Outsourcing Course

My Response To Comments Video

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I’ve been considering doing a course on outsourcing for a while now as I’ve been at it (outsourcing) for getting on for at least 2 and a half years now so I’ve made just about every mistake possible.

I hope.

In case you didn’t know I currently do all my outsourcing to the Philippines, but I’ve been thinking of testing out India too as there are far more people live there (!) and so it’s more likely that I’ll find the staff I need. Logical?

Outsourcing to the Philippines is certainly not a bed of roses, but I do find it a lot easier now I’ve come to terms with a few things.Β  What I’ve learned isn’t in any books or courses I’ve ever read or taken which only seem to focus on the upbeat and positive side of it all.

Of course, life isn’t like that so I admit I’ve been a bit naive (I’m being kind to myself here) and believed what I was told because I’m like that. My expectations are that I’m being told the truth and not what I want to hear – I know that’s not always what we get, but I choose to extend trust until proven otherwise.

I prefer to be told the truth rather than how things can be when it’s all going great. If I know all the facts then I can make good decisions, and I now believe I’ve made some bad ones because I trusted what I was being told was correct. Experience changes all that and I now know that what I was taught wasn’t actually the way it is.


I’m thinking of doing my course on outsourcing from the perspective of what you really need to be careful about to avoid having time wasting staff suck the life out of your working day.

In other words I can now fairly accurately spot someone who is going to waste my time, and I believe I can teach you that too.

Once you get past that group of people then outsourcing can be both enjoyable and productive.

I will make this course if I get enough interest in it.

So let’s say if I get 20 comments (not counting my own) on this blog post then I’ll go ahead and make the course. Everyone who comments will get in for free and everybody else will pay.

Sound fair?

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood


Dale Curwin

Hey Frank,

I’ve done some outsourcing and would like to do it on a larger scale but have always been concerned about wasting time and money on finding the right people. Have encountered a couple of time wasters in the past and this has been somewhat discouraging.

A course like this would be a great benefit to me and I am sure many others. Look forward to it.


Liberation Books

Hi Frank….great call. if we are truly to make IM pay without swopping the day job for an IM job then we will need to make sure that the business works without our direct involvement. I, for one would be very interested to learn the details of how to outsource correctly and also what jobs are suitable to outsource and which ones are best kept in house.

Shelby Christiansen

Hey Frank,

This course would definitely be helpful for everyone who does outsource. When I was doing it I developed my own set of rules from experience and they differ from many people’s suggestions and I was only doing it for two months not two years. I would love to see what you have to share.

Hi frank

Please, please, please…..do the course. We currently try to outsource our work, but ultimately end up doing it ourselves. Which for now is okay, but we need to be free to focus on the real stuff rather than worrying about how the little things.

I would really like the guidance and what to look for to sift out the chancers and to find the gold. I am a good judge of character, but its harder online when people are not face to face.

I hope there are more than 20 comments πŸ™‚

I’m trying not to sound racist here, and i’m *not* but I prefer hiring folks from the Phillipines over India. I’ve found in recent years that the people I hire from India often have no sense of urgency and overall seem to act like more they’re doing me big favor as opposed to doing work for us. Almost like a sense of entitlement – and it’s really gotten bad. So bad in fact, that I just won’t bother anymore.

By contrast, the people from the Phillipines have ALL been wonderful, and seem to appreciate getting the jobs, they treat us back with equal respect, and seem to bend over backwards to please their employers – and that’s why those that work for us often get bonuses.

Vince Andrews

Hi, Frank

This is a fantastic idea and is much needed in the market.

Like you i bought several different courses over the last couple of
years and i messed up big time and never achieved anything
being done and lost money also.

I gave it up as a waste of my time and effort.

Something like what you suggest would certainly make me
look again.

So go for it and i bet it will sell very well indeed.

