I Teach You For Free

I’ve just made a snap decision.

Sort of.

It’s been building up for a while now, and something I’ve just read has made me say “Right, time to blow the lid on this.”

So here’s the deal. I’m going to teach a SMALL group of people to recognise when a product will do what it says it does and to understand when they’re being manipulated and how.

In the process, you’ll also learn how to do a product launch yourself. And you’ll learn how to sell your own products with the right actions and words.

This is SCARY stuff, and it cost me thousands of dollars and countless hours to learn.

I’m not going to charge you anything.

But, I AM going to ask you to do a few tasks for me as we go along.

They’re not difficult, and everything I ask you to do will also be a good learning experience in itself. You’ll be able to perform these same tasks for yourself and apply them to your own business.


There’s also a proviso or two. I need to know that you have the right skill set to begin with.

I need to know you:-

o Are proficient in the English language.
o Can write. Both harder and easier than it sounds.
o Are independent and have a “can do” attitude. If I give you a task, you will get a good description of the task, but you will get NO help from me and I WON’T answer your questions – I don’t have the time to hand hold. You have to do this on your own.

In addition and ideally, but not necessary:-

o You would know basic HTML. No CSS required, just an understanding of basic formatting of web pages. This would include the use of FTP.
o Be able to do simple graphics editing using either Photoshop or GIMP.
o Know how to install WordPress, and add plugins and themes.

That’s it.

You can treat this as a “Super Internship” where the payoff is you learn various vital new skills and also how to do a product launch.

In summary, you’ll learn stuff and you’ll be given tasks to do by both written instruction and video.

What this isn’t in any way, is coaching. If you want me to coach you then you’ll have to pay me, and I’m not taking coaching students at the moment.

This is free, and some of the stuff you’ll learn from me no one else will tell you let alone discuss. It’s a bit shady, and it’s a bit on the dark side.

But it works.

There can only be a limited number of spaces. Let’s say 30. That’s all I’m going to take.

I’ll give you more details in a few days when I’ve thought it out some more.

In the meantime if you want to show your interest and get a “foot in the door” or ask any questions (while you can) then you can do so by leaving a comment.

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood


Nick Sherman

I’m interested in hearing more details.

Phil Eugene

Well Frank – so far everything I have bought from you or read from you has been good stuff so I imagine this will be too…

Best Regards

Phil Eugene

David P Mosley

I think this is great,count me in ok.
David Mosley

yes please Frank…let me in

I’m interested in this super internship and I have all the necessary skill sets except. However, I have one question, when you say “can write” do you mean to be really good at writing or can come up with a decent article? I’m more of a techie person and I’m not that a good writer but if it’s required then I adjust.

Hi Frank

Simple question “What’s in it for you?”


Gareth C Thomas

Hi Frank,

I’d be interested in assisting you with this. What kind of time commitment do you envisage it take?

As for whether I can write and have good grammar, check out my website… http://www.magicmoneytips.com



Phil Horsepool

Hi Frank

Always keen to learn πŸ™‚


Hi Frank,

This sounds very interesting… I’m chomping at the bit waiting to find out more.

From the skill set described I’d guess you require us to try out and write about certain products. Is that near the mark?

Anyhow, you can count me in – I’d enjoy the process and I have the skills you outline.

Look forward to becoming a member and finding out more,


Gerard Hevey

I am very interested. I have aquired many skills to do this internet business thing but getting into action has been a problem. Would greatly appreciate the help.

Hi Frank,

I’m intrigued and would very much like to work with you on this project.

So, hope that I get the opportunity and look forward to your next update.


Marcia Gray

If you get a minute, could you please explain more of what you would teach and perhaps more about what you’d like me to do? Things like time commitment and such.
Thank you.

Barry Reeves


I would be very interested in your opportunity. I have all the skills mentioned in your post. My Blog will give you more info about me if you have a few minutes.

Thanks for the opportunity,

Barry Reeves

Hi Frank
I am interested sound good, let me hearmore

paolo orlando

i wouldl like to be part of your teACHING program.Let me know please
i am allready experienced but in Italy market is not big so i could earn not how much i want.So i decide to focus on english speaking market and i think it would be a good way to start.

Joe Soldonia

I am interested.. in your offer..

I have all of the skills you require.. I’d like to give it a try…


Frank Graham

I willing to give you a go. I have purchased most of your products and you always over deliver,( you can check)I could use a challenge.

Hey Frank – mega idea! I’d love to get in on this.

What next?



I love scary stuff, Frank.

I’ve got the skills and you’ve got the goods.

This is going to be fun.

So let’s do it.

Gary Jenkins

Hi Frank,
It sounds interesting. How long will the whole process take?

Vince Andrews

This sounds like a very profitable learning experience and the fact that you are doing this for free Frank, really amazes me. It shows that you are the kind of person that does indeed care about others and this is where so many marketer fail with their prospective audience.

I would be honoured to be included as one of the pupils..


Hi i think i qualified for your task, please visit my blogs for my portofolio

Hey Frank,
I’m interested. πŸ™‚

Hi Frank,

Thanks for the great offer.

I’m interested in your training. I’m proficient in HTML, CSS, PHP I’ve setup wordpress blogs.

But I seem to be missing a few key ingredients to get my business started.

