Do Marketing Forums Tend To Polarise People?

After a lot of thought, I realised the other day while talking to one of my coaching students that marketing forums tend to have two kinds of people in them. Type 1 - People who offer dubious but convincing sounding advice, but have no real success online, and so aren't really qualified to give the advice, they're just regurgitating. Type 2 - People who are successful online and who are giving usually good advice, but are primarily using the forum to market to everyone else in subtle ways.

I’m interested in what you think about this.

After a lot of thought, I realised the other day while talking to one of my coaching students that marketing forums tend to have two kinds of people in them.

Type 1 – People who offer dubious but convincing sounding advice, but have no real success online, and so aren’t really qualified to give the advice, they’re just regurgitating.

Type 2 – People who are successful online and who are giving usually good advice, but are primarily using the forum to market to everyone else in subtle ways.

I know this might upset or fire people up a bit, but I’m not just making this post to be contentious or controversial.

Somewhere in the middle there’s going to be good advice given with good intention, but I don’t believe I often see it.

Am I wrong about this?  Am I being too cynical?  Am I just having an off-week?  Am I even being a little bit hypocritical?

Sometimes I need a bit of help to make my mind up.

Yeah, I admit it.  I don’t know everything…  😉

-Frank Haywood.

Posted by Frank Haywood