Vince Andrews

John Mauldin

I have outsourced for some years. But I do not do a large volume of this because I never felt really comfortable with relying on others, esp. from other countries as (though they may be really good people), they are typically less reliable and because Americans are time table oriented, I find it difficult to adhere to American schedules with sources outside the U.S.

When I use outside sources, I very often rely on people from Fiverr.com who I have found are extremely reliable. Additionally, I use some contractors in South America because we are on the same time zone, a problem in other parts of the world. And I very often find the calibre of people, the education level and work ethic is better than in the Phillipines and other parts of Asia or Africa. Still, any information I can obtain would, most certainly, be enlightening and I applaud your willingness to tackle this subject.

Frank, I think that is a great idea! The main reason I have been avoiding outsourcing so far is because I know there are some “pitfalls” to dealing with outsourcers as you have described.

Not really having the time or the inclination to take the hard knocks and learn the hard way, I would be very interested in learning from your outsourcing experiences and being able to sort it all out quickly and efficiently!

Hi Frank

I’d be interested in seeing this. You might also want to consider including notes on cultural differences that affect the outsourcing process. πŸ™‚


Sent you an email also.
I’m always interested in following in the footsteps of someone who has actually walked
that path. What type of info do you to include (couse bullet points) ?

I don’t “get” this outsourcing stuff. I keep hearing that we’re supposed to outsource tasks, yet it doesn’t make sense for newbies to SPEND money when we haven’t MADE any money yet!

And I’m not too keen on sending even more jobs overseas. I’d prefer to pay a fellow American a little more (and avoid language barriers and major time zone differences) by doing my outsourcing locally. For me, it’s NOT all about profit margin. Just my opinion.

Hey Frank, I’d really appreciate it if you could not just do the course, but share your challenges and what you did to overcome them. I’ve looked into it before, but have ended up doing the work myself 1. because I didn’t think that my jobs were big enough, 2, or worth hiring someone to do and 3, I was worried about the expense of the learning curve. 4, I was almost going to hire someone and they then asked if I would pay them for a public holiday in the Philippines even though they would not have been working on my job at the time?



A course on outsourcing would be perfet if presented from the angle you’re considering.

Steve Hoylman

Hi Frank,

I haven’t been able to do a lot of outsourcing but I’ve had the same experience that Scott has had. I’ve had better success in the Phillipines but that’s not to say it didn’t happen easily as the wso’s and other people selling outsourcing products would have you believe.

I think people need to know the REAL pros and cons to outsourcing and having a heads up on time wasters and other pitfalls so they can quickly find a person/team to get the job done in a professional manner.

Looking forward to an “in the trenches” course from you and I too am hoping you get 20+ comments πŸ™‚


Hi Frank

I think it’s a good idea to create an
outsourcing Course.

I have had good results with outsourcing
In the uk but never really ventured farther
Than that only for the simple reason I have
Never got round to it.


Art Leslie

Frank …

Where I see an eCourse, based on experience, would be a great aid to those
that intend to outsource … I have to wonder how deep you would be willing to
take it.

I say yes, do the course, but don’t half do it.

For example, little mistakes can become mountains of despair.
Why it’s important to have predetermined/predefined questions to ask a potential outsource.
What ‘never’ to say in an interview with a potential outsource.
Do you interview or just take them for a test ride?

As to the question over country, and whether to use or not …
I just work with U.S. and U.K … period. I have standards that I want met
and want native English speaking people to do the work. Cheap isn’t always better.

Again … yes, by all means, do the course. Just make it, as we say here in the South …
a “good-un”.


Yes, Frank … PLEASE do the course! I think there are many people out there that is interested in what your experiences has taught you, that you can then teach us! I for one would absolutely be interested. I am hoping to start doing outsourcing on a larger level but I feel like so many others that have left comments, how do I avoid the pitfalls and speed up my learning process? …. Then most of us end up doing the projects ourselves.

