3 For 1 Weekend Sale

This weekend for 72 hours starting at 6.00pm GMT, I’m doing a final sale of 3 complementary WordPress plugins before placing them on their individual sales pages and adding them to the affiliate scheme.

(I *have* already pre-released all 3 to a small number of people and so you may already have them. This is a final sale for those people who don’t…)

I call them my “control” plugins and I use all 3 of them on most if not all of my blogs. Combined together, they move WordPress closer towards being a full blown CMS. I believe they should actually be part of WordPress and not just plugins, but there you go. One day maybe.

#1 – Ads Manager

The first of these three control plugins is “Ads Manager” and is incredibly powerful. It allows you to display ads and other text and HTML in widgets depending on lots of different rules you can set.

Here are some of the features and the kind of thing you can do, it’s not an exhaustive list.

o Stop an individual ad from showing to your regular visitors who would probably already have “ad blindness”.
o Only show a particular ad to visitors who have come from search engines.
o Only show the ad on posts that are more than 2 weeks old.
o Use WordPress Conditional Tags such as is_front_page() so your visitors only see the ad on the front page of your blog.
o Use is_single() and your visitors would only see the ad on a post and not on your front page.
o Use is_page() and the ad would only appear on pages, and so on.
o Specify individual posts and pages, or put another way, it enables you to show different ads on different posts and pages.

It’s very cool and is one of my favourites.

#2 – Widgets In It

This plugin allows you to place ANY WIDGET in any POST or PAGE, not just in the sidebars.

When you activate the plugin, it creates a new sidebar on the widgets page. You can then drop any widgets you want into it as normal.

Then when you create or edit a post or page, there’s a new drop down appears on the edit page which contains all the widgets you placed in the sidebar.

This means you now have ultimate flexibility and control over your ads by using these two plugins in combination.


o Ads Manager lets you set rules for displaying ads.
o Widgets In It allows you to place widgets (including ads) inside your posts and pages.

There’s a video that shows you how Widgets In It works on this page here:-


#3 – Contextual Widgets

This final control plugin “Contextual Widgets” allows you to decide which widgets will appear on which parts of your site. It works with ALL standard widgets, not just the ones I’ve released.

Now I know you might still be wondering a bit at the moment, but I’ll try to explain.

You know how a WordPress theme allows you to drag and drop widgets into the sidebars? Well it’s usually a case of all or nothing. Once you’ve dropped them there, all you have is the same widgets in the sidebar on *every* page and post on your site.

There’s no way of saying you don’t want to see a particular widget on a certain page.

Until now.

With “Contextual Widgets” you can choose exactly in which context each widget will appear.

So you may decide that you only want to place a particular ad in a sidebar on a particular page (context).

Example #1

You write a blog page that discusses the importance of building a mailing list (the why), but you don’t put in any details about the steps they need to do it (the how). Over in your sidebar are your affiliate ads for an ebook on list building and an autoresponder service that only shows on that page, i.e. in that particular context.

Example #2

A visitor arrives at your site via a search engine and lands on one of your tag or category archive pages. They see an ad that’s nowhere else on your site.

Example #3

A visitor to your home page sees links to some of your best articles in the top of the main sidebar. They click on one of the links and end up on the page they’re interested in, with a strongly related ad to the article, while your list of articles has been moved further down the sidebar.


Aha! Get it?

There are plenty of contexts built right in:-

o Home – Your site’s blog page if it isn’t set to your front page.
o Front Page – Your site’s front page which can be different to your blog.
o Post – Individual posts, ie not your home/blog page.
o Attachment – For your attachment pages, e.g. movies, audio and images.
o Author – Author archive pages.
o Category – Category archive pages.
o Date – Date archive pages.
o Tag – Tag pages.
o Search – Search results pages.
o Page not found – Your 404 error pages.

Plus every single page you create gets auto-added to the list of contexts. So every page you write about any topic can be set to show its own unique ads.

I hope by now you can see how powerful this third plugin is, and how it gives you an extra level of control over your blog that a standard WordPress installation doesn’t. 😉


Starting tonight at 6.00pm and until Monday morning you can get all three plugins for just $17, then that’s it. The chance are the next time you see these for sale will be individually at $27 each, so this is your final chance to get them if you don’t already have them.