I look fowared hearing from you.


Stan Craigie

What a great opportunity, Frank. You can count me in as very interested, I need the practice!


Hi Frank

Wow, amazing idea, I think you’ll be inundated with people wanting to join, me first please!!

Roy Maul

I would be very interested in your training program and would like to get my “foot in the door”. I have to skills and attributes you’ve defined in your post.


Hi Frank,

Sounds interesting! I would be interested and meet the qualifications mentioned in your post.


Bill Walker

I believe I have the skill set necessary. After several years of adding to my programming and internet knowledge (I was a computer programmer for 30 years)I realize that there is always more to learn in an evolving environment. However, I feel ready to turn my knowledge and abilities into work that provides some fruit in the realm of real income.

John Langlois

I’m in. Please post a list of initial prep work we need to do.

Eruwan Gerry

Hi Frank,
You offer sounds great!
I can’t wait to get more details from you.
Here’s where I put my foot through your door.. πŸ™‚

count me in – i qualify in all areas
(may even discipline myself to use caps πŸ˜‰

Andy King

Hi Frank, I downloaded your software to help me with keeping my pdf secure. I have finished a sales page although i’m only 80% happy with. And I have an ebook that I can release now.

I have a few other website ideas and I’m trying to get them off the ground. The learning curb is steep but I’m getting there.

I would love to be taught.

What are you offering? I’m in!

Andy King

Darren Critchley

I am very interested in this, keep me posted please……

Excellent hook. I’m definitely interested. Tell me more.

Hiya Frank

Any advice from you is always valuable so to get FREE coaching??? Listen Glad to be 1st in letting you know my interest

Count me in…

Looking forward to your coming details in next few days


Dave Connor


Sounds intriguing. I’d love to have a go and assure you I will give it my best shot!


Dave Connor

Maury Riganto

Hi Frank,

YES – I would LOVE to be able to sort the good from the bad (and maybe be able to free up tons of space on my hard drive ;0)). I have all the skills you mentioned in your email, too! I also have a hobby site I put together here: http://www.hillcumorah.net (and yes – you have my email address because I purchased Smart DD)

Thank you for your generous offer!

Thanks again,

Tim Hill

Thanks Frank!

Count me in, looking forward to expand my knowledge, learn and implement new strategies.

It’s a bit shady, and it’s a bit on the dark side.

I think your new nickname should be: Frank ‘slim’ shady!

These aren’t my answers, but – I kid you not – I’ve seen this kind of response a million times. It’s not as far from the truth as you might think.

Are proficient in the English language.
Yes, I are.

Can write. Both harder and easier than it sounds.
Do I have to do joined up writing? Pencil or biro?

Are independent and have a β€œcan do” attitude. If I give you a task, … you will get NO help from me…You have to do this on your own.
If I get stuck with it, can you tell me the best way of doing it and show me first? Or can you nip round to mine to demonstrate? What’s your home telephone number?

Joking aside, it sounds an interesting exercise, but from what I know of you and what you’ve said here I suspect it will be ‘hot-housing’ for the few and not ‘marketing 101’ for the many.

I just wonder if there isn’t a need for something slightly less intense for people with very limited experience? πŸ™‚ [no, not for me!]

Are you going to vet the applicants, for their own sake?


Interesting concept Frank and a good trade off for skills – you source out your tasks for free, presumably aiming toward a product launch, and your “assistants” get to learn new skills and how to put them all together to turn a profit.

How many hours are the tasks likely to take per day and how long is the project likely to run?


Lawrence Moore

Hiya Frank!

I meet all of your provisions (except one… I’ll have to teach myself WordPress – sure that won’t be a problem) and am ready to go whenever you are. Bring it on! πŸ™‚

P.S. The Website URL above is a portal to some of the other sites I run. I coded them myself.

Hi there Frank, hope you are enjoying the Bank holiday, the weather has been great down here in the South West.

Anyways back to the subject on hand. Frank I am very interested in your proposal and am just really “following your instructions” in showing interest in this project by commenting πŸ˜‰

As you know I am able to do the graphics side of things, know the basics of html, know how to use ftp, install wordpress and WP Plugins and the only lanuage I can speak is English πŸ˜‰
If the explanations are simple, then I “can do it!” That’s all the criteria covered isn’t it?…. Oh and I can write

I do have a question though. How long is the “internship” for and are the lessons given on a daily or weekly basis?

Take care

Joseph Conover

Need to see what you have first before I can comment on it.

Mickey Mixon

Great timing! I have a book that I am planning on launching on July 4, 2009. It is a book that teaches how to conduct a self directed job search. It is titled “Job Search Survival” (www.jobsearchsurvival.com) I also do affiliate marketing like http://www.myfityummymummy.info , however, I have not done a product launch before, so I really hope you choose me as one of the 30!

Sounds very interesting Frank. I definitely have all the skills required to do this, just check my website which is maintained by me. I am pretty good with Photoshop although not an expert, and I am very familiar with WordPress and how to edit code within templates.

English is my first language too so that’s no problem either.

I would like to hear more about this.


John Edgley

Sounds most intriguing, Frank – I look forward to receiving more details in due course.

Eddie Lawrence

Hey Frank,
I’d like to learn. I meet all the qualifications you spelled out.

wayne atherton

Hi frank
well i guess i am proficient in the related fields and would love to see how its done professionally
so count me in.

