right brain

Just In Case You Were Wondering…

…about the power of blogging.

Today (18th January 2008) Michael Cheah linked to one of my blog posts.

I know that because WordPress has been designed to tell you when incoming links are coming from other blogs, and also where they’re coming from.

So of course, I took a quick look at Michael’s blog, and immediately found something I liked.

Here’s a link to his post about left brain / right brain usage. Very interesting, it looks like I’m a right brainer although it flipped a couple of times to left brain.

In case you wonder if the image changes direction every so often, my wife stood next to me and insisted it was going anti-clockwise most of the time, even though I could see it going clockwise most of the time.

But that’s not the point of this post.

The point is, if you blog regularly (at least once a day), and link to other peoples blogs, then you will almost certainly get the owner coming to take a look, and even links back and mentions like the ones above.

And what do links mean? Altogether now…


Next, advertise your own products in the sidebar by linking to them, just like I’ve done, and you’ll either get sales or sign-ups or both.

Stop wondering, and start blogging.

(BTW, anyone want to know how to set up a blog properly? Coming soon…)

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business