Looking forward to this …. πŸ™‚

Hi Frank,

A course like this would be awesome and for me so timely. I’ve just about reached the point in my business where I need to outsource but have been a bit wary about taking the plunge. For the last few months I’ve been using Fiverr very successfully but need to step it up now.
So please do the course it will be great.


David J Linden

I think this course would be very valuable.
I have outsourced a few “drudge” jobs in the past, with results being of rather mixed quality.
Your experience of the pitfalls to avoid would be most welcome.

Manuel De La Paz

Your viewpoint of the whole process would be interesting. I have only done outsourcing a few times and some have been great while other’s were nightmares. One I reached in India had a beautiful website and when I sent my email as to the site I needed I got a Quote that to me was expensive but if it did what they said it would do I thought it would be worth it. I sent $450 as a deposit. When I got the proof it wasn’t really what I wanted I tried to explain what I needed and they made some changes. One of the problems was it didn’t really look like a American design. This all took months of going back and forth. I was told it took a lot of programming. When I said I would like the final site and just pay them off, the bill was double what they told me. I was upset and asked how could they change the price like that and sleep nights. I guess that was the wrong thing to do because they just told me not to contact them anymore. They even told me that was always their price and pointed me back to their site with a new higher price list that was not there before. I was told the person I originally dealt with was gone and they would not deal with me anymore. My deposit was gone. I kept writing emails and they never answered.

There was another that gave me a huge quote while a american designer offered to do it at half the quote. I went the american route. I was satisfied with what I got. It just seems you do run into more that feel they are doing you a favor and the prices were not cheap. I think if you do have a list of good outsources anything you write would save people a lot of time and money.

Looking forward to what you have to say on the topic.



I think a course on outsourcing would be a great idea as you have the ‘real’ experience to make it beneficial. Learning the pros and cons as well as pitfalls from someone who has experienced them first hand will ensure that your course provides incredible value for money.

I do plan on outsourcing in the near future so any and all information will be relevant. However, currently I do actually do freelancing work myself which I guess makes me the outsourced employee so I get to see the ‘other side’ of the outsourcing coin. By outsourcing my freelance services to help other marketers it’s shown me the importance of communication and systems as well as what I would expect from my outsourcers when I finally employ them.

I know and use quite a few tools but hope that you will also include those in your course too as there are a huge range out there and I’m sure that I for one haven’t come across them all!

Ken Craggs

Hi Frank

I think it would be a very useful course to take, I have tried to outsource some key programming tasks to India and had been let down on every occasion. I do think there is a wealth of talent abroad which can be tapped into at the right price. I have tried to use UK firms but their extortionist costs make many projects too prohibitive to try out.

I have even tried to teach a bunch of younger people here in the UK how to do varies tasks in order to avoid the more mundane element of what I want to achieve, however I find the large cloud of apathy current floating over the UK depressing.

Good luck with your course, I would love to be part of the first few people to see it in flesh and wish you all my support.


P.S If you even travel down to the Malvern area do pop in for a coffee and a chat as you would be most welcome.

Hi Frank

YES! Just this week I’ve been reading up on outsourcing, I have a couple of very big e-commerce projects in the work, I need reliable data entry people for product entry. However I could make use of outsourcing lots as I feel I tend to try and do everything myself, whereas I should be concentrating more on finding new business.

Please help us!!

Clare Johnson

Hey Frank

I think it’s a great idea, I tend to do a lot of the work myself because I’m dubious who I can trust, so in my opinion, knowledge is power. I think I would outsource more, if it was cheap enough and I knew who to trust. I would definitely be interested in learning more if you did decide to go ahead with this.


Ely Shemer

Hi Frank,

Your direction for an outsourcing course sounds interesting. Most courses will waste your time with the why and the technical how. The info you intend to share is what we really need.



I do some outsourcing to same place you do, and had some ups and downs with it. But I know I’ve barley scratched the surface. Be very interested to hear what you have done and how to avoid some of those pitfalls.

