Update: The sale for the Backup Tutorials Course is now live at just $9.97.
Yes, you read that right, there will be no more need for expensive site backup services.
Probably one of the worst things you can discover as an online business owner is that one of your web sites is down. Either it’s been corrupted by a hard drive failure on your web server, or it’s been hacked and defaced.
If you don’t have backups then it’s a total disaster.
How would you like to know for sure that your web sites are being backed up, and that you have daily backups of all of them being delivered directly to your desktop? Or optionally to a remote FTP server at another location? And optionally to your Amazon S3 account?
Sounds good?
I’ll show you how.
When you consider that most people pay a small fortune every month for their non-guaranteed automated backups, what you’re going to learn will give you both peace of mind and save your pocket too.
Yep, many people are either paying their hosting company almost double for additional storage and backups, or they’re paying third parties for a site backup service. (Did you know that most hosts don’t do backups for you?)
And the nasty thing is, neither of the above options *guarantees* the safety of your backups. I’ve read many horror stories of people asking their host to restore a backup that they’ve paid to be taken, and being told it was corrupt and to use their own backups instead.
It happened to me nearly 10 years ago. Luckily I did have a usable backup, but I still then had to apply the additional changes I’d made since I’d taken it. No real harm done, but several hours of my life gone.
Of course it can be a lot worse.
So. On Saturday I’m releasing a short course as a series of videos and an ebook which will teach you how to backup your sites automatically and then FTP them to your desired FTP server, INCLUDING your desktop computer. And optionally to an Amazon S3 account too.
The course will show you how to achieve this using ALL FREE software and PHP scripts.
Once you’ve got past the hurdles of your initial system set up, then setting up automated backups will take you around 10-15 minutes per site. And once it’s done you can mostly forget about it. (You might want to check up on it every few days until you’re confident.)
I believe that it’s something that everyone needs to know, and I’ve done all the hard work to puzzle it out. Now all you need to do is follow the course through and apply it to your own web sites.
I’ll show you how to set everything up to do your backups safely and securely and all it will cost is your time.
And you’ll know *exactly* where your backups are.
For 24 hours starting today (25th September) at 6.00pm GMT (1.00pm EST), I’m accepting PRE-ORDERS for this course at just $9.97. The price at release will cost substantially more than this, so now’s your chance to get it at the lowest price it will ever be available.
-Frank Haywood