Hi Frank

Available if you want me ; )

Sounds interesting! And I’m keen to learn more about your offer.

I have all the requirements you specify and am also quite advanced with photoshop. I know a little php too. No expert but can understand what’s going on to a fair degree. With regard cms and blogs I am able with most from wordpress to Joomla.

I’m self-employed so getting on with it is second nature.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards


Hi Frank,

How are you?

Thanks for the “foot in the door” opportunity. Good idea.

Kind regards


Ray Harries

WOW Frank. Count me in. This sounds an unmissable and very generous offer from you and I would be soooo pleased to accept any form of teaching from someone who is actually making their living from the internet as opposed to the “gurus” who are making their living from teaching people how to make a living on the internet. Can’t wait to see what you’ve got up your sleeve.

Idriys Muhammad


Consider me in!

This is a first for me (Free Teaching From A Pro) and I’ve been on the Internet for quite a few years.

I have the skills you mentioned in the post.

I am –

o Proficient in the English language.
o Can write.
o Independent and have a β€œcan do” attitude.

In addition and ideally, but not necessary:-

o Knowledgeable in basic HTML. No CSS though. This includes the use of FTP.
o Able to do simple graphics editing using Photoshop.
o I am able to install WordPress, and add plugins and themes.

Please, by all means, keep me posted.

Okay Frank,

I just received your eMail blast and first, who are YOU and why would I want to learn from YOU? Don’t take my question negatively… because if YOU do I will just assume this is another Internet scam.

You’re asking for qualifications?… so am I!


OK, I’m willing.
What is the expected start and end timescale?

Rod Hampton

Sounds good to me.

Adam Arnold

Frank, curiosity overwhelms even the most learned… of which I am not. However, I do posses the 6 key attributes you seek (I would rather type than write though! I should have been a doctor with my hand writing skills). PHP, CSS & HTML got me to learning about marketing online (I wish I started in the revers order).

One question however sits foremost in my frontal lobe. “Do the said tasks require monetary consideration?”

Okay, so there is actually another question.

Are these tasks attempting to test temporary solutions or is longevity the desired outcome?

In anticipation,

sounds good

I’m interested in you teaching me.

hi im very interested in your offer can’t wait for more details



colin hardwick

sounds interesting Frank

Look forward to learning more. I’ve built websites and have recently learned a great deal about wordpress blogging and am ready for the next thing.

Tony Prodger

I would love to be included Frank.
I believe that I fulfil the criteria as laid out in the email

Tony Prodger

I would like to learn more. Sounds like a great win/win situation.

“I’m going to teach a SMALL group of people to recognize when a product will do what it says it does and to understand when they’re being manipulated and how. – I want to understand this!

In the process, you’ll also learn how to do a product launch yourself. And you’ll learn how to sell your own products with the right actions and words.” – Fantastic!

I am a retired teacher – giving away too much of my time and knowledge and have a strong desire to make my business work on line. Right now it is not providing sufficient income and takes a lot of my time. I have been “taken in” by clever advertising and purchased all of those products that sound way too good to be true! I desire to produce products that provide quality content and give the client more value than they ever anticipated, teaching them to be successful as well.

Please include me in your list for the next round of information. I want to participate. I want to learn successful systems that build solid relationships and do not scam my customers.

Terry Loving

Hi Frank,

Well, this all sounds very interesting I must say! I can answer in the affirmative to your pre-requisite requirements, and I have several resell-rights products on my hard-drive ready to go.

At the moment, I’m looking into video as a means of traffic generation, and am looking into developing a couple of affiliate websites.

This may well be a good time for me as I am going to reduce my working hours so as to concentrate more on an internet business.


Sure Frank count me in for your free training or “I teach you for free”

best regards Mario

Hey there Frank. This sounds like a great opportunity and I am game. My only question is how many hours a week will be needed and does it require certain days or hours of the day. I am available evenings Mon thru Thursday and all day and night Fri thru Sunday. While i do have some time during the week days to do quite a few tasks the bulk of the work would be done evenings or my 3 day weekends. Note that I am pretty efficient when I do a job. I can cover a lot of ground fast especially when I am under pressure. I have quite a bit of experience in everything you listed as requirements.

Mike McGee

I’m interested.


Di Chapman

Hi Frank

I have been on the net since 2000 seriously and was an MSN tester for Microsoft before then (that might be me out then!). Live in France born in UK and am natural English speaker.

Have articles published in Ezine and many other directories. Have helped others with writing and one client made $2000 from one of her clients from one of the articles.

Have taught for Business Link (UK) HTML, Dreamweaver, FTP. Can do simple graphics and also have set up WordPress blog and understand plugins and themes.

My attitude can be summed up by the fact that when we moved over to France I still ran a client based business. I kept my clients and while we were renovating the barn lived in a caravan. The phone line was run to a garden gazebo and I worked through 2 winters with an electric heater at each knee when the temps were below zero.

Many clients have cut back drasticly on their work so I have free time and am used to taking direction and returning completed work.

Look forward to hearing from you when you get time and are ready.

Di Chapman

hi frank

this is something ive been looking for some to help and give ideas because i do not have a lot of money but i would like to make money

thank you

Jerry Nicholson

I’m interested in hearing the details.