Paul D. Chilvers-Grierson

Hi Frank,

That sounds like a great idea and judging by the comments it looks like you’ve hit a nerve here!

Some of those aspects you mentioned have put me off outsourcing in the past, in particular the “great unknown” of the downsides, which are reflected in both time and costs potentially for nothing.

I look forward to seeing the outcome.


Yes Frank,

Having zero experience with outsourcing, I thin it would be a great idea to hear some truths.

I have been hearing stories about how great it is to be able to outsource and at the same time horror stories crop up. Seems to have kept me on the fence.

Be well,

Well Frank

Paid or FREE, from past experience, any info from you is certainly not time nor money wasted!

My thoughts /questions on your upandcoming course are:

Outsourcing to the Philippines is certainly not a bed of roses
1)will it cover alternative countries with pros and cons of using those countries? Or as India not tested yet, just be about Philippines?

Find it a lot easier now I’ve come to terms with a few things.
2)Will it include summary to-do tick list making it easier for us too?

Spot someone who is going to waste my time
3)including resources for checking in on staff hours / progress from comfort of our computer as well as your info on sorting the wheat from the chaff?

Outsourcing can be both enjoyable and productive.
4) Take it that it’ll be suitable for beginners to outscourcing right through to the experienced – who will still gleam some lightbulbs from reading/listening/watching your course?

Considering doing a course on outsourcing for a while now
5) It’ll definitely be actionable. I know this without even seeing it!

Either way, as I said above, whatever you produce is always worth buying



Hi Frank,

I think some people might enjoy the course. But from a money-making perspective, I think there may be too many outsourcing reports, ebooks, websites etc. already on the market. I use outsourcers myself, so I like outsourcing as a method… I’m just not sure this is still a hot topic that way it was a few years ago.

Hi Frank,

A course such as you outlined, perhaps adding some components wisely suggested above, would be very welcome and appreciated. I’d read it.

I do a fair bit of outsourcing now but only within the USA (so far.) On occasion I’ve hired a few specialists in foreign countries, with mostly really good results. Still, there ARE pitfalls and I’d love to have an insider’s take on how to get around them when they show up.

Gary Jenkins

That’s a great idea. I have very limited experience with outsourcing and that’s why I don’t like doing it.
I’m starting a new project and outsourcing would be a BIG help right now, but I’m just not comfortable trying it again.
There are tons of courses on outsourcing, but the question is who can you trust? I’ve been purchasing your templates and plugins for so long I do trust that the information in the course would be good info.


I think an outsourcing course by yourself would be a winner. Through my day job I have had the privilege of coming into contact with coders in India (albeit employed by global IT providers). The quality of the code has won plaudits from those who have checked it. The coders I came in contact with were personable, “open” and honest. I formed the impression that the ethos permeates outside of the small groups I met. I would postively encourage you to explore that market (or markets as there is regional competition within India) and bring your experience to bare on that.


Frank, I would love a course on outsourcing. However, you have mentioned a few times that you do some online marketing for local businesses. I would really appreciate it if your outsourcing course had some tips for using outsource staff to support SEO or other services for offline clients.Thanks!
Greg R

I understand the benefits of outsourcing but I don’t think I have enough personal experience to know what to get outsourcers to do.

I could say build me a wp site but how do I know if it any good or if it is secure ?

For an outsourcing course to make me feel comfortable I would need some checklists to follow to make sure that I was doing the right thing.

Just a thought

Great idea Frank. Outsourcing has been suggested to me a few times but I’ve not yet bitten the bullet – would love to think your course would give me the confidence to do so!

Hi Frank

I have been out sourcing now for 2 months, i’m yet to find a reputable source.
nearly everyone i have tried hasn’t come up with anything, they are never there when i need to ask them about the project’s and i have lost thousands of dollars.

I have little knowledge of what i want to do, that’s why i have been trying to outsource.

Maybe your course will help me figure out what i need to do and who to stay clear from.
Not tried the Philippines yet.


