Three Updates

#1 – Affiliate Link Plugin

We’ve just completed testing a bug fix for the Affiliate Link plugin, where we’ve now amended the method of hiding the destination page so that it appears as if it’s part of your own blog rather than a page on another site.  We’ve done this by moving from an iframe to a regular frame (and changing a couple of other under the hood things), and it seems to work perfectly.

If you have this plugin, go back to your personal download page and get the latest version there.  Just unzip and FTP it to your website overwriting the plugin files that are already there, and you’re done.

Your cloaked links should now work perfectly.

#2 – Script Manager Plugin


I kicked off the sale last Friday and decided to take a couple of days away from it all.  When I looked again, I realised that the domain expired on Saturday…  (It was on my todo list to renew it, and I missed it.)

I’m really sorry about that, I quickly reactivated the domain so you can now go back to the download link that would have come with your email and finally download it if you haven’t already done so.

AND… if you need it you can get support from the support desk on the site too.

Egg on my face…

#3 – PL Ahh

Dirk W (hi Dirk) came up with a great idea for Decembers software PLR product, and Eric (one of my WordPress plugin developers) has been busy working on it.  It’s such a good idea I’ve been tempted to keep it all for myself, but I told Dirk I’d release it with PLR so we’ll stick to the plan.

If you’re a member of PL Ahh, you’ll be thrilled with it, and I know there’s more than a few members that will make a lot of money from it by selling it, far more than I’ll be making by supplying PLR to the membership.  😉

The plugin itself is internally called Affiliate Ticker, but of course you can call it anything you want.  That’s all I want to say about it for now, but it’s well worth having when it’s ready, both to sell or give away and of course for personal use too.

As well as the plugin, we’re also releasing another set of 5 sales pages (both HTML and WP versions), and personally I think these are better than the first ones – and those first ones are *very* good.  I’ve already seen two of last months PLR sales pages turn up on a couple of sites, so I’m pleased to see they’re already being put to good use.

Ask anyone.  If you were to pay to have ONE of these sales pages created for yourself, they’d cost you $47-$97 depending on who did them for you, and all you’d get back is the design with uneditable PNG or JPEG files.

With the ones we supply you get Private Label Rights to the entire pack of 5, plus all the PhotoShop source files, PLUS WordPress page template versions too.


Each month from PL Ahh you get TWO PLR products for the price of one.

Typically it will be a standalone PHP script or WordPress plugin or WordPress theme, plus a graphics type product.  But I might also add in the odd report that I write myself (or have written with my close supervision).  The report would come with a squeeze page to allow you to sell it as a list builder.

Now this current (first) months PL Ahh products I released for November are without sales page or copy.  My reasoning is that if you’re not going to put in the effort to make the products yours, then you may as well just be part of an MRR membership instead.

Make sense?

Despite that, I’ve had some people say that they’d like the sales pages and copy included for the products, so I’m going to do that because I want to give you what YOU want, not what I think you should have.  This then also gives those people who are prepared to put in a little effort the opportunity to make their version of the products unique.

That difference always means more sales.

Now then…

I really want to see more members join PL Ahh and it’s still possible to join in this first month and while the price is still only $27.

I’ll just repeat that as it’s important.

The monthly membership cost is STILL only $27 for the next 17 new members.  (The next step up is another $10 at 101 members.)

You get TWO brand new PLR products each month, and I think you’ll find those two products are a little different from what you’d normally expect to get from a PLR membership.

When the final 17 membership places are taken, the price will go up by another $10.

It’s well worth your time securing these last few places before it’s too late.

You can find out more about the PL Ahh membership here:-

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood


Where is the login page so I can download the fixes?

Frank Haywood


Go back to your personal download page and get the latest version there. You *did* boomark it right? 😉

If not, go raise a support ticket at:-

Any updates we make will always be released on that page.


Every month two plr products is great idea. But just I want know that the products are new one or they are already in the market? Means somebody developed it sales it with another product name?

Frank Haywood


I know that lots of PLR sites have the same old stuff rewritten and repeated. I’ve been ticked off myself recently because I’ve found I’ve bought the same product twice from two different people.

All of the products released via PL Ahh are all brand new and developed / created by me or my staff. The only restictions are that you can’t sell PLR to any of the products, and you can’t offer them yourself on a mass PLR membership site.

This will ensure that your customers won’t ever find themselves purchasing PLR to the same products.


ASU Service

Hi Frank,
Sorry for this but I’m a bit confused. I see that item #3 is mentioning the December PLAhh product but I haven’t seen anyhing regarding the November item.

Did I miss something?


Frank Haywood

@ASU Service:

Easy. 😉

The first month’s PLR products were for November. December’s will be released on the 1st December, and each months will be released on the 1st of that month.