John Beddows

Very Interested-keep me posted please.

Brian Frias

Hey Frank,
Count me in!

Yes, Frank, count me in. I’m okay with your basic requirements, but not sure with the ‘not necessary’ stuff. I hope I will learn more about them in your course. As a typical newbie, I am excited to hear more from you about this offer. Thanks a lot for the awesome opportunity.

Paul Wood

Hi Frank

I’m interested.Look forward to hearing from you..


Rafael Cabo

Hi Frank,

I have been following you for a few
YEARS and I have bought many of your
products that are giving me incredible

Your advice, has been proved very
valuable all time… and everything
coming from you it’s worth taking a
look at it…


Rafael Cabo
El Coach de la Atraccion

I teach you for FREE


Sounds Interesting

Sounds like fun – and totally fasinating. let’s do it.

Gareth Hogan

PLEASE count me in if it is not to late, just read the email. I have most of the skills and have friends to help me out, if I get stuck.

I have done a link to my latest effort above, if you have time please check it out to see what level I am at. I am in the process of writing a series of green/ecology ebooks and could really do with some ideas on how to promote them. Help me save the planet?

best wishes
Gareth Hogan

Mike Hayes

I am sick & tired of all the bullshit on the “guru” circuit and was happy to get a product that actually did what it said – that’s SmartDD.

So if the guy(s) who gave us SmartDD want help/are offering coaching then I would certainly like to be a part of it. English? OK. Write? OK. HTML? OK. FTP? OK. Photoshop? OK. WordPress? Beginner but have installed. Independent? Yes.

I have hours to do what I want so no limitations there and love trying new things as my websites might show.

Count me in.


Hi Frank,
Sounds very interesting, and I’m up for a challenge, so count me in.

Patricia Spork


Thank you for the offer. Greatly appreciated, but I have to turn it down. I’m overwhelmed with work online and off, so no time for extra, even though know your offer would probably be beneficial to me. Looks like you have plenty of folks open to this opportunity, so many choices for the 30 you seek. Good luck to all!

Kevin Baker


What’s in this for you Financially. Clearly you are getting students to work for skills but the financial gain has to be worth it to you or why bother.

So please explain…..


Hi Frank,

I always find your e-mails & blog posts very helpful & informative so would be very interested to learn more from you so count me in.

Look forward to receiving further details.


Francis Moss

Hi Frank:
I’ve used your products before and like them. I fit all your requirements and would like to be considered for your “Super Internship” program. Please tell me more about it.
Francis Moss

I am interested. Look forward to hearing from you.

I am very interested and would be very happy to be part of your teaching plans. Count me in!

kevin wiltshire

Hi Frank, I would like to sign up.
Thanks Kev Wiltshire.

Hi there, always willing to learn something new. Paps

Hi Frank,

Brilliant idea! Can’t beat a symbiotic relationship, especially one with a payout potential greater than cash in hand.


Being a natural born American, I am proficient in the English language – although, I have heard that Englishmen may find that to be a contradiction of terms. πŸ˜‰

Writing comes naturally to me, but is easier where there is an interest, and a good bit harder where there is none. Which is probably an element of the difficulty you mentioned.

I am both an independent worker and a self-starter, and have received recognition on the job for those qualities.

I am proficient in FTP and the installation of WP and WP plugins.

My simple graphics are created with Paint Shop Pro, but I can learn to use the programs you mentioned.

Basic HTML – can troubleshoot HTML better than I can write it at this point.

I look forward to learning anything more you may reveal about the position, and would very much like to be considered.

Thank you for presenting the opportunity.


Pol vanRhee

Well, Frank, I’ve definitely been accused of abusing the English language, but other than that, I’m pretty sure I’d fit the bill. I’ve been highly impressed with you and your products, so I’d be very interested in this experiment. Thanks for including me, Pol

Thomas John Summers

Hi Frank,
I live in Tunbridge Wells in Kent. I have bought products from you in the past – recommended by Alex Jeffreys and have been very satisfied with them. I would very much like to be considered for this.
Many thanks
Tom Summers

I am interested and look forward to the details in your next email.


Richard Dauer

I meet your minimum qualifications, and exceeed in one area, I am good with the English language. I can write. I am in. Let me know.

J Arthur Davis

I have your SmartDD program and is working as your claimed. If this program works as well as SmartDD I’ll put my name onto this list.
J Arthur Davis

Steve Wheeler

I’m interested. I started to try to use SmartDD just as Ebay knocked ebook selling on the head. And nothing else I’ve tried has worked online, (www.wheelergame.com)so why not try this?

Vern Brown

I would bet that you didn’t expect such a response to such a simple offer!! Looks like you have some decisions to make – who, when, what…

I would certainly be interested, when you figure this all out.

Remember though, I did ask for more ‘involved’ teaching [ie. videos] about SDD, which you agreed to, but that’s another story…

Glad to see you’re recovering…

Thomas Skirde

Hello Frank
I am an German Boy and live in Thailand and my only work that i can do it`s internet marketing. My englisch its not very well i can read an understand all, but writing it`s not good enough. But i willing to learn
and i work hart. My website now have nearly 10 000 visitors all day but i can not make nearly this money that profis made with same.
I wish you a nice day

John Shelton

I qualify for all your requirements, my html skills are somewhat limited but I believe I could follow along and use what you have to offer>

Ha, This sounds really different then the other “guru” teaching & coaching guys.