Hey Frank,

The more input on outsourcing the better! I have some experience, but your input and experience would be helpful.



Hello Frank. I think you should develop your outsourcing course. Myself agree with Julia, sort of, about not making any sense for newbies to spend money before they make any money. However if you don’t know how to do something then your only chance of getting it done is outsourcing or waste your time and efforts on the learning curve. In this case time is money.

I have heard good and bad things about outsourcing to the Phillippines. Some say it honorable and they have good relations with their outsourcer and then others say they have nothing but bad relations with them. Like anyplace US included you get good and you get bad, just have to pay attention and weed out the bad.

Go for it, Make it so. Do both sides though good and bad. Resources included I hope.


Hi Frank – I think a realistic outsourcing course is an excellent idea. Having outsourced many functions of my business already – I could have benefited from a methodology at the beginning. I have outsourced to India, but not yet to the Philippines.
I learned the basics of outsourcing from having purchased advertising art, graphic design, illustration, photography and website coding here in Canada and the US – using freelancers.
I’ve learned that the preparation time you invest helps save time and corrections later in the production schedule/process.
Look forward to learning from your experiences. Thank you Frank.

Kathleen Gresham

I have hesitated to outsource because I am a worrier. I worry about all the pitfalls too much.

So here is one question: Are you sure that you can generalize your experience in the Philippines to outsourcing in India? I mean, there are cultural differences.

I find people from different regions of India to be quite different, too. (I have worked with a lot of international folks working in corporations in the US.)

And would your course be generalizable to outsourcer workers in the U.S.

I’m sure some (many?) factors would be the same, but surely some would be different?

Also, if you outsource programming, and you know how you want the software to work, that is one thing. You can set (I would think) fairly objective criteria.

But if you outsource things like writing or design, it seems like it would be much harder. I guess people either work out, or they don’t?

OK, those are my thoughts on this. I am interested to see what you come up with.

My perspective comes as an experienced freelancer for the past 10 years. I see a lot of problems with low cost outsourcing. This can really be seen if you visit freelance sites such as elance and guru (don’t get me started on contest sites!). Honestly I don’t feel any competition nor do I struggle to keep up with anyone else, I just do the work I can do and keep going. But the trend is to try to get quality work for 5.00 or less an hour, a complete website for 25.00 and so on, this is impossible, I don’t care if you work in Manhattan or a hut in Nigeria. No one can do that
75 percent of the time you are getting crap. clip art, stolen codes and templates. When you choose outsourcing make sure you are getting what you need.Make sure there are no hidden fees, no add on fees, ALWAYS ask for original design files, always be clear on exactly what you want and how you want it delivered.
Remember you are working with people who are not from your country and are not familiar with your culture, customs, slang and so on, so be clear on what you want..are you getting my point..be clear πŸ™‚
Cheap is cheap, inexpensive is workable. You hire someone for cheap work, you will get exactly that, your product will look cheap and you will have no sales, which after all is the bottom line isn’t it?
Portfolios can be faked, ask for live sites and client referrals.
Personally as a designer I can almost always work within a budget, I always discount repeat clients and give credits for referrals, I always offer original design files when asked, unlimited concepts and revisions and on and on. I use legal fonts, software and imagery, but I won’t work for 5.00 an hour, my time and your product is more important than me cranking out loads of low quality imagery.
This is a good idea for a product, I’ve always wanted to at least start a blog on freelancing for those who deal with lancers and those who are lancers.
I could go on, but won’t πŸ™‚

I would be over the moon if you did this course, I have read all the replies and they all seem to have the same vein, so it is absolutely needed, i also agree it should not be just all the wow this is great stuff it should cover all the pitfalls and no, no’s that we all need to know. A suggestion might be before you start to email and ask people what the most important thing is they need to know, that way you will have a good load of questions to help develop the course (just an idea), that on top of all your own knowledge would make an awesome course. I am really looking forward to it. And allowing us who comment in for free is wonderful as I am sure all newbies who have not made any money as yet would absolutely agree.

