.
TV – How many times do you see individuals starting a business and being very successful on a TV show? very rare…
Education – I was told several times in many different courses that only a very small percentage of businesses make it . I see small businesses start up and thrive on a regular basis.
You are definitely right about this. Having a job is for losers, because having a job means you are a conformist and when you conform, you cannot get out of your shell and test your boundaries. I’ve realized this by reading Emerson’s “Self Reliance.”