The eBay Slap and Ticket Desk Pro

With all this hoo-ha about eBay restricting ebook sales, there's one thing for sure. You're going to have to become more professional. There's no room any more to behave like a small time ebook seller. You have to both educate yourself, and surround yourself with the right tools to do the job. That's why I've been posting here on my blog ways of how you can do both. One of the things that you're going to need is a support desk. Trust me. It doesn't matter what size your business is now, you're going to need some help desk software eventually. Here's a fantastic deal for you. Get $97 worth of full featured support desk software for under $20, but only if you're quick. [more...]

With all this hoo-ha about eBay restricting ebook sales, there’s one thing for sure. You’re going to have to become more professional.

There’s no room any more to behave like a small time ebook seller. You have to both educate yourself, and surround yourself with the right tools to do the job.

That’s why I’ve been posting here on my blog ways of how you can do both.

One of the things that you’re going to need is a support desk.

Trust me. It doesn’t matter what size your business is now, you’re going to need some help desk software eventually.

Here’s a fantastic deal for you.

Get $97 worth of full featured support desk software for under $20, but only if you’re quick.

This is what Phil Horsepool has said about Ticket Desk Pro:-

Hi Frank,

Got it, installed it, love it already 🙂

Looks like it will knock my existing helpdesk software into touch without even breaking a sweat!

When’s the affiliate program opening?


Phil Horsepool

Phil is one of the 192 people that have picked up Ticket Desk Pro for less than $15.

He got it at such a low price through the pre-launch nickel sale I’m running for Ticket Desk Pro.

I’m doing this because I want feedback and testimonials from REAL people like you. I also want affiliates to promote it for me.

As I write this, the current price for Ticket Desk Pro is $14.57 with 192 copies sold.

I don’t care how big your list is, or even if you don’t have a list. By using and promoting Ticket Desk Pro, you’ll make money.

Once you’ve installed it on your site, any customers coming to raise a ticket will see a link to Ticket Desk Pro at the bottom of every page. If they click the link, you earn a commission.

That’s because I’ve made it so you can enter your affiliate ID into the site settings.

How cool is that? Just for using the software, you get to earn money.

Win-wins really make my day.

It’s always very satisfying for me to know that people are earning affiliate commissions for the least effort possible.

If you want to get Ticket Desk Pro at the lowest possible price, get yourself to the link below now. The price is rising by 5 cents with every sale. The longer you wait, the higher the price will go.

Even while you’re reading this, the price has probably jumped up by 5 or 10 cents.

Here’s the link.

I’ll be closing the nickel sale down some time in the next few days, so don’t hang around. The next time you see it for sale may be at $97.

-Frank Haywood.

Posted by Frank Haywood


Mark McWilliams

Well I’m going to throw the cat amoung the pigeons here!

While I was on the salespage for TicketDeskPro with the problems I thought, that’s it…I’ll just stick with the Maian Support Script that I can grab for free. However there are a few other reasons too.

I think it has a cleaner look, and is a lot easier to customise! Now, I’m not calling TDP anything because it does have better features, I would have just liked them both to be integrated! (It’s just my personal opinion!)

One of the most important things to most people is branding! If TDP had had a themes section, then I maybe would have gone for it! We want things to be easy in life and I just feel that TDP would require MORE work to get it too the same stage.

(If you want to email me Frank, you’ve got it!)


Frank Haywood

Hi Mark,


You’d better read what David has to say here:-

-Frank Haywood

Frank, it’s not clear what the licensing is for TDP – is it a single domain?

I know you can centralise your support, but for some separate niches it might make sense to have a separate support desk.

I only got the opportunity to generate one license immediately after purchase, but you SmartDD lets you generate more than one.

Before I buy more copies, can you clarify this for us please?



Mark McWilliams

While I kinda feel upset at what was said there!…

“Maian Support will be discontinued and no longer supported.”

…I do wish you all the success with TicketDesk Pro!

I know things move on, and that’s what happens in life. I mean, look at what eBay did recently…however Maian Support was a GREAT free script that people could use without the need of paying anything! (Even for me, a jump from $0 too $97 is pretty steep! Even although there is a nickel sale on at the moment!)

As I have already mentioned, I’m not trying to start any arguments here…I’m expressing my thoughts on the situation!

I’m going to spend a couple of hours tomorrow getting all my ideas for updates that I was going to mention and I best send them in your direction. (They are good too!)

Plus the fact that I lost out when the sale was at a very low price. I’ll now need to spend some more, only if you’ve not removed the sale!

I’ll either keep my support desk the way it is (With Maian Support) or wait until some more functions come into TDP.

Maybe I should just catch you via email/support desk instead of your blog!


Hi Frank,

I expected a lot more problems that I got when I installed TicketDeskPro. I appreciate the amount of hard work that goes into creating these products, and (if your Microsoft) vendors often use beta testers to iron out the bugs. As an early adopter I expected things to be tough, but in fact it’s been relatively plain sailing. The couple of glitches I did encounter were pounced on by Frank and the team P.D.Q. and they were using (you guessed it) TicketDeskPro. TDP has more features than I need at the moment, but at least I can be sure that as my site grows, so TDP will be there to support it. Frank and the team have done a really good job on a difficult product and deserve a lot of credit for making it pretty seamless.

Frank Haywood


I should have made it clear. You can generate as many licences as you like for as many domains as you personally own.

We don’t believe as a general point of rule in that per domain licence rubbish.

However that’s not to say that one day there won’t be an item of software that by it’s nature can only be allowed to be installed on one domain.

So generally, anything you see me release will either have no licencing requirement, or you can generate as many as you like. I’ll make it clearer in future.

For now with TDP, you can go back to the download page and then onto the licence generator page.

In a couple of weeks or so, the site will go membership based and the licence generator will go behind closed doors.


What can I say? 🙂


Well thanks for that. You can be sure your comments will end up on the sales page as a testimonial. 😉