Hi Frank, You’re so right about all the positivity surrounding outsourcing… yet it cannot possibly all be a bed of roses. I’ve put it off because of tight money, and would want to know the pitfalls as well as the immense benefits. I do everything myself except the occasional graphics package (you can’t resist when one goes on sale on a WSO and you know their time is worth far more than the tiny cost).

I look forward to all your creations – so often I wish I had access to your brain for just a week or two and a great video recorder to tape it all. πŸ™‚

David Foard

G’day Frank from Australia…

Can relate Frank – Did Outsourcing to the Philippines for over a year using the Main Websites there for outsourcing. Found one writer who took forever to ‘Get It’ although the second one I found wasn’t so bad except she wanted to only work in the evenings (think she was doing other work as well) and then there was the Internet connection going down etc etc etc.

In short it ‘Sucked the Energy’ right out of me.

Broke even, I guess, and then called it quits.

Your Course (should you decide to take it) will not ‘self destruct’ in 30 seconds – even though it may be a kind of ‘Mission Impossible’ task.

I wish you well Frank. Good luck.


Wayne Cochrane

Hello Frank.

Outsourcing sounds like a minefield to me and I would prefer to avoid it but it really would be good to be able to outsource some of the tech stuff which I know you have much experience with.

I have already become interested in hearing about your experiences just from the little you mentioned in this post.

Your Outsourcing Course sounds good to me.



Jonathan Paston

Outsourcing was something I came to late, too late as it happens. I’d assumed that I had to do everything and learn to do everything myself. I couldn’t, for the life of me, figure out how other marketers managed to create such comprehensive products and websites.

Then I found out about outsourcing. It’s almost a hidden secret so, come on Frank, show us the secrets!

JC Wiseman

Hi Frank, Yes for me. Great topic.

Yep, I’m in agreement with everyone above. Please do the course.

I bought Outveo on your recommendation and still haven’t started using it. I plan to outsource, but have always been just a wee bit nervous. πŸ™‚

I have been on your list for a couple of years now, and I have seen some of the issues you have had with your outsourcing first hand. I think learning from someone who is willing to tell us the pitfalls along with what to do would be a tremendous help.


George S.

Hey Frank…go for it! I have been outsourcing some small jobs on Odesk and Fiverr and generally been satisfied with Bangladesh ($1.50/hr) and the Phillipines (a little more). Generally speaking I’ve been satisfied but one of my recent Odesk contractors got pretty uppity when I gave him “4” ratings adn insisted that I change my ratings to 5. Actually I had been generous with the 4 and told him so and that I would not be changing the rating. Also, I’ve found that in general, the females tend to be more thorough and conscientious than the guys.

Lessons from an articulate trekker who has walked the path ?
I vote ‘yes’. I’m just breaking-in my boots, so I don’t quite know
pertinent questions to ask about outsourcing. I am curious &
eager to learn.

– Wes

Paul Tuttle

Frank, you put out good quality, fair priced products that are useful to us small-timers. I’ve bought many of your offers over the years.

I haven’t outsourced yet, but would like know how to get a good worker and how to determine a fair price to pay. I think India would offer us one more choice besides the Phillipines and Fiver.

Hi Frank

I think that a course on outsourcing will be very valuable to many people. The problem today is that most of us are overwhelmed by too much unnecessary information and too little practical information. And of course when we realize that our load can be lessened by outsourcing we don’t know where to start. So please go ahead with your course which will fill a very much needed vacuum!

Kind regards

Philip Denman

Hey Frank,

Great idea, I have never gotten into outsourcing because of the pitfalls I have read about. Too many courses or books hype it up just to sell their product. Having been a buyer of some of your products in the past I would really appreciate a ‘warts and all’ course from you.