At 6.00pm tonight this post will be updated and the payment link will automatically appear. On Monday at 9.00am, the payment button will disappear (powered by the Content Replacement plugin).

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood


Hi there Frank, hope you are keeping well and enjoying this glorious weather we are having in the UK.

I thought I was in for a treat when I saw the 3-for-1 title in my email. I thought “Goody some more WP toys to play with”. Unfortunately I’ve already purchased the first two plugins but missed the sale for the Contextual Widgets plugin as I was in hospital when that happened.

Anyways I thought I’d just say thanks once again for all the great ideas you come up with in regards to WP plugins and helping us make life easier with our websites.

Take care.

Frank Haywood

Hi Valda,

Okay, I understand. 😉

I’ve added an extra couple of buy links above so that you can just get the Contextual Widgets plugin if you want it.


Hi Frank

Thanks for the continual stream of products. 🙂

I’ve actually purchased each of these three products separately, and got them at $10 each. So, unfortunately so even though I got it at the best price (at the time) it’s at a better price now. 🙁

Frank Haywood

Hi Ray,

Ah, I see what you’re saying, but… I’ve never actually released Ads Manager on its own. I’ve only ever included it as a freebie with the Multiple Streams Themes and (I think) in the sale for Widgets In It last year. So the most you’ve paid would have been 2x$10 not 3x$10.

So that’s just a $3 difference in this special.

And look at it this way. You’ve had the benefit of these plugins for much longer than the people who are only just now getting them. Well worth $3?. 😉


Patrick Donovan

I appreciate you holding the price steady through the weekend, Frank.

It makes for a leisurely Sunday morning download.

I’ve scheduled donuts and playing with Frank’s plugins for the morn.

I love Sundays. 😉

All the Best,


Frank Haywood

Hi Patrick,

Ah, Sunday mornings. Peace, relaxation and quiet. If only…



Frank; is there any credit for people who have already purchased one or two of these three plug-ins?

An offer of “buy any 1 for $7 or any 2 for $13” would be a nice addition.

Frank Haywood

Hi Phil,

Yes, I’ve come up with a deal you may like better and added the buy buttons at the top. Bear in mind that some people like Ray will have already got these at (alnost) the best deal already, so I’ve priced them accordingly.


Hi Frank

Thanks for this! What if we already have one or two of the 3 items? Will you still sell to us at a special weekender price?


Frank Haywood

Yep okay, see above. 😉


Themelis Cuiper

Hi Frank,

Maureen (my wife) purchased many of your plugins,
OK we have the same plugins in this package as we purchased before
but You totally deserve the money.

She was unhappy to loose on a first subscribers lowpay monthly PLaH ( about plr WP related) subscription because of PayPal not auto deducting from our Dutch bankaccount.

Could that be fixed Sir ?

Frank Haywood

Hi Themelis,

I’ll drop you a line over the weekend. 😉


Hi Frank

Thanks for your email re the new prices.

I actually own Ads Manager when I bought the Multiple Streams Themes. Will you be able to sell Contextual Widgets and Widgets In It as a pack?

Please? Pretty please with sugar on top?


Kathleen Gresham

Thanks for holding the price all weekend and for allowing us to buy just some of the plugins. I had somehow missed Widgets in It, and but I had the other two. Thanks for the great video explaining how to use them, too!

Internet Marketing Olaf

Hello Frank,

oh now i must ask you for some big problem, because i have not buy this parts an this weekend, because some flash have broken here in ouer city the hole kable conection so that we have no internet no tv ( and this on weekend nice .;-( ) so that i have no chance to buy one of this parts,

i think you now that i have take from you many stuff from you, i have the Ads Manager, and also the Widgets In It, but i was very intrest of the Contextual Widgets, but now the line is working but the sale is end,

and now my question to you. can you send me a link who i can buy it even the sale line is close??? this will be very nice,

best regards from finnland


Patrick Donovan

Say Frank, where the heck is the PayPal button? According to my calculations I have another 5 and a half hours before the 72 hours is up (6pm GMT).

Ah, GMT. Remind me of the time I straddled the line out there at Newton’s old digs. 😉

If my calculations are incorrect… “oh well…”

But perhaps you’re counting on those California folk being asleep? Ha! Fooled ya!
