Just a little update to let you know what I’ve been doing since I contacted you last.
I’ve been busy.
I’ve been brain dumping out all the bits that go into a product launch, with a very useful tool called Free Mind. The map is looking a little crowded and messy at the moment and I’ve really only scratched the surface, so we’ll see how that goes.
My curiousity has been rising about what the people that won’t be doing the Product Launch stuff want to learn about instead. My thoughts are that if I’m going to spend some time putting things together for you, I need to know what to target first.
If you don’t get on the free product launch tuition, then I want you to get something else instead. In fact even if you do become a part of the product launch group, there’s nothing to stop you from looking at the other stuff too, it will all be good.
So I have to ask a few questions first.
What I’m going to do is give you TWO sign up forms. I don’t want to keep bothering people who don’t want to learn for free with emails about learning stuff, it just doesn’t make sense.
You can sign up to either or both. To begin with I’ll probably send out the same emails to both lists, but after a while they’ll branch off in different directions.
I’ll be asking you simple questions like “what’s the number one thing you want to learn about?” – stuff like that. Your answers will help me shape the learning material and also help me to decide in which order I should do things.
If you sign up to the product launch list I’ll also immediately ask you for some information about yourself, what you’ve done, what you’re doing, what you know, and why you think you’re a good candidate.
I know some people have already given me some detail about themselves in their blog comments and I have to say that what I’ve seen looks very promising, thank you.
I hope you can see I’ve been putting a lot of thought into all this, as I want the final creation to be something that anyone can go through without it costing them anything, and come out at the other end clued up.
Which brings me on to…
A couple of people have asked me what I’m getting out of this financially, ie why should I do this?
I’ll be dead straight with you.
If I get this right, and you appreciate what I’ve done, then you’ll tell other people about it. They’ll come sign up to do the courses, and in the process will see the paid for tools I’ve created. I’ll make more sales than I’m doing now, your karma will be good, and everything will be right in the world. 😉
It’s as simple as that.
Well almost.
After you’ve gone through the learning material as part of the first wave, I’m going to put in place an “invitation only” process.
What that means is that only someone you invite using your personal link will be able to join.
This will help keep the whole learning process clean, as you’re only going to invite someone who you know will work their way through all the learning and won’t disappear part way through.
I don’t think you’d want to waste your single invitation on someone who isn’t going to stick it out.
Right, here are the two sign up forms below. You can sign up to either or both.
I’ll remove them in a few days time to stop anyone else from joining, and then we’ll see where we go from there.
Time’s up! If you signed up there’s a chance of you being in, and if you didn’t, it’s too late this time round.
Time’s up! If you signed up you’re in, and if you didn’t, you’ll have to wait until it all goes public.
-Frank Haywood
Thanks for the offer Frank, I’ve signed up for your free course.
Will leave the product course place for others who are better able to take advantage.
Best wishes
Nice to hear a British voice of someone who has actuially done this and made it work. Even more so, to learbn from that person
I am very keen to learn how to do this properly – having read many documents/booke/offers etc. I have bought ebooks & information products so I am csure that many other people do as well therby aking it a reaosnable busniess to be in part or eventually perhaps, full time
I think the biggest hurdles I forsee for myself are:
– getting a website running so that people actually find it – you can have the best website in the world but if its not making money then its pretty useless
– finding products that sell/that people want
– getting people to visit the site and buy.
i look forward to the course then perhaps I can sign up to the product launch in due course
All the best
Thanks Frank, I sort of wondered why you were so quiet and what you were up to.
I’m on both lists, so I can get a feel for where you’re headed and whether I can help in any way. What they call ‘giving back’…
Hi Frank – I have subscribed to both lists, any opportunity to learn is fine with me, but I believe that I have reached the point where I need some mentoring to reach the next level. I’d like to learn enough to become financially independent and also to teach people the art of making money on the internet and therefore improving their lives via their own efforts and skills.
Hi Frank,
All sounding good so far , lets wait to see the story
I have signed up for both courses as I reckon that after finishing the
first course I will need a good product or two to offer my customers.