So, let’s give this a good try

Oui Fanck, moi aussi je suis prΓͺte Γ  vous suivre.
Vos compΓ©tences et votre renommΓ©e ne sont plus Γ  prouver aussi il me tarde d’en apprendre d’avantage.
@ très bientôt

Hello Frank

I am interested, show me more


A challenge (sound like one, anyway …) ? Bring it on !

I know curiosity kill the cat, but ‘m not a cat and I don’t have one .. so I’m safe to be curios about this.

However, you said only 30 ppls will be in. Ok, I’m born on 31st day of a certain month, so I won’t mind be the “+1” πŸ™‚

This is a great opportunity and like many here I meet the requirements. How is the selection process going to work? There are already more than 30 responses here. Maybe he will look at the posts here for the English requirement, that will quickly cut the numbers down. Or will it be first come first served. I guess we will have to wait and see.

I am intreagued.

Nic Castle

Norman Macey

With 100 applicants in front of me, I think I need keep my fingers crossed.

None of what you required frightened me.

So send it on Frank.



p.s. I will call over for it if you like.I live in N. Wales

Frank, I would love to participate. I have necessary skills and most importantly, the burning desire to learn and succeed. I look forward to getting started πŸ™‚


Art Speck

Hi Frank,

If you think there’s still any hope for me, please count me in.

Bruno Auger

Pretty interesting concept I must say. Its not everyday that someone offers you free training.

Anne Parr

good morning Frank
I am a long way down the line and one or two of the requirements will stretch me! however, if you pick we, I will give this all my comittment.

Frank please count me in. I am willing to learn anything to further my internet presence


David Laing

Sounds good to me!

Terry Russell

Hello Frank,

What you suggest sounds good to me, after all “There is no such thing as a free lunch”, and so you should get something in return for your efforts and experience.

I am a current customer; I purchased the full version of SmartDD (Smart Digital Download) (Blatant Plug!) and I feel that this is a very good product and would readily recommend it to anyone.

In fact I will!

Anyone looking at this post can go there right now!

Get Frank’s great software right now!

Don’t Walk Run! Yes You Heard Me!

I am going to check off, and indicate my skill level on the items you indicated would be suitable for your needs.

I need to know you:-

Q. Are proficient in the English language. A. Check!

Q. Can write. Both harder and easier than it sounds.

A. I can write creatively, but always use spell & grammar check liberally, I like to get the ideas on the page rather than worry about spelling and grammar while I am typing. I am also a pretty good typist.

Q. Are independent and have a β€œcan do” attitude.

A. I have been working at home full time for over 3 years, so I had better be independent.

I previously had a computer sales & service business and also worked as a contractor (without a contract) for a national service company and often acted as team leader for the other techs when the leader was away or sick.

I really liked working on the hardware but really got tired of the travel. Like Harrison Ford said “It’s not the age, it’s the mileage.”

I have been a Radio Shack store manager and salesman, and learned a lot about merchandizing there.

Q. If I give you a task, you will get a good description of the task, but you will get NO help from me and I WON’T answer your questions – I don’t have the time to hand hold. You have to do this on your own.

A. Ok works for me I like to learn things out on my own. Sometimes I have to beat it in with a stick, but it usually gets done.

In addition and ideally, but not necessary:-

Q. You would know basic HTML. A. Check!

Q. No CSS required, just an understanding of basic formatting of web pages. A. Check!

Q. This would include the use of FTP. A. Check!

Q. Be able to do simple graphics editing using either Photoshop or GIMP.

A. Check! Can work with GIMP but need more experience with the software, but can get by ok.

Q. Know how to install WordPress, and add plugins and themes. Check!

I am also experienced in giving live web presentations on line on a weekly basis.

I work doing this on a contract basis and am doing presentations for North America right now, and was doing them for the UK regularly, but we got all the people that our client needed, so we do not need to do any more until the presentations are needed again.

So Frank I am interested in working & learning with, and from you.

Please let me know when I can contact you to discuss this further.

All The Best!

Terry Russell

Hi Frank

I am interested in more info


Very interested

Heather Martineau

I have built my own web site and blogs. Everything I have learned so far is bye downloading free information from books and programs. I am willing and really enjoy learning new things. I am trying to get things working for my own business on line, I have no money but I am’ not going to give up. So any help I get will be greatly appreciated. I would really like to learn from you and hope you can let me in the course and I know it will beniffit me greatly.
Thanks from Heather

Malc Desborough

Hi Frank

This is a very interesting and unusual opportunity, I’ve been interested in developing a web business for a long time and spent too much money in the process. So yes, I’m up for the challenge, and hope I get one of the 30 places.



Will Campbell

Aloha Frank!

I have the idea to do a product launch with a backend membership site. I won’t disclose the niche but there is a bunch of us. πŸ˜‰

My recent training includes Launch Tree and I am REALLY excited about doing a product launch but just need a bit of mentoring for my first one and to get all the pieces of the puzzle together.

I have been studying IM for over a year part-time and now full-time since I lost my job last Oct. My first affiliate sales are on the near horizon as I am putting together my social networking mininet with Squidoo lenses, but I believe product launches w/ membership sites are where the real money is and that is where I want to go with my IM career.

