nickel sales

Send In The Bulldozers

Here’s an idea for you, something I’ve wanted to do myself but haven’t had the time to do it.

First, scour your hard drive and put together a mega package of products, something like the subscriber offer I make to everybody when they sign up to my blog notify list.

Create a regular sales page for the mega-package at $47 or $67. Next, create a nickel sale (I’m assuming you have the Nickel Script) for the same deal, in a sub-directory of the site, and keep a local copy of the entire set up on your PC to use as a template that you can use to quickly upload.

On the download page, put a sign up form and use the words “To register your purchase, enter your name and email address in the boxes below. This is currently the only way I can keep you informed of updates to this package.”

95% of people will signup after their purchase, and this will build your mailing list.

Finally, write to other marketers offering to set the sale up with their name as the directory, and with their PayPal address in the config so that they get 100% of the sale paid directly into their PayPal account.


Explain that nickel sales are dynamite and that you will start it at $0.07 and increase the price by 5 cents with each sale. Give them 2 carefully worded emails that they can send to their lists to warm them up before the sale, and a 3rd email to give them the link.

If they make a typical 300 sales, the final price will be $15.07 and they will make $2,263.50 in about a day.

No average marketer (non-guru) in the IM niche is going to refuse that as long as they haven’t already done too many similar offers to their lists. (I think I may have done too many recently, and I’m trying to rectify that…)

You will have nearly 300 brand new buyers on your mailing list per JV partner.

Have a game plan to offer them some useful freebies, maybe a video or two and a report you’ve created yourself, as well as some useful blog posts to enamour them with you.

Then after you’ve given them some very useful and valuable free info, send them an email to a product you’re promoting to make your money from the deal. Ideally, it would be a product that you’ve created of course, but if you’re in a hurry you can promote someone else’s.

Make sure it’s a good one!

Set all this up as an autoresponder series.

Then all you need do is find people who are willing to promote the deal for you, one at a time. Set up a brand new directory for each marketer, and leave it in place permanently.

You now have a system you can just plug in and run. This method of running a promotion with one JV partner at a time is called a bulldozer launch, and is an immensely powerful way of building a list (your list is your internet business), and making some back end money yourself.

-Frank Haywood

P.S. If anybody wants to do something like this with me for the Nickel Script itself, just raise a support ticket on my help desk at in the “Personal Message” department.

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business