I’ve had a few things going on just lately that have knocked me off focus a little.
My eldest son (11) had keyhole surgery to have his gall bladder removed 3 weeks ago, and first we had the upcoming worry of the surgery itself, followed by having him at home for 2 weeks. Two weeks of little distractions and short working days as a result.
No sooner was he back at school on Monday than our youngest (4) came down with a fever which turned into a stinking cold and last night into a rasping wheeze and cough – that was a trip to the doctors today, no chest infection. Of course 4 year olds need a lot of attention even when they’re well, so it’s not been a very productive week for me so far.
Plus in the last 3 weeks there have been various little distractions like the old lady who pulled out from a side road right in front of me so suddenly that I had no time to stop. The final collision was about 5 miles an hour (she was fine) and she accepted full responsibility and has paid for the damage repairs, but it meant more time out, and dropping the car off tomorrow to have a new bonnet, bumper and grille fitted.
The list goes on. It’s like something or someone has been deliberately putting barriers to work in my way. Really. That’s how it feels to me anyway. And I’ve had trouble getting to sleep at night just to compound it all, so I’ve been waking up drained. I think it may just be this time of year, I know I always feel much more refreshed in January and February.
In spite of that, I’ve managed to do some little things that I think are quite good, the important ones which are:-
o Finalise and submit the AdSpurt site to ClickBank for approval.
o Show my 11 year old how to create IPK mini-sites.
o Sign up for the two big UK affiliate programmes to use with Info Product Killer price comparison.
And on that last one, I have another blog post I’ll make all about IPK.
So my apology is to all those people who have “dropped through the cracks”.
If I haven’t answered your support ticket, or contacted you about a business deal, or been a little distracted or absent from my blog, I deeply apologise. Especially to the people who have patiently waited for an answer to their support request.
I’m sorry.
-Frank Haywood
Hi Frank,
As I always say, “Life happens”.
My case for example is that I’m an independent contractor. I just started a new project and am putting in over 12 hours a day. As a result, my Internet business has been neglected for the last couple of weeks.
When I finally get my feet back under me on this new project, I’ll come back to my Internet business again.
Until my IM business income is greater than my consulting career, that’s just the way it will have to be.
Hope your children are well now.
Best Regards,
Charles Burleigh
Please accept my best wishes Frank, for you and your family.
When times are hectic like this, make sure you take time for yourself to clear your mind.
I know it sounds counter intuitive, when you have so much to get done and so many thing are popping up stopping you from getting anything done (remember, I have 3 kids of my own, and work from home also)…. but trust me.
Take 10 minutes to meditate and your calm will change your day. Things will go much more smoothly.
It always works for me.