Hi, Frank

Lots of good comments here, obviously. And plenty of interest. But…

Jim makes a VERY salient point re: moneyspinning product and the glut of “courses” out there. I’d add to that the multitude of forum threads talking about the pitfalls of outsourcing and how to circumvent them.

I think Linda talks a great deal of sense. Unfortunately, her advicde/position flies in the face of a MASSIVE tidal wave of idiots who want top-shelf work for bargain basement prices — many of whom are your target market for this kind of product.

Romona and a couple of others make a good point regarding having been on your list for a few years and experiencing all kinds of issues due to your outsourcing efforts. (I gave up trying to get any kind of support via your helpdesk for products I’ve purchased LONG ago. Oh, and there was clearly no point following up a “course” I paid which never ran. *shrug*)

You’ve written about some factors from your side of the equation which contributed to these various debacles. I’m not suggesting you air your personal issues in a report about outsourcing, but acknowledging that “blame” or responsibility is a shared commodity in a freelancer/client relationship might be useful.

I would reitterate the advice re: cultural stereotypes and overgeneralising. The angle you’re proposing is a useful one in the face of all the glowing reports that promise your financial freedom for 35c a day.

However, I’d recommend focusing on the “mechanics” (for want of a better term) of the issues rather than the cultural elements. For example, are the outsourcers 19-year-old university students who don’t know anything about anything and couldn’t give a rats about anything except getting that easy money from some cashed up westerner who’s gloating about the $1.50/hr bargain he’s getting for his comment spammers and “writers” in India, Pakistan, The Phillipines, etc.? If so, I doubt that’s an issue confined to any one ethnic group.

If you have any experience outsourcing to the US, UK, AU, NZ, CAN, etc. that would, I’d suggest, ACTUALLY be more worthwhile to people because most outsourcing to the aforementioned countries is just an absolutely enormous freaking nightmare. Plus money-sink, exercise in frustration, potential for legal problems… the list goes on.

I’ve “discussed” with people on forums numerous times re: outsourcing. I find that those who are dead keen on outsourcing to third world countries are also the kind of people who post elsewhere about their fabulous new SEO strategy (read: yet-to-be-penalised spam technique)… or their 200-strong blog network posting 50 new “articles” each per day… or… the latest hot weightloss CPA miracle method… or… you get the picture. In short, plonkers who don’t mind royally exploiting people and leaving a trail of destruction in their wake just as long as they get some of them easy internet monies.

It’s THIS kind of problem that engenders many of the problems in the outsourcing marketplace, producing a huge swell of demand that pushes prices down and creating a vacuum for underskilled “freelancers” to try and get a slice of that pie. So, of course, when prices drop, the pros go elsewhere. So it’s only the slush that’s left for the most part. Add to that the issue of fake portfolios, false promises, and so on.

Anyone who wants 500+% ROI for little to no work due to some “simple outsourcing plan” gets everything they deserve. Your report/ebook/course ain’t gonna save them.

I have to agree, I’m afraid, with the poor help desk support. A long while ago I left numerous messages and never received any follow up at all.

I’m currently running a support desk for a very well known marketer as a freelanced outsourcer, I get an hourly rate but I only charge for the time I work plus a weekly set fee (1 hour). All time is tracked via Freshbooks. I charge a set fee per week (1 hour) and then an hourly rate. Typically the daily charge is for 10 minutes which covers checking emails. Additional charges only occur when there is something that has to be dealt with. A detailed invoice is sent out weekly and payment can be made via PayPal or via bank transfer. It works really well and we’ve never had an issue with complaints about service etc. We use set hours 9-5 GMT but as I work with international clients the hours can be changed according to the clients needs including weekends.

I truly believe that if you pay peanuts you get monkeys. I don’t charge exorbitant fees but I definitely know I provide service above and beyond the payment I receive and my clients have always been happy as have the help desk users.