Wishing you every success with your new venture ,
Regards , David Priestley
Thanks so much Frank …
When I got your original eMail, I couldn’t believe the opportunity. I especially liked your tease and call to action in the offering copy. You are an established Internet Marketer and I would enjoy learning from your experiences. And each eMail and blog post just get better.
My experiences started with advertising a brick and mortar business on the Internet in 1999.
Then some successful selling on eBay. Learned how to mis-spell words to buy low then resell high; and how to bid on items with poorly written copy for the same purpose.
I ran a web site selling physical products to a niche, using networking on a blog to advertise. This was rewarding, but couldn’t meet the goals I’ve established, as the niche is too small.
These adventures required huge amounts of my time, and I still have a J.O.B. I’ve come to realize I cannot be physically involved in the delivery of each item I market if I am to reach my goals.
I’ve written some eBooks and am working on the eBook collection you furnished, as a OTO when giving away my eBooks in JV Giveaways. I’ve participated in these Giveaways primarily as a list building tool, and want to make some money from my efforts. This may be the most competitive market and also the most rewarding.
I look forward to participating in your course and pulling all of these experiences, plus yours, together to begin mastering marketing on the Internet.
Your timing couldn’t be more perfect. I have just put together my first product.
Thank you for the possible opportunity to work with you.
Hi Frank,
I’m definitely in!
-Eruwan Gerry
Count me in! I have a few domains up and running and would really like to learn how to take my business to the next level and create offers and webpages that almost “force” people to buy! I have great products but need to get my sites out there where people can see them and my products.
I believe I have the time, passion, and desire to do this and look forward to the opportunity.
yes. I have my own domain name and site up.I’ve read alot of ebooks and other stuff. But I still trying to put my own product together and few other things but still haven’t gotten that part down. look forward to this.
Key phrase of this comment is:
‘there is much more to it’
Hi Frank,
I believe you have succeeded to give
people reasons to open your emails and
go read your blog now and then.
Just that is an achievement.
But there is much more to it
and I’m sure that people want to learn
from your efforts to provide meaningful
information and knowledge.
I’m not the very humble kind of person
even if I would love to be recognised as
such for more or less noble reasons.
I tell you this since when I saw the title:
”’I Teach For Free Part 2”’ it made me laugh
or cry, I don’t remember. But when I saw
your name attached to that title,
I said hmm ..
.. interesting and I directly opened
the e-mail
and here I am writing this comment
more or less trying to compliment this
Frank Haywood you are so good at being in
the field of Internet marketing.
I’m not one of your close friends and we have
never met but still I have the impression that
you are a part of the Internet marketing world
that I want to make sure that I don’t skip.
It’s not only because I have bought excellent
software from you and know that you provide
very good customer service and all that.
No there is still more to it ..
You write very well and provide experience
and insights that are worthwhile taking note
of and getting enriched from.
Hope to be able to give something to others
from what I learn from your courses.
All the best
Edouard Askmo
Thank you for the offer. I have to say you do have a low key sales approach that really grabs. I smiled when you sad you really don’t wan to bother people that don’t want the free lessons. You stopped our arguments before we could express them.
I have been aware of your offers and products for some time. They always seem to be just what I was looking for at the moment. So I look forward to hearing what you have to say.
Thanks again. I wish you well on all your endeavors.
Yours Truly,
Manuel De La Paz
Thank you Frank for giving me the opportunity of learning from an established entrepreneur and webmaster and for free, Incredible!
I am looking forward to starting the courses as I seem to be getting further away from my original goal of achieving any income from the internet but very successfully increasing my expenditure to the point of bankruptcy or worse.
Being retired with 2 horses, 2 goats, 2 dogs, 16 cats and a wife on a fixed income is my motivation to keep trying-so your offer has come at the right time for me.
Once again Thank You Frank!
Regards, Morgan Madej
Hi Frank,
I signed up for the free course. I don’t know how you found me because I’m living in germany and my english is not the very best but I will try to follow your lessons. I’m a freelancer and teach therapists in working with a special hard- and software system. Also I help them with support. Most of the customers are in germany and switzerland but I also work by telephone, skype etc. in the whole world in english. It is very interesting but I need an additional work for my own and not only for one company.
I am very tense as the course works.