Just a short note to say that (just like I said it would be) TicketDesk Pro is now $67 instead of $47. I’ve also put the commission rate up to 75%, so if you don’t have an affiliate link set up on your installation, you’d better go set one up now.
The next price increase will be in the new year and will likely be to it’s true value of $97. We’ll then hold it at that price and hopefully release v2 some time in the spring with a small upgrade fee to existing customers, likely $17 for a short while (48 hours) and then $27 afterwards.
If you were one of the people wise enough to buy TicketDesk Pro in the nickel sale earlier this year, you know what a bargain you had. 🙂
It’s worth me pointing out that in line with all my products, this is not a “per-domain” licence. When you buy TicketDesk Pro you can install it on as many domains as you personally own.
This makes it ideal to be used as a niche help desk and is very useful when you’re working in several different niches.
When we release v2, we’ve got lots of great new features to add into it, including as many features as we’ve been asked for as we’ve actually come up with ourself. My personal favourite is the ability to charge for support cases, and its partner feature of being able to run a central support desk for other businesses transparently.
What I mean by that last one is you’ll be able to run a business providing support for other businesses, and the fact that you’re doing so won’t be obvious to the end customer raising a support ticket.
I really like that idea as there’s a strong business case and growing industry in exactly that market. As more and more people start up internet businesses and see them begin to grow, they eventually reach the stage where they want to farm out the mundane support requests like “where’s my download link?” etc.
I can’t absolutely promise we’ll do that for the first release of v2 as the list of new feature requests is getting bigger, but closer to the date I’ll keep you informed here and via the TicketDesk Pro customer mailing list.
-Frank Haywood