Offer Closed
Even though I’ve sold
more than 700 almost 1,000 copies of Big Ed, I still get stopped dead in my tracks when someone asks me how to do something in WordPress that I know Big Ed will do for them.
If you don’t yet have it and you’re wondering what Big Ed does, it adds additional features to the built in TinyMCE editor that comes with WordPress. It expands the abilities of the default editor, and adds some extra features that we’re very confident you’ll find incredibly useful.
And while that might sound innocent enough, wait until you see what it can do.
By default, the buttons you get with the WordPress editor look like this:-

And you can also then press the “Kitchen Sink” button to get some additional toolbar buttons:-

So that your toolbar would then look like this with the other buttons enabled:-

Now what happens when you install and activate Big Ed?
Well… You get to see this:-

You might have seen something like this before, and there are other plugins that do a similar thing, but we went a step further and added some very special formatting tools.
For instance, now you can add three new styles to your posts in the form of Johnson boxes, graphical bullets, and graphical separators.
First, here’s an example of one of the Johnson box styles you can add. We’ve included a selection in a mix of styles and widths, making 9 altogether. This isn’t a screenshot you’re looking at, this is the plugin in action and the text in this box is selectable – try it.
Next, how about some separators? There are 10 in 3 different widths making 30 altogether. Here are some examples…
First, Green Shade:-

Next, Dashed Blue:-

And now Dotted Red:-

Finally, how about some graphical bullets? There are 6 different bullet styles you can use.
And here’s another example of bullets.
And some more.
As I’m on good terms with my long term customers I tend to forget that new customers might not have Big Ed yet, and I’ve been reminded of that recently by emails from people who didn’t know they needed it, but it directly solves a problem they have.
I’ve decided to do two things.
First, run a 48 hour sale for Big Ed, and then secondly plan in some updates for v2 – I’ve got some good ideas of where to go with the changes (e.g. lots more built in graphics), but I’m always open to suggestions. Hint-hint. 🙄
(If you already have Big Ed then it’s currently at v1.1.2 and you can pick up the latest version from your personal download page.)
If you don’t yet have Big Ed, this is just for you.
Starting today at 6.00pm GMT I’m running a THIRTY COPIES ONLY sale for Big Ed at just $10.
This is the lowest price it will ever be as the regular price for the current version of Big Ed is $27, and when I release v2 I’ll put it up to $47. I will upgrade all owners of Big Ed to v2 at no charge.
For 48 hours or until all 20 copies are sold you can make a huge saving by snagging yours at just $10. It’s a bargain.
But only if you’re one of the few. When all copies are sold the sale will close so if you don’t already have it you need to be a bit sharpish as I expect them to go fairly quickly.
Just a word of warning though.
I typically don’t send out reminders once a sale has started (sometimes I do) and I shake my head when someone writes to me after the fact saying “please can I have it at the sale price?”
The answer is always no, full price or wait until I run another sale on it in 6-12 months time.
Don’t be that person. If you don’t have Big Ed, now’s your chance.
The 30 copies sale will go live at 6.00pm GMT (1.00pm EST) today, Wednesday 19th.
-Frank Haywood