Making PLR Pay

Just how hard is it to turn PLR into PLR (private label rights into "producing lotta riches")? Well, if you've never done it you might be forgiven for thinking that it can be very hard. After all, you have to be a bit of a writer - don't you? No, I don't think so. I think it's perfectly possible to do it well if you can speak normally. You can speak normally, can't you? You really *don't* need to be a good writer. Here's the thing: Private Label Rights materials pay off, because they do what most of us are not good at doing. They get us started. It's a big task to start with a blank page and try to think of things to say. That's a big task even for professional writers! They have a fancy name for when they can't do it - "writer's block". The fact is that most people find it easier to look at what's wrong with something that already exists. Then they can change it, bit by bit. Finally, they have a complete article, or product, ready to sell. Let me give you a little test, to prove it to you. [more...]

Just how hard is it to turn PLR into PLR (private label rights into “producing lotta riches”)?

Well, if you’ve never done it you might be forgiven for thinking that it can be very hard. After all, you have to be a bit of a writer – don’t you?

No, I don’t think so. I think it’s perfectly possible to do it well if you can speak normally. You can speak normally, can’t you? You really *don’t* need to be a good writer.

Here’s the thing: Private Label Rights materials pay off, because they do what most of us are not good at doing. They get us started. It’s a big task to start with a blank page and try to think of things to say. That’s a big task even for professional writers! They have a fancy name for when they can’t do it – “writer’s block”.

The fact is that most people find it easier to look at what’s wrong with something that already exists. Then they can change it, bit by bit. Finally, they have a complete article, or product, ready to sell. Let me give you a little test, to prove it to you.

I want you to read the next few lines and *in your head* work out how you could say it better. Actually say it to yourself in your head – or even out loud if you prefer.

“When time comes to making a whole bunch of money but you cannot think what it is you should do to do it, you should spend some time on your own to think about what it is you should do and then you’ll come up with a plan to do it.”

Go ahead – fix that in your head. You don’t have to type anything.

Did you actually try that little exercise? Did your version sound better than mine? It should – mine was awful. Deliberately awful, but still awful.

So, what’s the point I’m making?

*You* just edited and fixed an entire paragraph.

How many paragraphs do you think you have to edit and fix to get a full article all spruced up? It could be as few as 8 or 10.

It’s really not as hard as you think, is it? Here’s where human nature comes into play. If I tell you to edit 600 words that sounds like a lot. If I tell you to edit 10,000 words your brain will flip! 10,000 is a *lot* of words. But the reality is that you don’t edit 10,000 words. You edit a few at a time. So instead of thinking about editing a full article, or ebook, think about editing just 1 sentence.

Honestly, doesn’t that sound a lot better? A lot easier, too?

You see when you’re faced with a big task, you really can’t do it all at once. But for so many of us our brain thinks that we *have* to do it all in one go. But because we get to make the rules, we can take 2 goes – or 50 if you want.

Will it take longer doing it that way? Well, not really, because if you get overwhelmed by the full job you’ll never do it – so it will take forever. And just the fact you won’t feel stressed out should help you work faster too.

If you have some plr articles sitting around, gathering dust, here’s a suggestion for you.

1) Commit to editing 1 article.

2) Allow yourself the luxury of editing *only* 1 sentence a day. This is a strict rule! Do not do 2 sentences, even if you feel like doing it. Do 1 sentence and then save your article, ready for tomorrow. Strictly 1 sentence a day – no cheating!

3) Each day, open your article and continue where you left off. Edit another sentence. On some days it might take you literally 15 seconds to make the changes. Nobody on this planet is so short of time that they can’t find 15 seconds.

4) As you continue, remind yourself that you have less to do now than you did yesterday. Each day you have even less to do than the day before. The job is getting smaller every day and you still only have to edit 1 sentence today.

5) When you reach the final sentence, edit it and save your article. Then, look back over the full article and see just how much you’ve edited – more than you thought you could do when you began. And you did it all 1 sentence at a time.

For fun, compare the original article and your edited article. Take some pride in the fact you did it. You edited an article.

6) Submit your article to at least one of the many article directories.


But let’s also be realistic here. You wouldn’t want to work at that speed if you had 100 articles to edit. But always, always, start with 1 article and 1 sentence.

