Delayed Widgets and Delayed Text Widgets

Offer Closed


Hamant Keval posted a comment on the post for the sale I ran this last weekend asking how the subscription box slide-down in my sidebar worked:-

While i was here I noticed that you had that subscription form appear in a slide down – I could not stop my eyes from going there!

What is that plugin ?
I would like that one for sure

Thanks again for these great super sales

It *is* a cool effect, and I do that with a plugin I released at the beginning of the year called “Delayed Widgets”.  It adds a little delay timer to ALL of your widgets (where possible – most of them) so that you can choose how long before the widget reveals itself in your sidebar(s).

It *was* currently on sale at $17 here on my blog, but as Hamant is so excited about getting this I asked him if he’d like me to run a quick sale, and he said yes.  (I have a tight schedule on at the moment and I’m running out of time.)

So effectively immediately for the next couple of days, I’m making a final 30 copies for sale at $10 her in this post.

As a sweetener, I’m also including a bonus copy of another similar plugin called “Delayed Text Widgets”.  It’s a direct text widget replacement that functions in exactly the same way as the regular WordPress text widget, but is often easier and more appropriate to use.

And as a second sweetener, I’m including RESALE RIGHTS with the SECOND bonus plugin “Delayed Text Widgets”.  (Not the main plugin.)

Hmm, here’s a thought.  My affiliate scheme is *just* around the corner.  You could add your affiliate link for the bigger version of this plugin “Delayed Widgets” into the bonus plugin and distribute it.

When people click it to find out about the bigger plugin, they get cookied.

When they buy, you earn 50% commission.  When they buy any other one of my products, you continue to get 50% commission on everything.  ACP refreshes the ClickBank cookie and so artificially extends it longer than the normal 30 day CB cookie.

So, you get:-

#1 – Delayed Widgets for personal use on all your blogs.
#2 – Delayed TEXT Widgets that you can give away or resell with your aff link included, promoting Delayed Widgets.

Sounds pretty cool doesn’t it?  😉

If you already purchased this plugin earlier this year, then go back to your personal download page and you’ll see that the second resale rights bonus plugin has been added.  🙂

Offer Closed

-Frank Haywood

P.S.  In a couple of weeks I’m hoping to show you a plugin I’ve just come across that I think is totally awesome.  It’s one of those easily underestimated “OMG, this is GENIUS” plugins and I wish I’d thought of it myself.  More on that soon.  🙂

Posted by Frank Haywood


Hi Frank

I see how the Delayed Widget works. In terms of placement, does it always have to be on the side column? Can it be in the body of the WP site?

Will the slide effect always be sliding down? Can it slide in a different direction?

I’m not sure how the Delayed Text Widget works. Could you please provide a demo of this?

Cheers, MS

Frank Haywood

Hi Matt,

It’s a widget, so it can go in any sidebar that your theme has.

The downwards slide effect is (at the moment) the only way of revealing the widget.

The Delayed Text Widgets plugin works in exactly the same way except that it’s just a text widget. I’ve personally found that in most cases it’s simpler to use the delayed text widget rather than the “full fat” one. 😉

The other benefit to you in the case of the smaller plugin is that you can resell or give it away if you like. 🙂


Hi Frank – looks like I had already bought delayed widgets, but not delayed text widgets. I couldn’t find your explanation page for delayed text widgets – so I’m not totally sure what it does.

Also, any chance of substituting a different plugin for delayed widgets??


Frank Haywood

Hi Maury,

See my reply to Matt above. If you already bought Delayed Widgets, go back to your personal download page and you’ll see that Delayed Text Widgets has also been added to it. 🙂


Kathleen Gresham

Thanks, Frank!

(and thanks, Hamant)

Frank Haywood

Hi Kathleen,

You’re welcome. 🙂