If you are looking for a rising star pupil to boost from an amateur to professional IM status, I’m your man.

Thank you for this opportunity.


Will Campbell

Hi Frank

Just read your email – sounds good. I have all the skills you mentioned and eagerly await more details. I’ve already done some affiliate marketing using WordPress and have had some limited success and am hoping to launch my own product once I build up my skills. Your course sounds like it could be what I need to take me to the next level.

Look forward to your next email.


Anthony Harris

Hello Frank,

This sounds like a truly interesting project. The website I’ve mentioned a a blog I’m just about to set up. In due course, I shall be setting up http://www.netprofitsinsight.com as my original effort wasn’t very good and was taken down when I changed hosts recently.

You already know I can write, as you said so yourself after reading my post about the eBay slap on John Thornhill’s blog in February last year.

I also undertook a short course in HTML some years ago, and just need to brush up a bit. I’ve used GIMP a couple of times (the ‘Halifax’ inside the ‘X’ became ‘Halitosis’, but I’ll say no more…it was deeply personal).

Yes, I can set up WP blogs, and if I have any difficulty with plugins, I’ve got someone I can ask (but I also have access to videos on the subject).

Last but not least, I’d like to work with you. By the way, I’ve been a journalist and can write ‘speakably’. Try me.

Best wishes,


bad brad

Ohh Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!
I fill all the qualifications you ask for and then some.

((((((((In Stereo))))))))
Where Available

Timothy Caron

This is like throwing a dog a bone. What person in there right mind, with the skill set you require would not jump on this opportunity to learn a little more.

Ok, I’ll bite the bone. Next.


Patricia Reszetylo

Wow, I’m up for this – where do I sign!?

Bruce Andrews

Hey Frank!

Long time no chat! Do me a favour will you? Actually, make that two.

1) Count me in, sounds fun!

2) Get your laptop working for heavens sake! Geoff and I are still trying to get hold of you on Skype, (re; SmartDD etc) and you never seem to be answering your mobile these days! πŸ™‚

Take care buddy,


Michael Claggett

Hi Frank,

Having followed your lead regarding numerous online marketing methods, strategies and techniques, I must tell you I am indeed an avid fan or your work.

I run “Entrepreneurs On Call” with Dale Stefancic and assist local businesses increase their exposure through local search engine marketing. The latter has provided me with a decent living, operating out of my home office for the last 5 years. Previous to that I sold how to info to niche markets. Some of those niche products still sell very well.

I have just about finished a “Local Search Course”. 120+ pages of hard hitting, no fluff, start to finish “What, Why, When, Where and How To” for local businesses to put their businesses on page one in local and organic SERPs. The course includes 20 Step by Step, Click by Click Tutorials for everything from keyword research, building their business sites from the templates I’ve designed to getting that coveted first page search result position.

My problem; I have basically worked with local clients and made a good living doing it. Therefore never really saw the need to do anything but provide my clients with more than phone consultation and step by step tutorials. I have never done a major nation wide launch.

My partner Dale suggested I combine everything into one complete how to. Well that was 6 months ago and I am just now doing the final proofing of the the main course and some touch up on the tutorials.

Launch time will soon be upon me but outside of Dale’s speaking engagements and local business people that have shown an interest in selling the course as affiliates, I don’t have many other venues to get people to my offer.

Anyway, what you are proposing here certainly is of interest to me considering my current situation.

As for handling assigned tasks as part of your instructions and tutorials, that is not a problem for me.


HTML – Started coding in “95” using NotePad. Still code a lot in NotePad or NoteTab Pro.

Graphics – I have plenty of PhotoShop experience having done headers, footers and ecovers for marketers like Jeremy Burns and Carl Galletti
(Samples: http://www.ProductSourceGoldMine.com)

CSS – A solid working knowledge

PHP – enough to get myself in trouble but through trial and error I can usually muddle my way through.

WordPress – I’ve installed and optimized more WordPress blogs than I care to think about.

So if you’re looking for someone that needs no baby sitting but can implement an assigned task without question and in a timely manner, I feel like I’m qualified and certainly have the “Want to”.

Whether I’m selected for this training/adventure or not, I wish you success with this endeavor.

Here’s hoping you’re having a productive and prosperous 2009.

Best Regards,

Mike Claggett

I’m back at it and DeadIntoIt

I just submitted a comment and for some reason it did not show here…unless u are busy approving the comments but no noticication of that so i’ll try it again

Frank I thank you for this offer and I will gladly take you up on your offer. I have a lot to offer in return; when and if u contact me I can send you a list of my mastery expetises. I am glad to reciprocate for whatever I receive.

Thanks for the opprotunity and consideration for me to join this program.

In the meantime you can find me @ http://www.stepbystepuniversity.com

Andy Palmer

Am I too late?

John Lauretani

I would be most interested in seeing what your project involves.
There are two questions I have for you.
1.What will the bottom line cost be?
2.There obviously is a time commitment. How much would you estimate in
a week? Hope to hear from you John

Hi Frank

Yes please. The amount of replies you’ve had already to your post makes me envious.


Hi Frank
Yes I have all the skill set you lay out and am certainly interested.


Would like to have a go!! Thanks!!

