support desk

Ticket Desk Pro – Nickel Sale Woes

First of all I apologise.

As with all things in life, sometimes things don’t go as you’d like them. Right as I paid for the WSO to go live, I had to go out for a few hours (unplanned) and I’ve just got back.

I had the site design done for me and then I added in the bits to make the nickel sale work. It looks great in Dreamweaver, and works perfectly in FireFox which is the browser I use.

I suspect that something has gone wrong with the nickel script, which is also one of mine. We’ve been doing a few changes to it in the last few days, and then checking the results in our favourite browser which is FireFox. As it already worked in IE, I think we must have had a blind spot, and didn’t bother checking to see if it still looked okay in IE.

I’ve just written to my developer to see if he knows why it might be broken and I’m waiting to hear back from him.

Anyone that sent me a message either via PM, email, my blog, my blog contact form, or my help desk (or any other method I’ve forgotten to include here) to say they saw the price was at $n.nn but couldn’t buy will get it at that price.

That’s not an invitation to make a price up and email me now.

Genuine contacts with the right price for the time they contacted me will get it at that price.

I think that’s as fair as I can make it without upsetting too many people.

I unreservedly apologise for this, it obviously wasn’t planned at all, and is a bit of a nightmare. Especially as I’ll be selling the nickel script in a couple of weeks time too!

Please contact me by my help desk, and look if I can’t get back to you as quickly as we’d both like, please trust me that I will. I have a feeling that it will take a bit of unpicking to get it right and make everyone happy.

Help desk –

-Frank Haywood.

Update: I’m very glad to say it wasn’t the fault of the Nickel Script.

I’d set one of the nested tables at 700% instead of 700 pixels. Apparently Dreamweaver and Firefox will compensate for this, but IE just pushes out the other tables to accommodate the 6/7ths of the page that is in the table. D’oh!

That will teach me to always always check out a page in IE before putting it live. I usually do, but this one time…

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

Ticket Desk Pro – Pre-Launch Nickel Sale Today

Just to put your mind at rest, the pre-launch nickel sale for Ticket Desk Pro will start today.


I know there are a lot of people itching to get their hands on this, and I’m sorry for the delay, but I’m sure you’ll agree it was all worth while when you get your copy.

The price starts at $5.02, and my guess is if you’re quick you’ll get it for under $10.

Even if you pay $20 for it, it’s still a bargain over the official launch price of $47, and even more so over the final price of $97.

You’ll get an email about it later today, and where you can get your copy.

Probably the best thing for you to do if you aren’t already, is subscribe to this blog notification list by going to the home page, and near the top right entering your name and email address and clicking the button.

If you want a quick look at the spec before you buy, this is where you should go now:-

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

Ticket Desk Pro – A Slight Technical Hitch

You see the problem is, I just don’t give myself enough time.

At the last moment, I’ve spotted a problem which needs fixing before I can start the nickel sale.  As I don’t know how long it’s going to take to fix and test, I have no choice but to put the pre-launch back yet another couple of days until Thursday 27th.

I’m really sorry about this.  I thought everything was ready, when blammo!  I had a sudden realisation that part of the delivery process just wasn’t going to work.

As soon as I have an update, you can be sure I’ll make it here.

-Frank Haywood.

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

Ticket Desk Pro – Pre-Launch Nickel Sale Tomorrow

Tomorrow at 3.00pm GMT (10.00am EST), if all goes to plan I’ll be announcing the web link to the pre-launch of Ticket Desk Pro in a nickel sale.

If you want earlier notification than that, then it’s easy.  Just go to the home page of this blog and near the top right you’ll find two boxes for your name and email address.  Fill them in and click the button.

You’ll then be given the link to the nickel sale at least an hour earlier.

What can I say about Ticket Desk Pro?

In the 3 weeks or so that I’ve been using it, it’s already saved me a LOT of time, and time IS money.

I’m just kicking myself I didn’t use a help desk last year.  Instead I used email to do all my support, and that’s a BIG mistake for any online business.


Well with email, they just don’t make it through as well as they used to.  You’ve probably noticed yourself an increase on the amount of emails that don’t get through to your customers, friends and family.

And as I’ve said in an earlier post, it keeps all the conversation for a particular issue in one place.  It’s really hard when you get an email from someone and their mail client has dropped all the earlier conversation.

I think Yahoo does that, and maybe AOL too.

So while your customer can remember what the conversation was about, you’ve answered 20 other people since then and you’ve no idea what they’re talking about, or what their login details were or anything.


And what if you have a standard answer for the same questions that gets asked over and over?

Well Ticket Desk Pro has both a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) section by department, and also the ability to add Standard Responses (SR) when you’re replying to one of your customers.

So when that question you’ve answered over and over comes up again, you just select the SR from a drop down, and click the “Add” button to add it your reply.  If more than one SR is appropriate, you can just add more by selecting them and clicking the button again.

If needs be, you can do a quick edit of the response you’ve just built up, and click “Add Reply”.

Job done in a fraction of the time it would have taken you by email.

But the most important thing is, even if the reply notification message to your customer doesn’t arrive in their inbox, when they check their ticket later on, they see that there has been a reply.

Result?  One happy customer.

So if you want to get your hands on this little beauty at a small fraction of the final price of $97, make sure you get notified of the nickel sale starting tomorrow Tuesday 25th at only $5.07.

Remember, the price increases by 5 cents with every sale, hence the term “nickel sale”.  The sooner you get it, the lower the price.

Will you be the first to grab this amazing tool?

I tell you what.  If you get it quickly, I’ll give you first warning of my next nickel sale, which will likely be for the Nickel Script itself.

More on that fantastic piece of software another time…

-Frank Haywood.

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

Ticket Desk Pro – When? How Much?

I’ve been using my new support desk software recently to handle all my support issues.  It’s made my life so much easier, and has actually allowed me to give better service to my customers.

One of the big deals for me when handling support by email was all those people who used email clients that threw away the previous messages.  What a painful experience that is.

So every time I received an email reply to a support problem from a customer, I had to go digging through other emails to find out what we’d been discussing.

If you’ve ever had to go through this yourself, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.  It’s an incredible time waster.

Using Ticket Desk Pro has also helped me enormously as I’ve now been able to hand some support over to my friend Donna Maher who has a VERY useful site at:-

Donna is one of life’s truly nice people, so please be courteous when dealing with her.

While I’ve not been so well this last week, Donna has been handling the bulk of the support tickets for me, leaving me with just a few to deal with myself.  Thank you Donna!

In all, if I could change the past 18 months, one of the things I would have done is to use a support desk for all my support issues.  Trying to handle them by email is just plain crazy.

In fact handling support by email is a business killer.  I freewheeled for much of 2007 purely because I was spending so much time on email support.

Mike Filsaime told me that 18 months ago, but I thought I knew better.

You live and learn.

If you want a copy of Ticket Desk Pro, then when I finally launch it will be $47 for  short while before rising to its final price of $97.


For a short while, you’ll be able to get it in a nickel sale starting at just $5.07.

That means that if you’re one of the first to buy, you’ll be getting a 94%-95% discount on the final price.  In fact the first 18 people to buy will get it for under $6.

I’ll be launching it as a nickel sale because I want lots of installations out there as quickly as possible.  And I’ll also be looking for affiliates.

Can you help there?

The nickel sale will start at $5.07, increase by 5 cents with each sale, run for a week or two and then be removed and the real site will go live.

Afterwards, the price will be $47 and promoted through ClickBank with 50% commission, and then a month later the price will go up to $97, which we feel is its true value.

You can see a breakdown of the feature list here:-

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business