Month: December 2007

Is Your Strong Motivation Killing your Chances of Success?

Having good motivation to build a business is a great thing, but there’s something even better than that, and that’s good habits.

At some point, we’ve all felt the strong motivation to go and DO something. But after a while the strong sense of motivation dies off, and we wander aimlessly a bit until something else fires up our motivation to go and do something else instead.

The result for most people I guess is the same as mine has been in the past. No steady, coherent plan, no movement forward, just a bit of thrashing about, and then it all goes quiet. Until the next bit of motivation hits.

So what can you do about that?

Well once you know that motivation is emotionally driven, you can understand why it doesn’t last very long. If you kept the same emotional high for a prolonged period, it would burn you out.

I’m sure you know what I mean. You have this great idea, you get excited about it, you spend a few hours looking into it and building the idea to the point where you think it’s worth doing.

You may then even spend a couple of days working at it, and go to the point of taking out a domain name, putting up a web site and writing a few words. Great!

Then the emotional high dies, you start to think about other things, and the “great idea” is forgotten about until 12 months later when it’s time to renew the domain.

Yes, I’ve done that. What a waste of effort, what a waste of a good idea.

Over time, I gradually came to the realisation that I can’t possibly follow through with every good idea I have, so I’ve now become very selective. I ask myself “Do I have a minimum of 60 minutes every day to work on this? Is it worth the effort?”

In most cases the answer to both those questions is no. So that then leaves me with the choice of either binning the idea altogether, or putting it in my ideas document for a later time.

Some make it into the document, but about 90% get binned, as realistically I just don’t have the time.

So if motivation is hurting you, what can you do to fix it?

The answer is to develop good habits that replace the temporary motivation.

Here’s an example.

I’m on the mailing lists of a lot of marketers, and I have a single email account I receive all my marketing email into. I get an average of 30 emails a day, all making me various offers. If I read them all and followed them through, that would be my day over.

So what I do is scan the name of the marketer and the subject line to see what it’s all about. If the subject catches my eye, then I may scan the email, or if it’s a marketer I admire, then I’ll properly read the email. Either of these may result in me clicking through.

If I do, unless the product is exceptional, I’ll only spend about 2 minutes on the sales page as I’m now immune to sales copy (I know how to write good copy myself and how it works, so other people’s is never going to work on me). If the product is exceptional, then I mark the email as unread, and continue scanning the others.

If I find one email that I follow through each day, that’s about it. The whole process takes me no more than 5 minutes usually, and quite often less than a minute. I might do this once in the morning and once in the afternoon, so my total time with marketing email is no more than 10 minutes per day.

In the evening, I may go back to the email I marked unread and give it up to 15 minutes of my time, sometimes longer if I find it particularly interesting, but generally this time is dropping.

Very infrequently (about every 4 months or so) I’ll take an email I’ve received that is good sales copy and has really grabbed my attention, and I drop it into a “Well Written Emails” folder to use as a crib sheet for a later date.

So there’s a habit I’ve developed that saves me hours of my time, while still getting the benefit of following up on interesting offers, and also taking note of what worked on me as it will likely work for me too.

A habit I’m also developing is posting something useful like this on my blog once a day. It’s beginning to pull in traffic and new subscribers, so it’s something I’ll keep up. I’ll write about this in the next week or so, but it’s a very good habit to have. Take that away from here, if nothing else.

There you have it. Motivation is great, but in many cases it’s short lived and does nothing for you. It’s the day to day mundane habits that will make a real difference to your business.

What do you think? Comments below please.

-Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

Personal Coaching Course Now Open

I’ve opened the doors to my personal coaching programme. I’m giving readers of my blog a four hour head start on taking the fifteen slots before opening it up to my other mailing lists.

That’s all there is to say really. You can find the details here:-

and I’ll just finish by saying I’m really looking forward to working with you in 2008.

-Frank Haywood.

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

Your Big Steel Ball

I’ve been thinking about the Big Steel Ball, so I thought I’d share that with you today.

Your business, your success, is like a big steel ball.

I’d like you to take a few moments and imagine your business is a big steel ball, it’s as big as you, and it’s incredibly heavy. It’s so heavy that it won’t roll on the slightly uneven ground underneath it. It’s just completely stuck.

Most people give up and walk away. They’re the 98 percenters who will forever be the employees, the worker bees that our society needs, and they will never do anything “great” with their lives.

The other 2 percent – that’s us right? – well the other 2 percent try to push the ball anyway. Success depends on it.

It won’t move. It just will not budge. But you keep at it regardless.

Pushing, sweating, straining, and suddenly, it gives just a little and rocks back into place. Now you’ve seen it move, you’ve had your first success, so you strain against it again, pushing, pushing, and eventually it rocks again and you push harder and it starts to move.

Gradually, the huge steel ball that’s your business starts to move. Now that it’s moving, it’s easier to keep it going, but it’s still taking a lot of work. But you keep at it relentlessly, because you’ve seen that you can do it.

As the ball picks up speed, it’s now easier to keep it moving, and it starts to go faster and faster. Now it’s moving as fast as you can walk, and all you need to do is give it a slight tap now and then to keep it on track.

Eventually, you have to run to keep up. The steel ball is off on its own. It doesn’t need you any more, because along the way, other people (employees, contractors, friends) have joined in, and they’re pushing your steel ball for you.

It’s still your steel ball, it’s just not your responsibility any more. And you have the freedom to go do whatever you like with your life, knowing the steel ball is being well looked after by other people.

That’s your goal, that’s what you’ll achieve, just by being relentless and not giving in at the first resistance.

Isn’t that worth it?

Isn’t it worth making that first decision to push and then getting someone to show you how to push your steel ball to begin with?

Well, that’s part of what my personal coaching is about.

It’s not for everybody, and I no longer advertise it.  But if you really want it, then there’s your first pot hole.  Can you get me to coach you?

– Frank Haywood

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business

Why Lack Of Focus is Killing Your Success

Ready?  Focus.

This is how I had it explained to me, and once I realised what I’d been doing, then I also realised that I can’t possibly be the only one…

You’re the captain of a boat.   You’ve decided that you’re going to navigate yourself to a beautiful tropical island and enjoy the sun and all the treasures that await you.   So off you go.

After a week or so, you hear on the radio about a newly discovered island that’s even better than the one you were heading for.   It will add a little extra time to your journey, but sounds well worth it so you change course.

Three weeks later, yet another beautiful island is all the talk on the radio.  People are having a fantastic time there, and it sounds almost too good to be true.  But you can’t risk missing out, and it’s only an extra month away.  So you change course.

But two weeks later…

You get the picture? Long before you arrive anywhere, you’re out of supplies and you’re dead in the water.

If only you’d stuck to your original destination, you’d be there by now.   I bet you’ve done this – I’ve certainly been guilty of chasing the next best thing.

And yet there are old, well known methods of making a success of it online.  And you can see them at the top of my blog.

Product Creation, Traffic, List Building, Automation = Internet Business.

It’s not rocket science.  I’m not saying it’s always easy (I’ll leave that to the people who are selling the next best thing) but it IS very simple.

Of course there are variations, and in time you can get very clever at it, but the basic principles will never change.

So.  Pick a destination.  Point your boat at it, and keep going until you get there.

Posted by Frank Haywood in internet business