Ion Andrei

I am not for long time in the affiliate marketing business, just for four months, I was newbie, but I’ve learned few things. I am about to launch the website from above, anyway you may take a look at it, I’ve done it all by myself, I have already set up a blog on wordpress with few plugins, after I launch my website I will start posting, you may search my name in EzineArticles.com, I have few articles published, I am speaking fluently, reading and writing in five languages, now I know some basic HTML and CSS, the problem is what’s in it? I have many things to learn and many projects by my own, I am not clear what are you offering.

Ken Trueman

I am interested in learning more about this, have all the required skills you noted in your e-mail, am self motivated and independant.
Hoping to hear from you.
Best from
Ken Trueman.

I am interested

John Wilson

I want in too, Frank!

But, it looks like you have way too many folks if 30 is the number you want.

I meet all the qualifications that you set for applicants.

Let me know what else I must do in order to be a Super Intern.



Geoff Lord

HI there Frank

I would Like to be included in your test if there are still any spots available. We have spoken about projects before and I live in the UK (most of the time LOL).

I am familiar with all of the requirements and would to get involved

I believe you still have my skype address

Rodney Smith

Sounds interesting… count me in!!

Well it looks like you have more than 30 interested people. And you can add me to the list. I’m game.

Jannette Robert Murray

Sounds interesting, Frank. Please give more information, and especially how much time would be involved/deadlines, etc.

You have way over 30 respondents already.

I already have Smart DD from you, and don’t think I should receive the other responding parties’ info by email (get too much already, thank you!)


Keng Phuah

Hi Frank,

Your project sounds interesting. If you have something new, I am always looking forward to be taught by you. Kindly let me know when you are going to start.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Keng Phuah

Hmmm… I wonder how long I need to think about this offer from…

…the quiet guy who I’ve been quietly following for the last year and a half.

…the straight-shooting guy for whom my BS detector does not even quiver when he speaks.

…the no-nonsense guy who hasn’t been tainted by the “guru” mystique, and who is not trying to impress it upon anyone.

…the regular guy who I wouldn’t mind sitting and having a few beers with (if I drank beer!). Maybe I’d drink a few just to pick his brain (if mine lasted).

Without going into my resume, I qualify. Writing, coding, graphics.

I gather that this is something a little different and unusual. At least I am glad you’re not calling it “coaching.” Frankly, I am sick of that word, because it can mean so many things, especially to everybody’s wallets. If you choose to use it, please use sparingly, and only with meaning.

I don’t care if there already are 137 names in front of mine, given this chance, my hat is in the ring, too.

Along with the 137 more that follow mine.

Robert James

This Aussie from downunder appears to be qualified in all requirements and would be very interested in this great opportunity.

James Davies


I think this would be a great challenge! I have spent a good deal of the last twenty years teaching people the basics of how to use computers and the Internet. I like the idea of being the student again and everything I have seen from you looks very logical. I would love to become one of your star students. The harder you make me work the bwetter.

Jim Davies -The Web Professor

Andrew Prussack

Hi Frank.

I’d love to be a part of this. So please count me in.
I meet all the qualifications. I hope to be involved.


judy lubana

Hey Frank would love to be your student.

I know how to use WordPress and upload themes and add plug ins. Also, I have worked with HTML and have used FTP to upload to my server. I am familar with GIMP. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Paul Bixler

I am interested. Please keep me informed.

David Jackson

I’m definitely interested. Can I substitute Paint Shop Pro for Gimp? (or as I call it the poor man’s photoshop). Also any idea how long a typical “assignment” will take to finish?

Dave Jackson


Well count me in lets do it.

Michael McQueen

I would love to be in on your project.

I have several of your products and they are great.

I have the most of the skills you are talking about.


Mike Gates

Hi Frank,

Looks like you’ve had a great response and may have to turn a number of people away. If you still have room I would be interested. I meet all qualifications.


Ron Perko

I would be very interested in being included in this project. Please include me. I meet the qualifications.


Gary Mitchell

Hi Frank, I would like to be included in your picked line up. Check out one of my many sites including this one, e-booksellers.com, e-books-24-7.com, wealthinc0me.com,1st4ebooks.com, 247inc0me.com etc, all running.

Kind regards

starburst balloons
Tel: 0191 2643512 MB: 07932 647643
email: info@starburstballoons.co.uk


learning always. Have reality product launch within next 2-3 month.
For sure YOU could support me to fly on-Line!

Warm regards

Chris Arhot

Hi Frank,
Thanks for the invitation.
Sounds interesting!
Count me in for your free training.
I would like to hear more about this.

Chris Arhot webmaster

Alan Turner

I would very much like to be involved in the opportunity you are presenting. It sounds brilliant, absolutely count me in.

Many thanks


I have a been a follower of yours for a good while now – and your candid style is refreshing compared to a lot of others out there! My skillset would enable me to adequately fulfill your requirements reliably.

I would really appreciate an opportunity to participate.


I’m interested being able to appeal to a much broader audience. What do you want to get out of this?

Hi Frank
Extremely interested,willing to do whatever is required, BUT only 30 places how are you going to choice who too train?

Well, that will teach me to read my emails from you sooner! A lot more than 30 expressions of interest but can I please put my foot in the door too?