My guess is that somewhere along the way you couldn’t help yourself and you edited more than 1 sentence. By telling yourself you were only ‘allowed’ 1 sentence, you made it irresistible to do more. That’s just human nature. So always tell yourself you’ll edit 1 sentence. When you do more – and you will – you can reward yourself for doing better than you committed to.

That’s just a little trick that makes it easier to do the work without freaking out. Here’s another one that might work for you. Let me explain it with a story.

I hate swimming. I mean the mind-numbing up and down, boring repetition. But I love the feeling I get afterwards. So for me I set my target of say 50 laps. Then I count down from 50. In other words every lap I do I have a reducing balance. So in my head I see ahead of me 50,49,48,47,46…

If I count up, it takes ages before I seem to have done any significant numbers. So counting up goes 1,2,3,4,5. Doesn’t feel like much progress, but counting down I know it just keeps getting easier. It’s easier to do 40 laps than it is 42 laps – that’s a given. So my routine just keeps getting easier to achieve. That works for me – try it and might work for you. If you have 12 paragraphs to edit just count down after each one. 12,11,10,9,8 and so on. If it doesn’t work for you just stick with the 1 sentence at a time tactic.

If you’re writing material from scratch it’s really just the same. Commit to write say 1 paragraph and when you’ve done that, stop for the day. I guarantee you that you won’t be able to stop after 1 paragraph most of the time. But the fact you have given yourself permission to do so takes all the pressure off your brain.

To show you exactly what I mean I’ve created a video showing how I edit a plr article live, following these rules. You can view it at

-Amin Motin

Posted by Frank Haywood


Valda@ebook covers, minisite templates, squeeze pages, ecover designs

Hi there Amin, this is a very interesting concept in how one can rewrite plr content. I have a truck load of plr sitting on both my hard drives.
I’ve always thought that editing plr you should do it al at once, hence I’ve never touched any of my plr.
Once I have some current projects out the way I am certainly going to be trying your way by writing editing one sentence a day, in fact I shall start immediately as how long is one sentence a day going to take me to edit?
I’ll set my goal is writing one sentence a day instead of having a cigarette. Trade a fag for a sentence lol.
Thank you for sharing this really helpful information.

I disagree wholeheartedly. Everyone thinks they can write, but few people write well. Even fewer can write in a way that will engage and inform. Poor writing reflects poorly on everyone involved.

Racquel Lyle

PLR for me is great but make it sure if you use it make the article more appealing to the reader even though it is only a duplicate content.



I tend to agree with you that few people write well. However, if the purpose of the content is to have a “chat in print”, rather than to demonstrate one’s intellectual supremacy, then ‘well’ written content is not an absolute necessity. Content that communicates is the necessity.

Actual content will win out every time. Substance over style. That doesn’t mean a well written piece of good content won’t knock everyone’s socks off, of course. It will. 🙂

The biggest problem for most people, in my opinion, is getting round to it. That’s something even great writers have a problem with.

My suggestion is to take the pressure off yourself because, frankly, most of us will freeze at the thought of writing, or editing a full article. But as ecover designs so rightly points out, “how long is one sentence a day going to take me to edit?”.

It’s something that anybody can achieve and in my experience success builds upon success. So if you stack the odds in your favour of success you’re more likely to keep at it. Early success in most things is a great motivator for continuation.

Of course, “success” can be defined exactly how *you* choose. I’m recommending to everyone who finds it hard to start, or complete their articles that they make it easier on themselves. They might just achieve more that way.

What do you think?

Racquel: agreed. Make the article appealing. A little effort spread out over a few days adds up to more than you think.

Kym Robinson

What an easy read!

Your article breaks it down so that even total newbies have a starting point to commence their own article writing.

Its a bit like when you had to do a book review in school – I used to read the back cover and simply change the words!

This is a great way to attack the crucial skill of article writing – thanks for reminding me how easy it is!
I could have been suffering a bit of writers block but you have inspired me to be on my way to action once more!

Well done – Kym


Hi Kym

You’re right, beginners especially can benefit from making this easy. Many of them are scared to try because it just seems such a big task.

To be honest, once you’ve done a few sentences over a few days it’s impossible to stop at just one. You’ll automatically end up rewriting more than one at a time.

That’s the real benefit from the techniqe. It kind of slips the whole job past your mental defenses and makes it seem very trivial.

There’s an old saying. How do you eat an elephant? And the answer is: one piece at a time. 🙂

Good luck with your writing!