PLR Reports – Strange Complaints

Here's a strange thing. I had two people unsubscribe from my blog notify list and write to me complaining about this sale, but not about what you might expect - it certainly took me by surprise. The gist of the complaints were that they weren't impressed that I was selling unrestricted PLR to these reports at such a low price. And that I was giving PLR a bad name. Well, that's the point of a 24 hour sale for your subscribers isn't it? Sell it so cheaply that it's almost being given away, then afterwards, sell it at a price that reflects its true worth. People like you for it (usually), and will remain subscribers (usually). [more...]

Well, not a great deal of interest in this nickel sale, but personally I think it’s one of the best I’ve done. I think it may be the cut and paste sales copy I’ve used rather than write my own. It’s certainly food for thought.

Lesson for me: Stick with my own sales copy.

When it’s over I’ll be selling the bundle for $47 with a substantially re-designed sales page of my own, and I’ll likely give away my own personal versions of the reports edited to my own style as a bonus for one or more of my other products. Master resale rights PDFs only of course, not PLR.

Lesson for you: Re-use material wherever possible.

Here’s a strange thing. I had two people unsubscribe from my blog notify list and write to me complaining about this sale, but not about what you might expect – it certainly took me by surprise.

The gist of the complaints were that they weren’t impressed that I was selling unrestricted PLR to these reports at such a low price. And that I was giving PLR a bad name.

Well, that’s the point of a 24 hour sale for your subscribers isn’t it? Sell it so cheaply that it’s almost being given away, then afterwards, sell it at a price that reflects its true worth. People like you for it (usually), and will remain subscribers (usually).

PLR material is very valuable if used in the right way, many people just don’t know how to use it though. I guess that’s why those people are complaining about the low price – they know its true worth and feel that I’ve devalued it. Not so. All I’ve done is share something at a low price now that will hopefully bring me in more traffic as the people that use it build their lists and promote my products.

You build your internet business and hopefully I’ll get to build mine too.

Yes I DO know the true value of PLR – I’m a member of 2 monthly PLR sites, and glad of it!

Anyway, last chance at this price. Today at 3.00pm, the sale ends and the price on the bundle of PLR reports goes up to $47.00.

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood


Edouard Askmo

Hi Frank,

I wanted to quote you and tell myself and who ever may read this comment that this
is very much what I believe people need to know about serious people trying or succeding to market on the Internet as individual business oriented people:

“You build your internet business and hopefully I’ll get to build mine too.”

I don’t know you very well Frank but I
know that you take care of your customers
in a way that is to be commended and that
I’ve experienced it at least two times myself. I wouldn’t mind make you profit
of my efforts Online :-).

Dale@Flat Abs Workouts

I passed over this sale Frank as I realised that I have many of these PLR products already thanks to being a member of one or two PLR sites myself. I suspect this is the case with many of your subscribers too.

I might have been tempted otherwise.

Jonathan Paston


I think you may have been caught in the ‘no-mans land’ of pricing here.

I’m not out to criticize your tactics, but I get the feeling that

a) the price is too high for a nickel sale
b) the price is too low for the quality of PLR

In other words it’s not cheap enough to tempt the bargain buyers and it’s not expensive enough to attract the quality buyers.

Just food for thought.