Hi Frank

I would love to work with you, this is an unbelievable opportunity. I meet all your requirements, and then some! I’m highly motivated, focused and determined to make more money online, and you won’t need to hold my hand in the process!!

Cheers mate

Jan Evensen

Hi Frank!

I’m interested, please count me in!




Bruce Leonard

Hi Frank,
I would love to take advantage of this great opportunity you are offering. One of the things I have learned researching how to get started online is that it’s important to have a mentor. What I have learned about you and from you tells me you would be a great mentor . . . straight forward, honest, helpful, great products and content . . . hard work and commitment is necessary in any venture . . . Where do I sign up for your “Super Internship?”

Wow Frank you have stirred up a hornet’s nest here.

I’m one of those few people that try products out to see if they work. So to be able to “So here’s the deal. I’m going to teach a SMALL group of people to recognise when a product will do what it says it does and to understand when they’re being manipulated and how.” is awesome.

Tell me more.


What a noble gesture. It is good to know that there are some IM’ers out there that really care and want to help others!


I can do most of that stuff to some degree or other – though I’m basically a hair’s breadth from an absolute beginner.
I have to be frank, Frank (bet that’s the first time you’ve heard that one), I haven’t really done very much Photoshop – and I’ve only just acquired Gimp.
By the looks of the amount of comments above, you may well be over-subscribed.
If you’ve got the space – I’m you man.

You have attracted my interest! I’m quite fed up of all the rubbish on the internet and would love an opportunity to set things right.

I’m already a web designer and ready to go with everything you’ve mentioned plus I’ve recently been working on setting up WordPress for my clients.

Great stuff!!

Dave Henry

Frank – I’d love to learn everything! I have been a big fan of yours and would consider learning from you to be an honor. Let me know what I need to do! Right now, I’m a lawyer – I really, really want out of the profession and give time to my wonderful wife and family!

Dana Terrell

I am very interested. I looked over your qualifications and can say that I not only meet them but in many cases I exceed them. For instance, I owned for 7 years my own printing company and as such I would do magazine and newspaper layouts, write articles, and proof reports and books. I also have a working knowledge of HTML along with CSS, java and javascript. I am a can do person with an I don’t quit attitude. I will do whatever it takes to succeed, all I need is the chance to prove it. You are offering that chance. I look forward to taking it.

Dana Terrell
DET Enterprises LLC

Jim Nettleton

I’m in. The site noted above is only one of many that I currently have.

Bob Lowell

I’m in. I bought your software too.

Geoff Robertson

Hi Frank,

Knowing how hard you work Paul I am, and I am not, looking forward to the first assignment.


Mike Helton

Hi Frank,

This has got to be the best offer on the Internet today. I think I would be foolish if I were to pass this incredible deal up. I have purchased some of your stuff in the past and have been more than satisfied so I believe that same standard will be evident in this too.


Bill Earle

I’m not very good at asking for help but I am in serious need of a way to climb out of the financial hole I’m in. So, if you see fit, I’d like to participate.

I hope I’m not too late! Did I take a seat soon enough?


Hadee Roslan

Salam n Hola

This is simply awesome. Thanks for this great opportunity Frank. Now that I have one foot in, how do I get my other foot in too?

Am I qualified?

I sure am. Been running WP on my sites for a couple of years now. Plugins, FTP, HTML – no problem, use them all the time. Photoshop, well, I’m no expert but I do my own image editing for my sites.

English is my second language. As a matter of fact, on the internet, English is probably the only language I’m using for all my websites.

A “Can Do” attitude? Nothing is impossible. It’s – I’M POSSIBLE.

Be Joining You
Hadee Roslan

Hey Frank

I don’t know why I only just came across this?
Hope I’m not too late


Hey Frank,

I’m also very interested in this – I hope I’m not too late – Sounds really good – Just what i have been looking for

Warren Yarnall

Hi Frank-

I’m like a lot of the others. I’m deeply interested and have the credentials. But I only just got this today myself, and I see a looooong list above me. Count me in. Thanks Frank,


Hello Frank,

I’m interested but your link in the last mail don’t work…

Best regards.

Hi Frank,

Just a heads-up to let you know that the link you sent out doesn’t appear to work. πŸ™‚


Hi Frank,

I live and learn all my life
I think You’ll remember me when
it happens and …
Let me know what I need to do


Frank Haywood

> Just a heads-up to let you know that the link you sent out doesn’t appear to work.

Stupid WordPress. πŸ˜‰

It said “missed schedule” for some reason. Now fixed – thanks for letting me know.


Rio Seto

Maybe I qualify just at the border.
But I am willing to learn hard.
Please count me in…
Tell me what I am supposed to do.
I am ready.

Thank you.
Rio Seto

I’m intrigued… and I qualify. Am I too late?


You got my undivided attention when you raised that you would teach how to recognize when a product will do what it says it does, learn how to do the product and launch it for free..with no fee? That is interesting. My challenge with be time considering I have an 8 hour work at night and have a part-time work as well but I will check out your next entries about this stuff.

Ecommerce Help – Tyrone Shum

Really nice for teaching for free, hope this helps too on studying SEO from an expert, hope this helps on the others too.

Alvin Sweet

I continue to be impressed by Frank Haywood
and his 123 Dime Sale Methods. Count me in.