I’m feeling a bit over-excited at the moment because I can now add any Google font to any page or post on my blog. I just checked and as I write this there are 629 web fonts available in the Google font library.
I have a small sub-set of those installed here on my blog and I’d like to show a selection of those to you here as I feel these are amongst the most useful when writing.
Please note that these are all TEXT and NOT GRAPHICS.
You can swipe across them and copy the content to test it out if you don’t believe me. 😉
Architects Daughter
Gloria Hallelujah
Henny Penny (Harry Potter I reckon)
Indie Flower
Love Ya Like A Sister
Permanent Marker
Rock Salt
Slackey (this looks like the SpongeBob font)
Special Elite (a typewriter style font – very nice)
I like to think you’d agree with me when I say this is pretty amazing.
Most important though is it’s incredibly easy to use and to add new fonts.
If you want to be able to do this too, then you need this:-