Perhaps this is one reason why I don’t outsource or rather haven’t yet. My standards are incredibly high and I would never outsource something I haven’t done myself as how would I know what I want or need doing?

Late to the party, I see. I’ve just started dabbling with outsourcing and only using a company that several people recommended through Warrior Forum.

There seems to be a lot of talk ’round the web, about outsourcing, so a quality product would be great.

I agree with TheNightOwl that outsourcing information on N. America, UK, etc would be more beneficial, at least it would to me.

Hi Frank

I have thought about outsourcing, but how to begin when you are just getting started and still have a day job is a challenge for me. I have barely have time to just get the basics rolling and the thought of having to go through all the trial and error possibilities of outsourcing is just too much to think about. It seems I have been in research mode for awhile and now need to continue in action steps.

A reliable guide on the topic would be welcome, especially how to pay for different countries, like do you pay according to your country laws or theirs. The payment end of things is a mystery for me. Also what services are best for outsourcing value. I look forward to your guide should you choose to make it.


Gordon M.

I’d value an offshore outsourcing course based on your experience of what to avoid, what not to outsource, what is easiest, safest, and best to ask for, how to manage outsourcing projects including things such as testing, example timescales and costs, and tips on how to spot potential troubles. I’ve outsourced in the UK but never overseas. Like most of us, I’ve been approached about outsourcing, most recently from Nepal.
In business I’ve subcontracted work on physical products to overseas companies and dealt with Philippine expats in Hong Kong but it was always within a company to company framework.

My only experience so far with outsourcing has been on Fiverr, and that has been favorable so far. I’ve read about outsourcing to Phillipines from several sources, but have not taken the leap yet. Any additional information would be greatly appreciated. Looks like there are much more than 20 comments now! I’ve already learned a bit from reading the comments above.

This course sounds like a great idea to me. Outsourcing is potentially a superb way to get things done, or to lose more money than you make.

Dr. HJ Karg

Hallo Frank,

I can only say: Great Idea, Outsourcing is difficult and some (or better: the most) of us need really a helpful hand. We are waiting…

Greetings from Germany


OMG !!! Outsourcing is such a headache, between who to trust and how to save money and of course not wasting time. Frank this would be a great course I have always trusted your products and I am sure this one will be up to scratch and saving us loads.

James Dunn

Hey Frank.

YES, YES, YES, I want to learn more about outsourcing. I’m about at my limit (probably over my limit) of what I can do personally. But, I’m having trouble finding outsourcers that I can get to do things for me. I don’t know if my requirements are so specialized that there aren’t people interested in what I’m wanting to do, or if I’m just too doggone picky and demanding with what I request.

Regardless, I’d love to learn from you. I know you’re had your own issues with it and sometimes learning what DIDN’T work for someone is as valuable as learning what DOES work.

Looking forward to reviewing this course.

Rick Howard

Hi Frank, As always you tell it like it is. I never believed in Outsourcing but like getting hit with a brick, I came to the conclusion, if I was ever going to make any serious money online I had to stop wasting my time doing things I was not good at, As said, finding the right person an getting the job done can be a daunting task. The information you present is an absolute must for all IM’ers.
Thanks again,
Rick Howard

Frank thank you for your reply to my question in out sourcing ..then to find it you are already thinking about it. I WILL selfishly beg plead for HONEST reliable guidance. There are too many who sell what we want to hear vs building trust through solid expectation management … so hopefully your ok with a little begging …

Frank Haywood

Hi Pierre,

Hehe. Yep no problem. I’ve got some rough notes sketched out as I didn’t really the best way to start, but I now think my plan of basing it on the steps I follow myself is the best way to do it. πŸ˜‰


Hi Frank,

I would really be interested in learning how to outsource projects based on your experience. You have really proven that you know what needs to be done to come up with useful products that many people want to buy and how to get them created by a team of skilled developers.

I’m looking forward to your outsourcing course whenever it becomes available.

Best Regards,

Tom B.